Anne Hatløy
Associate Professor, Centre for International Health
Academic article
- Agyei-Mensah, Yaw Opoku; Annan, Theophilus; Overå, Ragnhild et al. (2023). The processing, preparation, and cooking practices of small fish among poor Ghanaian households: An exploratory qualitative study. (external link)
- Janananda, Mangappulige Don Bhagya; Ansong, Richard Stephen; Hatløy, Anne et al. (2023). A cross-sectional study on the nutritional status, dietary diversity, and small fish consumption patterns in coastal fishing communities of Ghana. (external link)
- Bangelesa, Freddy; Pollinger, Felix; Sponholz, Barbara et al. (2023). Statistical-dynamical modeling of the maize yield response to future climate change in West, East and Central Africa using the regional climate model REMO. (external link)
- Bangelesa, Freddy; Hatløy, Anne; Mbunga, Branly Kilola et al. (2023). Is stunting in children under five associated with the state of vegetation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo? Secondary analysis of Demographic Health Survey data and the satellite-derived leaf area index. (external link)
- Mbunga, Branly Kilola; Mapatano, Mala Ali; Egbende, Landry et al. (2023). An example of a convergent mixed-methods analysis to examine food security: the case of Popokabaka in the Democratic Republic of Congo. (external link)
- Maykondo, Benito Kazenza; Horwood, Christiane; Haskins, Lyn J et al. (2022). A qualitative study to explore dietary knowledge, beliefs, and practices among pregnant women in a rural health zone in the Democratic Republic of Congo. (external link)
- Satato, Debritu Nane; Hatløy, Anne; Lindtjørn, Bernt (2022). Barriers to Management of Moderate Acute Malnutrition Among Children Aged 6 to 59 Months in Damot Pulassa, Wolaita, South Ethiopia: A Phenomenological Study of Mothers and Health Service Providers. (external link)
- Horwood, Christiane; Mapumulo, Sphindile; Haskins, Lyn et al. (2021). A North–South‑South partnership in higher education to develop health research capacity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: the challenge of finding a common language. (external link)
- Satato, Debritu Nane; Hatløy, Anne; Lindtjørn, Bernt (2021). A local-ingredients-based supplement is an alternative to corn-soy blends plus for treating moderate acute malnutrition among children aged 6 to 59 months: A randomized controlled non-inferiority trial in Wolaita, Southern Ethiopia. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Luthuli, Silondile; John, Vaughn et al. (2021). ‘I am not only beneficial to the community but to the entire country, I am trained as a researcher now’: Developing health research skills in low-income countries. (external link)
- Mapatano, Mala Ali; Haskins, Lyn; John, Vaughn et al. (2021). Establishing a postgraduate programme in nutritional epidemiology to strengthen resource capacity, academic leadership and research in the democratic republic of Congo. (external link)
- Nane, Debritu; Hatløy, Anne; Lindtjørn, Bernt (2020). Development and nutritional evaluation of local ingredientsbased supplements to treat moderate acute malnutrition among children aged below five years: A descriptive study from rural Wolaita, Southern Ethiopia. (external link)
- Nane, Debritu; Hatløy, Anne; Tadesse, Elazar et al. (2019). Research protocol local ingredients-based supplementary food as an alternative to corn-soya blends plus for reating moderate acute malnutrition among children aged 6 to 59 months: a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial in Wolaita. (external link)
- Acharya, Pawan; Kismul, Hallgeir; Mapatano, Mala Ali et al. (2018). Individual- and community-level determinants of child immunization in The Democratic Republic of Congo: A multilevel analysis. (external link)
- Morseth, Marianne; Grewal, Navnit Kaur; Kaasa, Ida Sophie et al. (2017). Dietary diversity is related to socioeconomic status among adult Saharawi refugees living in Algeria. (external link)
- Torheim, Liv Elin; Hatløy, Anne; Sommerfelt, Tone (2017). Nutrition, global health and Norway’s development policy. (external link)
- Bumbangi, N.F.; Muma, John Bwalya; Choongo, K. et al. (2016). Occurrence and factors associated with aflatoxin contamination of raw peanuts from Lusaka district's markets, Zambia. (external link)
- Kismul, Hallgeir; Hatløy, Anne; Andersen, Peter et al. (2015). The social context of severe child malnutrition: A qualitative household case study from a rural area of the Democratic Republic of Congo. (external link)
