Research groups
Boundary layer meteorology:
- Characterization of the coherence of turbulence above the sea and in Norwegian fjords.
- Influence of the topography on the mean and turbulent flow characteristics.
- Synthetic turbulence generation in the atmospheric surface layer.
- Influence of the blocking by the surface on the spectral characteristics of turbulence.
Wind engineering:
- Turbulent wind load modelling on long-span bridges.
- Data-driven modelling for structural dynamics.
- Full-scale vibration analysis.
Lidar remote sensing of wind:
- Can scanning Doppler wind lidars measure turbulence?.
- Study of the flow around bridges with short-range and long-range wind lidar instruments.
- SDG310: Introduction: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Sustainable Development (2022-present)
- ENERGI322 Offshore wind energy - part 2 (2022-present)
- ENERGI321 Offshore wind energy - part 1 (2023-present)
- ENERGI210 Wind turbine aerodynamics (2022-2023)
- ENERGI230 Miljø og energi (2023-present)
- ENERGI101: Introduksjon til energikjelder og forbruk (2020)
- Cheynet, Etienne (2024). Wind Resource Assessment: Case Study . (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne (2024). Wind turbines and wind farms wakes . (external link)
- Finserås, Eirik; Herrera Anchustegui, Ignacio; Cheynet, Etienne et al. (2024). Gone with the wind? Wind farm-induced wakes and regulatory gaps. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Li, Lin; Jiang, Zhiyu (2024). Metocean conditions at two Norwegian sites for development of offshore wind farms. (external link)
- Flem, Alexander Arvid; Ghirardelli, Mauro; Kral, Stephan Thomas et al. (2024). Experimental Characterization of Propeller-Induced Flow (PIF) below a Multi-Rotor UAV. (external link)
- Creane, Shauna; Santos, Pedro; Kölle, Konstanze et al. (2024). IEA Wind Task 49: Reference Site Conditions for Floating Wind Arrays. (external link)
- Herrera Anchustegui, Ignacio; Cheynet, Etienne (2023). Gone with the wind? Wind farm-induced wakes and regulatory gaps. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne (2023). Wind turbines and wind farm characteristics. (external link)
- Ghirardelli, Mauro; Kral, Stephan Thomas; Müller, Nicolas Carlo et al. (2023). Flow Structure around a Multicopter Drone: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis for Sensor Placement Considerations. (external link)
- Reuder, Joachim; Cheynet, Etienne (2022). Offshore Wind Ressources. (external link)
- Putri, Rieska Mawarni; Cheynet, Etienne; Obhrai, Charlotte et al. (2022). Turbulence in a coastal environment: the case of Vindeby. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Solbrekke, Ida Marie; Diezel, Jan Markus et al. (2022). A one-year comparison of new wind atlases over the North Sea. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Li, Lin; Jiang, Zhiyu (2022). Metocean Conditions at Two Norwegian Sites for Development of Offshore Wind Farms. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Daniotti, Nicolo; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic et al. (2022). Unfrozen skewed turbulence for wind loading on structures. (external link)
- Kusano, Ibuki; Cheynet, Etienne; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic et al. (2021). Aerodynamic study of a suspension bridge deck by CFD simulations, wind tunnel tests and full-scale observations. (external link)
- Nafisifard, Mohammad; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Cheynet, Etienne et al. (2021). Dual lidar wind measurements along an upstream horizontal line perpendicular to a suspension bridge. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne (2021). Structural monitoring of OWTs for predictive maintenance . (external link)
- Reuder, Joachim; Ghirardelli, Mauro; Kral, Stephan Thomas et al. (2021). SUMO and SAMURAI – GFI/UiB drones for wind energy reserach. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Flügge, Martin; Reuder, Joachim et al. (2021). The COTUR project: Remote sensing of offshore turbulence for wind energy application. (external link)
- Zakari, Aoudou Midjiyawa; Cheynet, Etienne; Reuder, Heinrich Joachim et al. (2021). Potential and challenges of wind measurements using met-masts in complex topography for bridge design: Part I - Integral flow characteristics. (external link)
- Daniotti, Nicolo; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjørnsson, Jonas Thor et al. (2021). Observations of bridge stay cable vibrations in dry and wet conditions: A case study. (external link)
- Zakari, Aoudou Midjiyawa; Cheynet, Etienne; Reuder, Joachim et al. (2021). Potential and challenges of wind measurements using met-masts in complex topography for bridge design: Part II – Spectral flow characteristics. (external link)
- Daniotti, Nicolo; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor et al. (2021). Full-scale observations of bridge stay cable vibrations in a wet state. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Daniotti, Nicolo; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic et al. (2020). Improved long-span bridge modeling using data-driven identification of vehicle-induced vibrations. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Liu, Shengnan; Ong, Muk Chen et al. (2020). The influence of terrain on the mean wind flow characteristics in a fjord. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor (2019). Flow distortion recorded by sonic anemometers on a long-span bridge: Towards a better modelling of the dynamic wind load in full-scale. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor (2019). Flow Distortion Recorded by Sonic Anemometers on a Long-Span Bridge. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne (2019). Influence of the Measurement Height on the Vertical Coherence of Natural Wind. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic (2019). Identifying Traffic-Induced Vibrations of a Suspension Bridge: A Modelling Approach Based on Full-Scale Data. (external link)
