Perception, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind
Philosophy of wine
Theory of argumentation
Phenomenology, in particular Merleau-Ponty
Academic monograph
Academic article
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2024). Three paths to the summit: understanding mountaineering through game-playing, deep ecology and art. (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar; Granberg, Anne (2021). Functionalism and Personal Identity – The Case of Mr. Jones. (external link)
- Skilleås, Ole Martin; Karlsen, Gunnar (2014). Le rôle de la connaissance dans la perception du vin. (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2011). Merleau-Ponty og kroppen som utgangspunkt for erfaring og eksistens. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Encyclopedia article
Academic lecture
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2017). Aesthetic experience of nature - A multisensory approach. (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2014). The Holiday Wine Experience. (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2014). Seeing Sound and Hearing Things - Merleau-Ponty on Synaesthesia. (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2013). Factorising Experience. (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2013). Factorising Experience. (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2010). Philosophy of Wine as Philosophy of Perception (and Vice Versa). (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2009). Richness and fineness-of-grain in wine. (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2008). Perception and Realism in Merleau-Ponty. (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2008). Perception and Self-movement. (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2006). The tension between idealism and realism in perception. (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2004). Phenomenology and non-conceptual content. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2014). Språk og argumentasjon. (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2012). Språk, tolkning och argumentation. (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2009). Språk og argumentasjon for samfunnsvitere, revidert utgave. (external link)
- Karlsen, Gunnar (2004). Språk- og argumentasjonslære for samfunnsvitere. (external link)
Popular scientific chapter/article
Doctoral dissertation
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Språk og argumenentasjon for samfunnsvitere, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2009
"The Beauty of a Climb", i Schmid (red) Climbing and philosophy, Wiley-Blackwell 2010