Fride Haram Klykken


Postdoctoral Fellow


Research groups


Artificial Intelligence in Education: Layers of Trust (EduTrust AI) (Project member)

Delta i Data! Advancing Data and AI Literacies Through Game-based Learning (Project Leader)

EU Erasmus + Data Literacy for Citizenship (DALI) (Work Package leader)

PhD: The teaching apparatus: Understanding the material entanglement of practices in the upper secondary classroom.


Research interests

  • Sociomaterial, spatial and embodied approaches to teaching and learning
  • Research ethics: Informed consent in research
  • Education and teaching
  • Technology and learning
  • Digital, data and AI literacies
  • Game-based learning
  • Video-etnography
  • Art and media education



Digital School Start: Upper-Secondary Teachers experiences with Delta I data! Invited talk for digital teachers and school leaders with IT responsibilities, Vestland County Council. Fagskulen Vestland, Bergen, Norway (25. mars 2025)

Erfaringer med 'Delta i data!’: Kan analoge spill fremme digital læring og deltakelse? Teachers day 2025, University of Bergen



Delta i Data!' - Data literacy gjennom spill. Conference for teachers and school leaders, Opplæringsavdelingen i Rogaland Fylkeskommune, Quality Maritim Hall, Haugesund

Game based learning for data literacy. University Library, UIB

Learning about data through social connection: Game-based strategies in a continuing education workshop. UIB Learning Conference

Beyond the Digital: Analogue Games´ Creative Potential in Deepening Data Literacy. 18th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL). Aarhus University, Denmark

UIB Innovationfestival: From DALI to Delta i Data! (Exhibit), UiB Idé. UiB Innovation Festival: From Research to Change, Læringsarena, Nygårdsgaten 5. (20 September 2024)

'Delta i Data!' - Learning with AI! Conference For Teachers. Vestland County Council, Grieghallen, Bergen & Førde

Digital Transformation Through Non-digital Game-based Learning. (June, 2024) International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica: Education and/for Social Justice. University of Cagliari, Italy

Delta i data! Promote data literacy through games, Samling for digitalpedagogar og leiarar med IKT-ansvar,Vestland Fylkeskommune, Fagskulen Vestland Bergen

DALI: How to promote data literacy through games: Teachers day 2024, UIB



Fantastic data! Understand your digital traces through analogue games. DALI Project Multiplier Event. Bergen Public Library

Speech on behalf of the new doctors.  Doctoral Awards Ceremony. The University Aula, University of Bergen.


DIGI610: Fantastiske data (EVU, Continuing Education Course, UiB) - 2024

PhD SEIS Summer school Bergen (UiB) - 2022

Master- and Bachelor Programme in Education (UiB) - 2017-2021

Teacher training education (UiB; KMD) - 2015-2016

Academic lecture
Digital learning tools
Academic article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Doctoral dissertation

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Klykken, F. H. (2025). Digital transformation through non-digital game-based learning, in Scuola Democratica (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference of the journal Scuola democratica. Education and/for Social Justice. Vol. 2: Cultures, Practices, and Change (pp. 264-270). Associazione Per Scuola Democratica.

Klykken, F. H. (2024). Undervisning som kroppslig og romlig praksis – en video-etnografisk undersøkelse. Uttrykk som gjør inntrykk. Læring for estetisk danning. A. M. Sæverot, H. Sæverot, M. Ulvik and A. G. S. Antun, Universitetsforlaget: 86-102.

Ness, I. J., Klykken, F. H., Barendregt, R., Steinsund, S., & Wasson, B. (2024). Beyond the Digital: Analogue Games´ Creative Potential in Deepening Data Literacy. Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Game-Based Learning: ECGBL 2024.

Castañeda, L., Arnab, S., Tur, G., Klykken, F., Wasson, B., Haba-Ortuño, I., Maloszek, R. & de Benito-Crosetti, B. (2024). Co-creating pedagogically informed games for data literacy. Revista de Educación, 405, 37-66. 

Klykken, F. H. (2023). The teaching apparatus: A material-discursive entanglement of tasks and friendship in the upper-secondary classroom. Critical Studies in Education, 65(1), 1–19.

Klykken, F. H. (2022). Implementing continuous consent in qualitative research. Qualitative Research, 22(5), 795-810.

Klykken, F. H. (2021). ‘Are we going to do that now?’ Orientations and response-abilities in the embodied classroom. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 31(5), 1079–1095. 


'Artificial Intelligence in Education: Layers of Trust' (EduTrust AI) - (Project member)

Delta i Data! Advancing Data and AI Literacies Through Game-based Learning (Project leader) Collaboration with Vestland County Council.

Data Literacy for Citizenship (DALI), EU Erasmus + project (Work Package leader)


Doctoral thesis: The teaching apparatus: Understanding the material entanglement of practices in the upper secondary classroom