- Flügge, Martin; Heggelund, Yngve; Reuder, Joachim et al. (2019). COTUR - Estimating coherence and turbulence with LIDARs. (external link)
- Reuder, Joachim; Flügge, Martin; Heggelund, Yngve et al. (2019). The COTUR campaign - measuring offshore turbulence and coherence With lidars. (external link)
- Reuder, Joachim; Flügge, Martin; Cheynet, Etienne et al. (2019). The COTUR campaign - measuring offshore turbulence and coherence with lidars. (external link)
- Wang, Jungao; Cheynet, Etienne; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor et al. (2018). Coupled aerodynamic and hydrodynamic response of a long span bridge suspended from floating towers. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor et al. (2018). Complementary use of wind lidars and land-based met-masts for wind measurements in a wide fjord . (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Reuder, Joachim (2018). Velocity spectra and coherence estimates in the marine atmospheric boundary layer. (external link)
- Heggelund, Yngve; Flügge, Martin; Jacobsen, Jasna Bogunovic et al. (2018). COTUR Measuring coherence and turbulence with lidars. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Ágústsson, Hálfdán; Harstveit, Knut (2018). Complementary use of wind lidars and land-based met-masts for wind characterization in a wide fjord. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne (2018). Operational modal analysis with automated SSI-COV algorithm. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor et al. (2017). Full-scale observation of the flow downstream of a suspension bridge deck. (external link)
- Wang, Jungao; Cheynet, Etienne; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic et al. (2017). Time-Domain Analysis of Wind-Induced Response of a Suspension Bridge in Comparison With the Full-Scale Measurements. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor et al. (2017). Measurements of Surface-Layer Turbulence in a Wide Norwegian Fjord Using Synchronized Long-Range Doppler Wind Lidars. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor (2017). Damping estimation of large wind-sensitive structures. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne Francois Cyprien; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor et al. (2017). Assessing the potential of a commercial pulsed lidar for wind characterisation at a bridge site. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic (2017). Temperature effects on the modal properties of a suspension bridge. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Obhrai, Charlotte (2017). Spectral characteristics of surface-layer turbulence in the North Sea. (external link)
- Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Cheynet, Etienne et al. (2017). Full-scale monitoring of wind and suspension bridge response. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor (2016). Wind-induced vibrations monitoring with satellite navigation. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne Francois Cyprien; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor et al. (2016). Application of short-range dual-Doppler lidars to evaluate the coherence of turbulence. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne (2016). Wind-induced vibrations of a suspension bridge: A case study in full-scale. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne Francois Cyprien; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor (2016). Buffeting response of a suspension bridge in complex terrain. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne Francois Cyprien; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Svardal, Benny et al. (2016). Wind Coherence Measurement by a Single Pulsed Doppler Wind Lidar. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne (2016). Earthquake simulation and fitting. (external link)
- Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Cheynet, Etienne; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor et al. (2015). Assessment of wind conditions at a fjord inlet by complementary use of sonic anemometers and lidars. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne Francois Cyprien; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor (2015). Buffeting response of a bridge at the inlet of a fjord. (external link)
- Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Cheynet, Etienne; Snæbjørnsson, Jonas Thor et al. (2015). Application of lidars for assessment of wind conditions on a bridge site . (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor (2014). Wind characteristics on a suspension bridge at the inlet of a fjord. (external link)
- Cheynet, Etienne; Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor (2014). Wind-induced response of a bridge at the inlet of a fjord. (external link)
BEL-FLOAT (2023-2026): The BEL-Float project focuses on developing Belgium's expertise in floating wind technology through academic innovation. The project aims to prepare new researchers with the necessary skills for floating wind energy and to strengthen the Belgian-Norwegian partnership in offshore wind.
