Research groups
EU/EEA Law - both institutional and substantive matters, with a particular focus on internal market law and the free movement of persons.
JUS221 Rettsstaten
JUS134 Rettshistorie og komparativ rett
JUS330 EEA Moot Court
JUS287-2-A EU and EEA Commercial Law
JUS399 Master Thesis (EU/EEA law)
- Franklin, Christian (2024). EØS-rettslig metode - om forholdet mellom primær- og sekundærretten . (external link)
- Barlund, Ingrid Margrethe Halvorsen; Franklin, Christian; Fredriksen, Halvard Haukeland (2024). Transparency and efficiency in Advisory Opinion Cases before the EFTA Court. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2024). Supplerende anvendelse av hovedreglene om fri bevegelighet i EU- og EØS-retten. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2024). Om CENTENOL, prosjekter og problemstillinger - illustrert ved dagpengesakene. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2024). Diffusion and Differentiation of EU Norms in the EEA. (external link)
- Fredriksen, Halvard Haukeland; Franklin, Christian (2024). The NAV Case in the EFTA Court and the Supreme Court of Norway. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2023). Free Movement Rights in Norway. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2023). EU/Nordic Relations - Legal Commentary on Submitted Papers. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2023). The Unemployment Benefit Cases – Supplementary Assessments. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian; Helle, Félix Olivier; Bull, Henrik (2023). Kapittel 13: Særlige regler for utlendinger som omfattes av EØS-avtalen og EFTA-konvensjonen. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2023). Free Movement in the Nordic States: Plugging the EU Citizenship Gap in an EEA Context. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2023). EØS-rettslige utfordringer på trygderettens område - Hvor står vi etter Høyesteretts behandling av dagpengesaken?. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian; Fredriksen, Halvard Haukeland (2022). Differentiated Citizenship in the European Economic Area. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2022). Travaux Préparatoires and the European Court of Justice . (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2022). Utredning for Minerallovutvalget: Konsesjonsvilkår om bruk av samisk arbeidskraft og tjenester og Norges EØS-rettslige forpliktelser. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2020). Pride and Prejudice: Some Reflections on the (In)discretionary Application of Fundamental Freedoms by Norwegian Courts. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian; Hannesson, Olafur I.; Runarsson, Omar B. et al. (2020). Enforcement of EEA Law: Norway (including Iceland and Liechtenstein). (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2020). "NAV-skandalen" - Et kollektivt systemsvikt. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2020). "NAV-skandalen" og krav til botid og oppholdskrav – i folketrygdloven og trygdeforordningen. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2019). Effectiveness and Application of EU & EEA Law in National Courts - Principles of Consistent Interpretation. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2019). Norwegian Perspectives on the Fundamental Freedoms. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2019). Brexit Roundtable - EEA Perspectives. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2019). The EFTA Court and Norwegian Courts – bridging troubled waters? Fosen Linjen and beyond. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2019). Legal Mechanics of the EEA Agreement and Scope for Flexible Adaptability to the UK. (external link)
- Ikdahl, Ingunn; Franklin, Christian; Hennig, Martin et al. (2019). Ikke stykkevis og delt - Rapport om Arbeids- og velferdsetatens EØS-rettslige forpliktelser. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2018). Article 2 SCA - Principle of Loyalty. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2018). The Effectiveness and Application of EU and EEA Law in National Courts - Principles of Consistent Interpretation. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2018). The EEA Principle of Consistent Interpretation (or something that looks like it) and Norwegian courts. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2018). Synthesis - Drawing Some Lines on the Application of the Principle of Consistent Interpretation in National Courts. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2018). Article 3 - Principle of Loyalty. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2016). Impossible or simply unwilling - the Norwegian Supreme Court’s findings in Finanger I. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian; Fredriksen, Halvard Haukeland; Halvorsen Barlund, Ingrid Margrethe (2016). "National report on private enforcement of European competition law in Norway". (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2016). Limits to the Limits of the Principle of Consistent Interpretation? Commentary on the Court’s Decision in Spedition Welter (Republished). (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2015). Limits to the Limits of the Principle of Consistent Interpretation? Commentary on the Court’s Decision in Spedition Welter. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2015). Rights of Third Country Nationals under the EEA Agreement. (external link)
- Fredriksen, Halvard Haukeland; Franklin, Christian (2015). Of pragmatism and principles: The EEA agreement 20 years on. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2015). Limits to the limits of the principle of consistent interpretation? Commentary on the court's decision in spedition welter. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2011). The Burgeoning Principle of Consistency in EU Law. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2011). The Legal Status of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights after the Treaty of Lisbon. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2011). Consistency in EU External Relations Law. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2010). Consistency in EC external relations Law. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2010). The Burgeoning Principle of Consistency in EU law. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2010). The melting pot or the salad bowl revisited (again - the meeting of legal cultures at the European Court of Justice. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2005). Flexibility vs. Legal Certainty: Article 307 EC and Other Issues in the Aftermath of the Open Skies Cases. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian N.K. (2005). Flexibility vs. legal certainty. Article 307 EC and other issues in the aftermath of the open skies cases. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2005). Rettskildefaktorene i EF- og EU-retten. (external link)
- Franklin, Christian (2005). EC External Relations: A new Treaty model for coherent and consistent application. (external link)
Director, Centre on the Europeanisation of Norwegian Law - CENTENOL (2023-2028)
Project Manager, CENTENOL, Work Package 2 - Immigration Law (2023-2028)
Project Coordinator (UiB), "EØS-trygdeprosjektet" (2021-2025)
Project Manager, "Application and Effectiveness of EU & EEA Law in National Courts" (2015-2017)
Project Manager, "Konkurranse- og markedsrettslige utfordringer ved moderniseringen av offentlig sektor" (2011-2014)
PhD project, "Consistency in EC External Relations Law" (2004-2010)