- Bjørkhaug, Ingunn; Hatløy, Anne (2009). Utilisation of Respondent Driven Sampling among a population of child workers in the diamond mining sector of Sierra Leone. (external link)
- Bøås, Morten; Hatløy, Anne; Bjørkhaug, Ingunn (2008). Alcohol and drugs in post-war Sierra Leone. (external link)
- Bøås, Morten; Hatløy, Anne (2008). 'Getting in, getting out': militia membership and prospects for re-integration in post-war Liberia. (external link)
- Bøås, Morten; Hatløy, Anne (2008). Child labour in West Africa: Different children – Different work – Different vulnerabilities. (external link)
- Hallund, Jesper; Hatløy, Anne; Benesi, I et al. (2007). Snacks are important for fat and vitamin intakes among rural African women: a cross-sectional study from Malawi. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne (2005). Life as a child domestic worker in Haiti. (external link)
- Torheim, Liv Elin; Ouattara, Fatoumata; Diarra, Modibo M. et al. (2004). Nutrition adequacy and dietary diversity in rural Mali: association and determinants. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Bråthen, Ketil (2022). Saltpartnerskapet 2019-2021. Framdrift og måloppnåelse. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Bråthen, Ketil; Stave, Svein Erik et al. (2022). Intensjonsavtalen for sunnere kosthold. Sluttrapport 2016–2021. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Kebede, Tewodros Aragie (2020). Evaluation results. Bi-annual meeting May 6, 2020. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne (2019). Supervision of master’s students across borders. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Bråthen, Ketil (2019). Erfaringer med Saltpartnerskapet. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Bråthen, Ketil; Stave, Svein Erik et al. (2019). Intensjonsavtalen for et sunnere kosthold. Årsrapport 2017. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Kyvik Martens, Malena; Stave, Svein Erik (2019). Matsystemer i norsk utviklingspolitikk.Matsikkerhet, klimatilpasset landbruk og ernæring. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Bråthen, Ketil; Stave, Svein Erik et al. (2019). Partnership for a healthier diet. Annual report 2017. . (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Bråthen, Ketil; Stave, Svein Erik et al. (2019). Intensjonsavtalen for et sunnere kosthold. Årsrapport 2018. . (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Sommerfelt, Tone (2018). Efforts to ensure girls’ rights and gender equality in Norwegian development policies. An analysis of Norwegian policies from 2011 to 2017. (external link)
- Sommerfelt, Tone; Hatløy, Anne (2018). Children living and/or working in the streets of Georgia. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Sommerfelt, Tone (2017). Rethinking emergency school feeding: A child-centred approach. (external link)
- Torheim, Liv Elin; Hatløy, Anne; Sommerfelt, Tone (2017). Ernæring - Et Sulteforet Utviklingsfelt. (external link)
- Sommerfelt, Tone; Hatløy, Anne; Pedersen, Jon et al. (2015). Child fosterage and child domestic work in Haiti in 2014: Analytical report. (external link)
- Sommerfelt, Tone; Hatløy, Anne; Pedersen, Jon et al. (2015). Placement et travail domestique des enfants en Haïti en 2014: Rapport analytique. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Coulibaly, Massa; Liu, Jing (2015). Religious reorientation in Southern Mali – Tabulation report. (external link)
- Coulibaly, Massa; Hatløy, Anne (2015). Les questions religieuses et ethniques au sud du Mali. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Coulibaly, Massa; Liu, Jing (2015). Réorientation religieuse au sud du Mali – Rapport de statistiques. (external link)
- Coulibaly, Massa; Hatløy, Anne (2015). Religious issues and ethnicity in Southern Mali. (external link)
- Sommerfelt, Tone; Hatløy, Anne; Jesnes, Kristin (2015). Réorientation religieuse au sud du Mali – Sommaire. (external link)
- Sommerfelt, Tone; Hatløy, Anne; Jesnes, Kristin (2015). Religious reorientation in Southern Mali – A summary. (external link)