ImpactWind SouthWest (2022-2027): ImpactWind SouthWest is a project led by NORCE, aiming to transform offshore wind development through collaboration, an open database, a research program, and educational initiatives. It aims to make the licensing process for Norwegian offshore wind faster, contributing to sustainable energy and job creation in Norway
LOWT (2021-2025): Large Offshore Wind Turbines (LOWT):structural design accounting for non-neutral wind conditions
This project will develop new knowledge and models to improve the design basis for large floating wind turbines (LOWT)(>12MW) in freewind and wake conditions. Observations from Hywind Scotland have shown the thermal stratification of the atmosphere can substantially affect the structural response of a wind turbine to the incoming turbulent flow. The first objective is to use wind data from several offshore sites to characterise the wind field in non-neutral atmospheric conditions. The project will use high-frequency wind data combined with a brand new remote sensing dataset (COTUR). In the COTUR campaign the incoming flow over the ocean was recorded, both within and above the surface layer, thus providing new insight on the applicability surface-layer scaling to model the turbulent wind loads on LOWT. This unique dataset will be analysed for the first time to the to indicate whether the turbulence models used in the standards, which mainly relies on surface-layer scaling, are appropriate or not. The final output will be to recommend suitable wind and coherence model for in non-neutral conditions as input to free wind aeroelastic simulations and DWM models offshore. The second objective is to validate the simulated wind turbine response using full scale data from offshore wind farms (Alpha Ventus, Sheringham Shoal, and Zefyros/Hywind Demo). The validated simulation tools will then be used to quantify the effect of non-neutral atmospheric conditions on future LOWT (>12MW) to ensure safe and cost-effective design in the next generation of offshore wind farms in Norway and beyond. The final focus of the project is wake simulations of LOWT in non-neutral conditions using DWM model. High-fidelity CFD simulations will be used to include variable velocity shear in the DWM method and validate the wake meandering in non-neutral conditions. The non-neutral wind spectra and coherence from the data analysis work will be used as input for the DWM simulations.
COTUR (2018-2020): Measuring coherence and turbulence with lidars (COTUR)
The size of offshore wind turbines has increased significantly since the installation of the world’s first commercial offshore wind turbine at Vindeby in 1991. The average offshore wind turbine capacity has increased from 500 kW in the 1990s to 3 MW by the end of 2010. Today, the largest offshore wind turbines have a rated power of 9 MW and a rotor diameter of 164 meters. Large, floating wind turbines pose new challenges compared to bottom-fixed turbines. In particular, the Hywind Scotland wind farm posed new challenges with respect to turbulence and coherence. There is a need for a better understanding of the horizontal coherence over large rotors offshore, but few measurements are available for such analyses. The main objective of the project is to improve the understanding of offshore wind coherence through measurements with lidars. The measurements will form a new, unique and highly relevant dataset for future offshore wind research. The collected data and corresponding meta-data will be stored in a database for later analysis.