Immanuel Kant: space, directionality, orientation, logical/real, modality, justification, causation, determinism, agency, free will
Metaphysics: space, time, causation, consciousness, perception
Philosophy of Science: space, time, directionality, symmetry, causation, method of discovery/justification
Neuroscience: capacity for spatial orientation, capacity for language, consciousness
Ethics: free will, justice, animal welfare/rights
Philosophy of Law
Philosophy of Computer Games
Philosophy of law
Philosophy of science
Popular scientific lecture
- Meland, Ingmar; Leirfall, Anita (2025). Intelligens. (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita (2014). Kants syn på "hva bør jeg gjøre"? . (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita (2014). Paneldeltaker i 'Klimatribunal'.. (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita (2014). Kant om "hva skal vi gjøre?" (keynote). (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita (2010). Kant om tro og viten. (external link)
- Meland, Ingmar; Leirfall, Anita (2019). Lykke - en dialog om eudaimonia utfra Immanuel Kant. (external link)
- Skirbekk, Gunnar; Tvedt, Terje ; Leirfall, Anita (2016). "Flukt - den norske tenkemåten". (external link)
- Meland, Ingmar; Leirfall, Anita (2016). Verdensborgerskap - hva ment Kant om det og hva kan det bety i dag?. (external link)
Academic article
Academic lecture
- Leirfall, Anita (2014). On Freedom in Computer Games.. (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita (2014). On Absolute Space. . (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita (2014). Kant's grounding of space and its relation to Euclidean and non-Euclidean spaces.. (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita (2014). Kant on Absolute Space as a Ground and the Feeling of Inner Difference Between Spatial Directions.. (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita (2014). Commentator on paper: Sara Hitchen. Adapting our language: The problem (?) of teleological language in the Philosophy of Biology.. (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita (2014). Kant on spatial directions as reciprocal positions. Some comments in light of the Negative Magnitudes.. (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita (2010). Et kritisk blikk på den gylne regel. (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita (2010). Kant om tid, rom og orientering. (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita (2009). ?Kant on the Dialectic between Subject and Space?. (external link)
- Coppock, Patrick J.; Kirkpatrick, Graeme; Leino, Olli et al. (2014). Philosophy & Technology - Special Issue on the Philosophy of Computer Games. (external link)
- Coppock, Patrick John; Kirkpatrick, Graeme; Leino, Olli Tapio et al. (2014). Introduction to the special issue on the philosophy of computer games. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Leirfall, Anita; Sandmel, Thor (2009). Enhet i mangfold. Festskrift i anledning Johan Arnt Myrstads 60-årsdag. (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita; Sandmel, Thor (2009). Leirfall, Anita og Sandmel, Thor. Enhet i mangfold. Festskrift til Johan Arnt Myrstad i anledning 60-årsdagen. Unipub forlag, Oslo. 2009 (xxv + 502 sider) ISBN 978-82-303-1179-0. (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita (2004). Non Plus Ultra: Festskrift til Stein Erik Johansen i anledning 50-årsdagen. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Leirfall, Anita (2009). Kants absolutte rom i 'Gegenden' og rommet som a priori i 'Kritik'. En sammenstilling. (external link)
- Leirfall, Anita (2009). "Forord" Enhet i mangfold. Festskrift til Johan Arnt Myrstad i anledning 60-årsdagen. (external link)
- Kvilhaug, Terje; Leirfall, Anita; Sandmel, Thor (1997). Grunnriss til en metaforteori. (external link)
Other product
Popular scientific article
Projects - Control Room Network (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Games and Transgressive Aesthetics
Causation in Science (1/1-2011 - 1/1-2015)