- Bjørkhaug, Ingunn; Bøås, Morten; Hatløy, Anne et al. (2007). Returning to uncertainty? Addressing vulnerabilities in Northern Uganda. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Mbunga, Branly Kilola; Akilimali, Pierre; Engebretsen, Ingunn Marie Stadskleiv et al. (2021). Essential and non-essential trace elements assessmentamong under 5 children in rural Popokabaka, DRC: acommunity-based cross-sectional study. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Mapatano, M.A.; Tylleskär, Thorkild et al. (2016). GROWNUT A GROWing partnership for higher education and research in NUTritional epidemiology in DR Congo. Building up a Master and PhD Program in DR Congo.. (external link)
- Van den Bergh, Graziella; Hatløy, Anne; Kakoko, Deodatus C.V. et al. (2020). Norwegian Innovations in a Tanzanian context. Stakeholder meeting Vision2030, Dodoma, Tanzania. November 2019. Report.. (external link)
- Bugge, Markus; Hatløy, Anne; Halvorsen, Tor et al. (2019). The need for demand and local anchoring of innovations. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hatløy, Anne; Mapatano, Mala Ali; Horwood, Christiane (2019). Building a new master's and PhD programme in nutritional epidemiology in Kinshasa: How to face obstacles beyond the control of the project. (external link)
- Hatløy, Anne; Lunde, Henriette; Pedersen, Jon et al. (2016). Child domestic workers in Haiti. A multi-faceted problem. (external link)
Academic literature review
Feature article
Doctoral dissertation
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Bjørkhaug I and Anne Hatløy A (2009). Utilisation of Respondent Driven Sampling among a population of child workers in the diamond mining sector of Sierra Leone. Global Public Health, 4(1):96-109.
Bøås M, Hatløy A and Bjørkhaug I (2008) ‘Alcohol and drugs in post-war Sierra Leone’ African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies, 7(1): 41-52.
Bøås M and Hatløy (2008) . ‘Getting in, getting out’: militia membership and prospects for reintegration in post-war Liberia. Journal of Modern African Studies, 46 (1): 33-55.
Bøås M and Hatløy A (2008). Child labour in West Africa: Different children – Different work – Different vulnerabilities. International Migration,46 (3) 3-25.
Hallund J, Hatløy A, Benesi I and Thilsted SH (2007). Snacks are important for fat and vitamin intakes among rural African women: a cross-sectional study from Malawi. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 62: 866-871.
Hatløy A (2005). Life as a child domestic worker in Haiti. The Journal of Haitian Studies, 11 (1):11-25.
Torheim LE, Ouattara F, Diarra MM, Thiam FD, Barikmo I, Hatløy A and Oshaug A (2004). Nutrition adequacy and dietary diversity in rural Mali: association and determinants. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 58 (4):594-604.
Torheim LE, Barikmo I, Parr C, Hatløy A, Ouatara F, Oshaug A (2003). Validation of food variety as an indicator of diet quality assessed with a food frequency questionnaire for Western Mali. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 57:1283-1291.
Torheim LE, Barikmo I, Hatløy A, Ouattara F, Diarra M and Oshaug A (2001). Validation of a quantitative food frequency questionnaire in Western Mali. Public Helth Nutrition. Public Health Nutrition, 4(6):1267-1277.
Hatløy A, Hallund J, Diarra MM and Oshaug A (2000). Relationship between food variety scores, socio-economic status and nutritional status. A case study from Mali. Public Health Nutrition, 3(1):57-65.
Hatløy A (1999) Methodological aspects of assessing nutrition security. Examples from Mali. Doctoral dissertation. Institute for Nutrition Research, University of Oslo/Fafo-report 323.
Sampaio FS, von der Fehr FR, Arneberg P, Gigante DP and Hatløy A (1999) A Risk factors for dental fluorosis in 6-11 year-old children living in rural areas of Paraiba – Brazil. Caries Research, 33:66-73.
Hatløy A, Torheim LE and Oshaug A (1998). Food variety – a good indicator of nutritional adequacy? A case study from an urban area in Mali, West Africa. European Journal for Clinical Nutrition, 52:891-898.
Hatløy A and Oshaug A (1997). Human milk: An invisible food resource. Journal of Human Lactation,13:299-305.
Nordeide MB, Hatløy A, Følling M, Lie E and Oshaug A (1996). Nutrient composition and nutritional importance of green leaves and wild food resources in an agricultural district, Koutiala, in Southern Mali. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 47:455-468.
Oshaug A, Pedersen J, Diarra M, Ag Bendech M, Hatløy A (1994). Problems and pitfalls in the use of estimated age in anthropometric measurements of children from 6 to 60 months of age: A case from Mali. Journal of Nutrition, 124: 636-644.