Erik Østby
Academic article
- Østby, Erik (2020). Athene og argonautene? En overraskelse fra Tegea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2020). A Protocorinthian aryballos with a myth scene from Tegea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2017). Osservazioni sui templi arcaici della Sicilia. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2017). Nuove riflessioni sulle metope di Selinunte. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2014). C-PC 72: Sherds from a Middle Protocorinthian pictorial aryballos. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2010). Athena Alea i Tegea: Norsk arkeologi i en klassisk gresk helligdom. (external link)
- Bakke, Jørgen; Ødegård, Knut; Østby, Erik (2010). Tegea: Norsk arkeologi i Hellas. En innledning. (external link)
- Østby, Erik; Krystalli-Votsi, Kalliopi (2010). The temples of Apollo at Sikyon. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2006). Continuatio, Renovatio and Innovatio: The birth of the Doric temple. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (1992). Der Dorische Tempel von Pherai. (external link)
Popular scientific article
- Østby, Erik (2018). Tretten eller fjorten søyler i langsidene? Nordisk tempelarkeologi i Arkadia. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2017). Giganter i kamp. Gresk tempelbygging på Sicilia. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2015). Norske arkeologer i Arkadia: helligdommen for Athena Alea i Tegea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2010). Sikyon - Tempelet i aprikoslunden. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2002). Norsk arkeologi i Hellas. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (1992). Tegea - norsk arkæologi i Arkadien. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (1991). Helligdommen for Athena Alea i Tegea - annen utgravningssesong 1991. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Østby, Erik (2016). A battle of giants: Selinus and Akragas building temples. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2014). The sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea: The topographical evidence. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2014). Architectural material from the northern sector. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2014). The classical temple of Athena Alea at Tegea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik; Krystalll-Votsi, Kalliopi (2014). The Temples of Apollo at Sikyon. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2014). The sanctuary of Alea at Tegea in the pre-Classical period 11. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2014). C-PC 72: Sherds from a Middle Protocorinthian pictorial aryballos 459. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2014). But Vitruvius was right: Argos, Tegea, Olympis, and the birth of the Doric frieze. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2013). Skopas from Paros: Peloponnesian architect at Tegea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2009). The relief metopes from Selinus: Programs and messages. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2006). Recent archaeological research at Tegea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2006). Prosfates archaiologikes ereunes sto iero Athinas Aleas stin Tegea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2005). Another early mythical representation in Greek art: An MPC sherd from Tegea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2005). Preface. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2005). Archaic Temple Architecture in Arcadia. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2003). Perserkrigene i arkeologien. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2000). Idrett, religion og idealer: Zeus-templet i Olympia. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2000). "Idrett, religion og idealer: Zeus-helligdommen i Olympia". (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2000). "Klassisk arkeologi - gjenstander og monumenter". (external link)
- Østby, Erik (1999). Blant templer i Syd-Italia. (external link)
- Østby, Erik; Forsén, Jeannette; Forsén, Bjørn (1999). The Sanctuary of Agios Elias - Its Significance and Its Relations to Surrounding Sanctuaries and Settlements. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (1999). Tegea - collaborazione archeologica in Arcadia. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (1992). Pausanias og arkeologien. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (1991). The temples of Pallantion: archaeological collaboration in Arcadia. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
Academic lecture
- Østby, Erik (2015). The Norwegian Tegea excavation, started initially with a Swedish permit. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2014). Vitruvius and the origin of the Doric order - once more. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2013). But Vitruvius was right: Tegea, Olympia and the birth of the Doric frieze. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2013). Giganter i kamp: Selinus og Akragas bygger templer. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2010). Skopas from Paros, Peloponnesian architect at Tegea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2010). New, but looking old: the temple of Apollo at Sikyon. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2009). Oi naoi tou Apollonos stin Sikyona: anagnorisi kai anoikodomisi. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2007). Tegea arcaica, Sparta, e il santuario di Atena Alea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2007). L'urbanistica di Sicione. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2007). Arkeologiske undersøkelser i Tegea, Arkadia. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2007). Early Tegea, Sparta, and the sanctuary of Athena Alea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2006). Continuation, renovation and innovation. The birth of the Doric temple. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2006). Persefones tilbakekomst - et oversett motiv i arkaisk vasemaleri. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2006). Tempelfundamentet i Sikyion: En arkeologisk røverhistorie fra Hellas. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2006). Kontinuitet, gjenoppdagelse og innovasjon: det doriske tempels tilblivelse. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2005). Recent archaeological investigation at Tegea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2004). The relief metopes from Selinus: Programs and Message. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2004). Agrigento e Selinunte: la storia scritta dai templi. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2004). Mytemotiv på et mellom-protokorintisk skår fra Tegea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2004). Gli archi "trionfali" romani: scopi e messaggi. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2003). Il santuario di Atena Alea a Tegea - il progetto archeologico norvegese. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2003). Il santuario di Atena Alea a Tegea - il progetto archeologico norvegese. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2003). Another early mythical representation in Greek art: An MPC sherd from Tegea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2003). Le metope di Selinunte. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2003). Continuatio, renovatio and innovatio: the birth of the Doric temple. (external link)
- Østby, Erik; Forsén, Bjørn (2002). Helligdommen på Hagios Elias ved Asea. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2002). Archaic temple architecture in Arcadia. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2001). "Der Ursprung der griechischen Tempelarchitektur und ihre Beziehungen mit Ägypten". (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2000). Delphi and the archaic Doric architecture in the Peloponnese. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2000). Det greske tempel. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2000). Gresk bronsealder. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2000). "Om å samle på greske templer". (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2000). Det greske teater. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (1999). "Ionian elements in the metopes from Selinus". (external link)
- Østby, Erik (1998). Archaeological Conclusions for the Historic Period in the Argo-Saronic Golf. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Østby, Erik (2014). Tegea II, Investigations in the sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea 1990-94 and 2004. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2014). Tegea I, Investigations in the temple of Athena Alea 1991-94. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2014). Tegea I : Investigations in the Sanctuary of Athena Alea 1991-94 . (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2005). Ancient Arcadia. Papers from the third international seminar on ancient Arcadia, held at the Norwegian insitute at Athens, 7-10 May 2002. (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2005). Ancient Arcadia. (external link)
Book review
- Østby, Erik (2014). Arnd Hennemeyer, Das Athenaheiligtum von Priene. Die Nebenbauten. (Resensjon). (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2008). G. Gruben: Klassische Bauforschung (München 2007). (external link)
- Østby, Erik (2007). Clemente Marconi: Temple decoration and cultural identity in the archaic Greek world. The metopes from Selinus. (external link)
Encyclopedia article
Thesis at a second degree level
Masters thesis
- Østby, Erik; Dababsa, Ihab (2007). "Ritual and Symbolic Meanings of Animal Figurines". A Study of Animal Figurines from the Chalcolithic Period in Palestine. (external link)
- Østby, Erik; Brimsholm, Magnus (2007). The End of the Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean. A Review and Discussion of the Archaeological and Historical Material of the Collapse around 1200 B.C.E. (external link)