Christian Lomsdalen


PhD Candidate, in Religious Studies



Ph.D candidate on a project regarding the right to be exempted on religious, philosophic, or life stands grounds in the norwegian primary education. This is a continuation of my master thesis in the didactics of religion from the University of Bergen.

I have a background from the norwegian school system, where I mainly taugth in secondary school. My educational background is in social studies and the humanities with bachelor degrees in political science (NTNU, 2009), study of religion (UiB, 2017), and history (UiB, 2021). This has been continued with masters degrees in peace and conflict transformation (UiT, 2012) and didactics of religion (UiB, 2019). This has been complimented with Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) (UiB, 2013), and continuing education in teaching controversial topics (UiB, 2019) and sex education (HiOA, 2017; INN, 2021).

I am a member of the research group Educational Law and are admitted as a member of the research school Religion-Values-Society (RVS).

Since 2016 I have been publishing and creating the podcast Lektor Lomsdalens innfall that deals with different aspects of and perspectives on education and the norwegian school system.


Teaches in the following courses:

RELDI112: Didactics of Religion Education 2 (for Lower Secondary School) Integrated teacher education. Spring, 2022.

DIDAREL2: Didactics of the Study of Religion 2 (Lower Secondary School). Spring, 2022.

Academic article
Academic lecture
Popular scientific lecture
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Feature article
Non-fiction book
Popular scientific article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Masters thesis

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Peer-reviewed articles:

Lomsdalen, C. (2023). Islam, Kjønn, og Fritaksproblematikk i Skolen: Svømmeundervisningen som Kjerne til Konflikt i Fritakssaker. Scandinavian Journal of Islamic Studies, 17(1), 11–34.

Lomsdalen, C. (2021). Fritak og religiøse spenninger i skolen. Prismet, 72 (2), p. 153–170.

Lomsdalen, C. (2021). Motstridende rettigheter i klasserommet og fordommer mot enkeltgrupper. In M. v. d. Lippe (Ed.), Fordommer i skolen. Gruppekonstruksjoner, utenforskap og inkludering. Universitetsforlaget.


Lomsdalen, C. (2017). SKAM i skolen. Prismet, 68 (1-2), p. 149–154.

Lomsdalen, C. (2022). Fritaksklagene jeg ikke fant. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 106 (1), p. 69-78.

Master thesises:

Lomsdalen, C. (2019). Den besværlige fritaksretten. Om klagesaker og henvendelser gjort til fylkesmannsembetene knyttet til Opplæringsloven §2-3a [Master thesis, Universitetet i Bergen]. Bora.

Lomsdalen, C. (2012). Gendered resistance(?): is gender significant in the “National Popular Resistance Front” of Honduras? [Master thesis, Universitetet i Tromsø]. Munin.
