Anders Fagerjord
Head of Department
Academic lecture
- Fagerjord, Anders (2019). Spotify and Netflix as innovations: Streaming media history in the light of innovation theory. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2018). The innovations of challenger streaming services in film, music, and publishing. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders; Küng, Lucy (2018). Mapping the core actors and flows in streaming video services. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2017). A platform-flow model for streaming video services. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2013). Evaluating genre innovation: How can we test a situated sound experiment?. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2013). Towards location literacy: Documenting preliminary guidelines for designing location-based audio. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2012). Toward App studies. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2011). MUCH: Presenting Roman church music in hand-held, locative hyper-audio. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders; Løvlie, Anders Sundnes (2011). Is the Web dead yet? Native app versus open HTML in locative media. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2011). Expanding the genre of online encyclopedia. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders; Maasø, Arnt; Storsul, Tanja et al. (2008). High Risk, Strong Belief: Images of the Future in the Media Industry. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2007). Playing With the Academic Format: Hypertext Research Publishing in the Age of Online Journals. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders; Maasø, Arnt; Storsul, Tanja et al. (2006). Personalised and Participatory Media: Studying Fortune-telling in the Media Industry. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2005). Editing Stretchfilm. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders; Storsul, Tanja (2005). Etter konvergensen? Om konvergensbegrepets funksjon og forklaringskraft. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2004). Prescripts: Creating With Templates. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2001). If Aristotle had a Web Page: Rhetoric and Converging Media. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2001). Rhetorical Convergence: Studying Web Media. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2001). Issues of Sequence in Converging Media: Studying World Wide Web documentaries. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2001). Linearity and Multicursality in World Wide Web Documentaries. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2000). Reading-View(s)ing the Ûber-box: a Critical View on a Popular Prediction. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (1999). The Convergence of Digital Media Rhetoric. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (1998). Internettkringkasting: arkiv og direkte sending. (external link)
Academic article
- Fagerjord, Anders; Kueng, Lucy (2019). Mapping the core actors and flows in streaming video services: What Netflix can tell us about these new media networks. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2015). Humanist evaluation methods in locative media design. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2012). Design som medievitenskapelig metode. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2011). Mellom sted og grensesnitt: Utforming av lokatilv lyd for iPhone. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders; Maasø, Arnt; Storsul, Tanja et al. (2010). High risk, strong belief : images of the future in the media industry. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders; Karlsen, Faltin; Maasø, Arnt et al. (2005). Vennlige visjoner for digital-tv: NTVs framtidsbeskrivelse som retorikk. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2005). Prescripts: Authoring With Templates. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2003). Four Axes of Rhetorical Convergence. (external link)
- Kluge, Anders; Fagerjord, Anders (1999). Nordic Interactive. Nordisk samarbeid i forskning om interaktive multimedier. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fagerjord, Anders (2017). Toward a rhetoric of the place: Creating locative experiences. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2011). MUCH: Presenting Roman church music in hand-held, locative hyper-audio. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2010). Multimodal Polyphony: Analysis of a Flash Documentary. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2010). After Convergence: YouTube and Remix Culture. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2007). Å skape fra en mal: Preskripter i personlige medier. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders; Storsul, Tanja (2007). Questioning Convergence. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2005). Retorikk: Læren om overbevisende tale. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2004). Interaktiv Grafik: et studie af fremtiden i dag. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2003). Rhetorical Convergence: Studying Web Media. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2002). Reading-View(s)ing the Über-box. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2002). Frihet: TV2 på nett. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (1997). The phonogram industry in Zimbabwe. (external link)
Programme participation
Popular scientific lecture
- Fagerjord, Anders (2017). Introduksjon til Stream. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2017). Idémyldringsteknikker for interaksjonsdesignere. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2007). Web 2.0 bakom hypen. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders; Goodnow, Kate; Raa, Helene et al. (2000). Klikk i krystallkula: hva er myter og realiteter om fremtidens mediebruk?. (external link)
Academic monograph
- Berry, David M.; Fagerjord, Anders (2017). Digital Humanities: Knowledge and Critique in a Digital Age. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2008). Web-medier: Introduksjon til uttrykksmåter og sjangre på nettet. 2. utgave. (external link)
- Fagerjord, Anders (2006). Web-medier: Introduksjon til sjangre og uttrykksformer på nettet. (external link)