Categorical and combinatorial aspects of algebra and geometry
Spring 2023: MAT121 Linear algebra
Autumn 2023: MAT224 Commutative algebra, MAT642 History of mathematics in ancient times
Spring 2024: MAT643 History of mathematics in recent times
- Fløystad, Gunnar; Riener, Cordian; Murai, Satoshi et al. (2022). MFO-RIMS Tandem Workshop: Symmetries on Polynomial Ideals and Varieties. (external link)
- Fløystad, Gunnar (2005). Cohen-Macaulay cell complexes. (external link)
- Fløystad, Gunnar (2004). Enriched homology and cohomology modules of simplicial complexes. (external link)
- Fløystad, Gunnar; Vatne, Jon Eivind (2004). PBW-deformations of N-Koszul algebras. (external link)
- Fløystad, Gunnar (2003). Hierarchies of simplicial complexes via the BGG-correspondence. (external link)
- Fløystad, Gunnar (1997). A property deductible from the generic initied ideal. (external link)
- Fløystad, Gunnar (1994). Higher initial images of homogeneous ideals. (external link)
- Fløystad, Gunnar (1989). Construction of space curves with good properties. Report No.54 November 22 - 89. (external link)
- Fløystad, Gunnar (1987). Existence of unirational components of the Hilbert schemes of curves in p%3 which parametrizes smooth curves of high degree and genus. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Recent publications:
- Polarizations of Artin monomial ideals, arXiv preprint 2025, 46p.
- Submodular functions, generalized permutahedra, conforming preorders, and cointeracting bialgebras, arXiv preprint 2024, 48p.
- Surprising occurrences of order structures in mathematics, Journal of Computational Dynamics (2024), p.1-23.
- Combinatorial Hopf species and algebras from preorder cuts, arXiv preprint 2023, 40p.
- Eight times four bialgebras of hypergraphs, cointeractions, and chromatic polynomials, International Mathematics Research Notices (2024).
- Partitions of vertices and facets in trees and stacked simplicial complexes, Graphs and Combinatorics (2024), p. 1-22.
- Triangulations of polygons and stacked simplicial complexes: separating their Stanley-Reisner ideals, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, (2022), p.1-28.
- Shift modules, strongly stable ideals, and their dualities, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (2023), 44p.
- Profunctors between posets and Alexander duality, Applied Categorical Structures, 31, (2023), p.1-30.
- The universal pre-Lie-Rinehart algebras of aromatic trees, Springer Proceedings of Mathematics and Statistics, 366, (2021), p.137-159.
- Polarizations of powers of graded maximal ideals, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 226, no.5, (2022), 33p.
- Solving non-linear Boolean equation systems by variable eliminiation, Applicable algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computation, (2021) p.1-45.
- Poset ideals of P-partitions and generalized letterplace and determinantal ideals, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, 44 (2019), no. 1, p.213-241, special issue on Commutative Algebra.
- Pre- and post-Lie algebras: The algebro-geometric view, Proceedings Abel Symposium 2016, 36p.
- Rigid ideals by deforming quadratic letterplace ideals, Journal of Algebra, 510 (2018), p.413-457.
- The Chow Form of the Essential Variety in Computer Vision , Journal of Symbolic Compuation 86 (2018), p.97-119.
- Leader TMS-funded project "Pure mathematics in Norway"
- Workshop: Category theory at work in computational mathematics and theoretical informatics, Bergen 26-30. June, 2023