Anne Marie Frøseth


Professor, Leader of the Research group for Civil Liability Law and Insurance Law


Research groups


I have a wide-ranging interest in governance systems and the implications of artificial intelligence. My competence primarily lies in the role of insurance systems and civil liability within governance frameworks, and my research focuses on comparative studies of different jurisdictions. My work has also addressed the accountability of different actors more generally, for example, with regard to criminal liability. 

As a result of my broader research interest, I have worked on various models for liability for damage caused by artificial intelligence. In the European context, the EU is an important provider of premises for the content of future liability models. My work therefore includes analyses of EU regulations and their interplay with Norwegian civil liability law, as well as civil liability laws in other European countries.


Selected publications:

Liability for Damage Caused by Artificial Intelligence in Self-Driving Vehicles - A Comparative Overview. I: Fakultetsbyggjar, vestlending og verdsborgar: Festskrift for Ernst Nordtveit 70 år. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2023 ISBN 9788202762773. p. 567-587.

Liability for users of artificial intelligence, Journal for Civil Liability Law, Insurance Law and Social Security Law, 2023, volume 20.(1-2) p. 7-62.


Recent talks:

  • The interplay between Fundamental Principles of Tort Law and Procedural Rules on Evidence in the EU - illustrated by New Rules on Access to Evidence, Causation, and Liability Presumptions in EU's new proposal for an AI-liability directive, 16 February 2023, University of Bergen.
  • Strict Liability for Damage caused by Artificial Intelligence - A Comparison of the General Principles of Strict Liability in French Law and Norwegian Law, Institute for European Tort Law, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 16 May 2023, Vienna.
  • Information Deficiencies, Consent and Compensation in AI-equipped Medical Treatment - The Opportunities and Limitations of Civil Liability Law to Ensure an Adequate Legal Basis and Proper Treatment, 8 June 2024, University of Bergen.
  • Liability for the Users of Artificial Intelligence, Centre for Private Governance, 27 October 2023, University of Copenhagen.
  • Enterprise Liability Models and Challenges Arising from the Specific Risk Profile of AI Systems, Institute of European Tort Law, 11 November 2023, Vienna.
  • AI Liability and Norwegian Tort Law, AI Regulation & Governance: A Cross-Jurisdictional Approach, 5 June 2024, University of Oslo.
  • AI Liability and Norwegian Law in the Era of Autonomous Vehicles, Legislating for Tomorrow - How comparative law may contribute to solving regulatory challenges of our time, 13 June 2024, University of Agder. 


In recent years, I have also been working in a multidisciplinary area of law. This concerns discriminatory speech and the content of legal responses to such speech in order to combat the phenomenon as a social problem - particularly in social media.

A recurring theme is how criminal law and civil law responses are formulated and reconciled with each other based on the purposes of punishment and compensation in this area, and the place of these types of responses in the legal system.

Selected publications:

Women's equality in terms of self-determination and protection of integrity - some milestones and examples. I: Gender Equality, Children and Welfare. Developing areas of law: Festskrift til Gudrun Holgersen, Gyldendal Juridisk 2020 ISBN 9788205538498. pp. 76-92.

Hybrid sanctions for violations of personal integrity - especially in claims for compensation for harassment. I: Integrity and honour: Festskrift til Henry John Mæland. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S 2019 ISBN 9788205509436. pp. 601-626.

Sentencing for discriminatory and hateful speech under Section 185 of the Penal Code. I: Med ære og samvittighet: Festskrift til Magnus Matningsdal 70 år. Gyldendal Akademisk 2021 ISBN 9788205554245. pp. 95-117.



Course leader tort law

Module leader master theses within tort law and insurance law


The functionality of the criminal justice system - Bergens Forskningsstiftelse

International projects:

Personal Injury Claims in 3 European Countries - A socio legal analysis, Institute of European Tort Law, Austrian Academy of Sciences

Digest of European Tort Law - Essential cases on misconduct, Institute of European Tort Law, Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Graz

Accountability of Politicians, European Center of Tort and Insurance Law,

Reasonable Conduct, Common Core of European Private Law,

Digest of European Tort Law - Essential cases on the limits of liability, Institute of European Tort Law, Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Graz

Resources and the Liability of Hospitals and their Staff: Comparing European Legal Responses, Institute for European Tort Law, Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Graz