Research groups
Short info
I am a hydrogeologist interested in the interaction of groundwater systems with geological and environmental processes and the effects of climate change on global groundwater resources
Recent interests include:
- Global groundwater resources and climate (Berghuijs et al. 2022, Berghuijs et al. 2024, Moeck et al. 2024)
- The role of groundwater in landscape evolution (Luijendijk, 2022)
- Global coastal and submarine groundwater (Luijendijk et al. 2020, Wilson et al. 2024)
- Thermal springs and groundwater in faults (Luijendijk et al. 2020, Louis et al. 2019, Luijendijk 2019)
See my google scholar profile for more publications
I specialize in designing new open-source geoscientific model codes. Examples include:
- beo: a model of fluid flow, heat flow and thermochronology in hydrothermal systems
- goemod: a coupled groundwater, overland flow & erosion model
- grompy-couple: a coupled groundwater flow & solute transport model of coastal groundwater systems
- pybasin: a model of the burial and thermal history of sedimentary basins
see my GitHub account for more model & data analysis codes
- Opinion piece in Dagavisen, 15 april 2023: Forvaltningen av grunnvann ligger med brukket ryggrad: Seks avgjørende tiltak for å sikre grunnvannet vårt for framtiden
- Editor's highlight in EOS, 23 jan. 2023: Global Models Underestimated Groundwater Recharge and Discharge
- EOS newsletter, 20 dec. 2023: Groundwater Replenishes Much Faster Than Scientists Previously Though
- Youtube video lecture on Coastal groundwater discharge at a global scale and its effects in the Source-to-sink online seminar
- Autumn 2024: GEOV181, Introduction to Earth Science and Informatics (with Ann Rowan and Ben Robson)
- Spring 2023: GEOV104, Introduction to Structural Geology and Tectonics (with Joachim Jacobs) (parental leave in spring 2024, will teach this again in spring 2025)
- Spring 2014 to 2020 at the University of Göttingen: M.Geo.239: Fluids in the crust, MSc level course with free lecture slides and exercises to build simple models of crustal fluid and heat flow in Excel and Python available at GitHub
- Wilson, Stephanie J.; Moody, Amy; McKenzie, Tristan et al. (2024). Global subterranean estuaries modify groundwater nutrient loading to the ocean. (external link)
- Berghuijs, Wouter R.; Collenteur, Raoul A.; Scott, Jasechko et al. (2024). Groundwater recharge is sensitive to changing long-term aridity. (external link)
- Nyberg, Björn Johan Emil Burr; Sayre, Roger; Luijendijk, Elco (2024). Increasing seasonal variation in the extent of rivers and lakes from 1984 to 2022. (external link)
- Moeck, Christian; Collenteur, Raoul A.; Berghuijs, Wouter R. et al. (2024). A Global Assessment of Groundwater Recharge Response to Infiltration Variability at Monthly to Decadal Timescales. (external link)
- Behrens, Christoph; Luijendijk, Elco; Kreye, Phillip et al. (2023). TransPyREnd: a code for modelling the transport of radionuclides on geological timescales. (external link)
- Anees, Muhammad; Kley, Jonas; Leiss, Bernd et al. (2023). Application of in-situ gamma spectrometry for radiogenic heat production estimation in the Western Himalaya, Kohistan, and Karakoram in northern Pakistan. (external link)
- Frings, Kevin; von Hagke, Christoph; Wellmann, Florian et al. (2023). Constraining the 3-D Geometry of Fold-Thrust Belts Using Section Balancing vs. 3-D Interpolative Structural and Probabilistic Modeling. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
see my google scholar profile or ORCID profile for a list of publications