Birger Solheim


Associate Professor, Academic writing, German language


Research groups

Short info

Birger Solheim leads the research project "Voices of Nature" at the IF. He has published books and articles related to ecocriticism and is focused on how literary narratives can stimulate discussions about climate, pollution, and biodiversity. Solheim holds the status of "Outstanding Educator."

In the article "Micro-ecotopic Power Lines" (Lexington Books 2025), I discuss how fantasy novels by Michael Ende, Cornelia Funke, and Walter Moers thematically and formally challenge the anthropocentric perspective in the Anthropocene. Fantasy novels often give voices to non-human actors and bring forward a long, geological time perspective that can encourage readers to view humanity’s role on Earth in new ways.

The article Påfugløya - en litterær hagefantasi med dyr, trær, planter og vann som aktører (2025) examines how Thomas Hettche’s novel thematizes various garden concepts and raises the question: How can humans be "gardeners" in a universe shared with others?

In an extended analysis of Alfred Döblin’s novel Berlin Alexanderplatz ("Wie Kneipen und Fleischindustrie Döblins Berlin der 20er Jahre in den Untergang treiben", 2021), I discuss Döblin’s understanding of the social situation in 1920s Berlin. Döblin’s literary societal analysis is influenced by his work as a doctor / physician. The main character, the former convict Franz Biberkopf, struggles to live a decent life, and the success of this effort, in my analysis, is linked to Biberkopf's physical and health condition. Whether Biberkopf is drawn toward a criminal path or a respectable, socially useful life is closely tied in Döblin's story to the type of nourishment he consumes, such as vegetarian versus animal-based food. The protagonist’s metabolism is connected to ethical choices, including considerations of animal welfare and animal rights.

In 2018, I published the book Extremwandern und Schreiben with Böhlau Verlag. The book focuses on long, exhausting, uncomfortable hikes, often pushing the limits of what is physically possible. It examines how such hikes have been depicted in German literature from 1750 to 1920.

In 2020, the article "Weitwandern als Weg zum autonomen Denken. Ein literarisches Motiv von Goethe bis Stifter" was published, in which I examine literary reflections on the close connection between brain function and physical movement.

In addition to ecocriticism, I have been interested in quality teaching in higher education for a long time, particularly related to academic writing.

In 2013, I co-authored the book Akademisk skriving – en skriveveiledning (Cappelen Damm) with Simen Andersen Øyen and Anders Johansen.

The article Engaging Tools for Dialogic Guidance in Higher Education discusses the supervisory practices developed by a team of colleagues at the Academic Writing Center, a pilot project from 2013-2015.

In 2025, Peter Lang will publish my article Digitaler Literaturunterricht setzt neue Maßstäbe! Wie der Einsatz von Lernplattformen Studierende befähigen, sich komplexere akademische Kompetenzen anzueignen. In this article, I explain didactic innovations in the teaching of literature in a foreign language context, with particular emphasis on the use of digital tools in the post-COVID era.


I have communicated research through films, podcasts, and radio interviews in both Norway and Germany. Here are some examples:

Mari Eide's podcast series "Forskning til folket": Undervisning som formidling by Forskning til folket (

Panel discussion on writing. PhD-podden May 2020. Conference organized by PhD on Track. Akademisk skriving - Live med PhD on Track - Universitetsbiblioteket (

Radio interview on P1, Opptur, May 30, 2020. Topic: Hiking in German literature.

Podcast at Bergen Public Library: Extreme Hikes in German-Language Literature. From Goethe to Hesse. February 2020. BOBcast - en podcast fra Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek — Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek (

Writing Support Project, University Library:

Radio interview with the German channel SR2. Bücher vom Berg. Literatur im Gespräch. Moderation: Tilla Fuchs.

The Cultural History of Extreme Hiking:


I teach German literature, culture, and history, as well as the course KLIMA200 "Klimaforteljingar."

Academic article
Popular scientific lecture
Programme participation
Academic monograph
Academic lecture
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.