Jan-Joachim Rückmann




  • Non-linear programming: theory, methods and applications
  • Mathematical finance
  • Parametric non-linear optimization
  • (Generalized) semi-infinite programming, data envelopment analysis, robust optimization
  • Applications of topology and differential geometry to non-linear programming

1. Günzel, H., D. Hernandez  Escobar, J.-J. Rückmann: MPCC: Strong stability of weakly nondegenerate S-stationary points. Optimization 73 (2024) 10, 3121-3145. 

2. Dür, M., J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, R. Werner: (guest editors): Preface. Parametric Optimization and Related Topics XII. Optimization 73 (2024) 10 (special issue), 3015-3017. 

3. Günzel, H., D. Hernandez Escobar, J.-J. Rückmann: Strongly stable stationary points for a class of generalized equations. SIAM J. Optimization 33 (2023) 2, 950-977. 

4. Flåm, S. D., J.-J. Rückmann: The Lagrangian, constraint qualifications and economics. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 96 (2022) 2, 215-232.

5. Bouza Allende, G., D.Hernandez  Escobar, J.-J. Rückmann: Some properties of K-convex mappings in variable ordering settings. Optimization 71 (2022) 14, 4125-4146.

6. Hernandez Escobar, D., J.-J. Rückmann: Strongly stable C-stationary points for mathematical problems with complementarity constraints. Mathematical Programming 189 (2021) 1-2, 339-377.

7. Günzel, H., D. Hernandez  Escobar, J.-J. Rückmann: MPCC: strong stability of M-stationary points. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 29 (2021) 3, 645-659. 

8. Kujawska, H., M. Slavkovik, J.-J. Rückmann: Predicting the winners of Borda, Kemeny and Dodgson elections with supervised machine learning. In: N. Bassiliades et al. (editors), Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies, Springer, Berlin, New York, 2020, 440-458.

9. Hernandez  Escobar, D., J.-J. Rückmann: MPCC: Strongly stable C-stationary points when the number of active constraints is n+1. Optimization 69 (2020) 5, 1039-1067.

10. Cervinka, M., J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein (guest-editors): Preface. Parametric Optimization and Related Topics XI. Optimization 68 (2019) 2-3 (special issue), 429-431.

11. Jargalsaikhan, B., J.-J. Rückmann: A note on strict complementarity for the doubly nonnegative cone. Optimization 68 (2019) 2-3, 457-464.

12. Both, A.-L., H. Hisken, J.-J. Rückmann, T. Steihaug: Surrogate-based model parameter optimisation based on gas explosion experimental data. Engineering Optimization 51 (2019) 2, 301-316.

13. Hernandez Escobar, D., J.-J. Rückmann: MPCC: On necessary conditions for the strong stability of C-stationary points. Optimization 68 (2019) 2-3, 593-613.

14. Bouza Allende, G., D. Hernandez Escobar, J.-J. Rückmann: Generation of K-convex test problems in variable ordering settings. Investigacion Operacional 39 (2018) 3, 463-479.

15. Guerra Vazquez, F., L. A. Hernandez-Rebollar, J.-J. Rückmann: On vector generalized semi-infinite programming. Investigacion Operacional 39 (2018) 3, 341-352

16. Bouza Allende, G., J.-J. Rückmann, C. Tammer (guest-editors): Variational Analysis - Homage to the 70th Birthday of Boris Mordukhovich. Investigacion Operacional 39 (2018) 3 (special issue).

17. Guerra Vazquez, F., J.-J. Rückmann: On duality in multiobjective semi-infinite optimization. Optimization 66 (2017) 8, 1237-1249.

18. Braatz, A.-L., H. Hisken, J.-J. Rückmann: Surrogate-based optimization of model parameters for the improved modelling of industrial-scale gas explosions. In: J. Herskovits (editor), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, e-papers (ISBN 978-85-7650-548-8), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2017, 389-398.

19. Rückmann, J.-J.: A tutorial note on a convexification procedure in non-convex semi-infinite programming optimization. Investigacion Operacional 38 (2017) 4, 309-319.

20. Martinez Legaz, J. E., E. Ocana Anaya, J.-J. Rückmann (guest-editors): ISORA 2015. Optimization 66 (2017) 8 (special issue).

21. Canovas, M. J., J. Parra, J.-J. Rückmann, F. J. Toledo: Point-based neighborhoods for sharp calmness constants in linear programming. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 25 (2017) 4, 757-772.

22. Helmers, J., J.-J. Rückmann, R. Werner: Tight semi-model-free bounds on (bilateral) CVA. In: K. Glau et al. (editors), Innovations in Derivatives Markets, Springer, Berlin, New York, 2016, 83-101.

23. Rückmann, J.-J.: A tutorial note on multiobjective semi-infinite programming. Investigacion Operacional 37 (2016) 3, 216-225.

24. Guerra Vazquez, F., J.-J. Rückmann: Multiobjective semi-infinite optimization: convexification and properly efficient points. In: G. O. Tost et al. (editors), Analysis, Modelling, Optimization, and Numerical Techniques, Springer, Berlin, New York, 2015, 327-347.

25. Dorsch, D., H. Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann, V. Shikhman: On the local representation of piecewise smooth equations as a Lipschitz manifold. J. Math. Anal.Appl. 411 (2014), 916-930.

26. Guerra Vazquez, F., J.-J. Rückmann: On proper efficiency in multiobjective semi-infinite optimization. In: H. Xu et al. (editors), Optimization and Control Techniques and Applications, Springer, Berlin, New York, 2014, 115-135.

27. Guerra Vazquez, F., J.-J. Rückmann: A note on logarithmic smoothing in semi-infinite optimization under reduction approach. Croatian OR Review 4 (2013), 19-30.

28. Erb, S., M. Gerdts, S. Kemble, J.-J. Rückmann, M. Schlüter: MIDACO on MINLP Space Applications. Advances in Space Research 51 (2013) 7, 1116-1131.

29. Rückmann, J.-J., O. Stein (guest-editors): Parametric Optimization and Related Topics. Mathematical Programming 136 (2012) 1 (special issue).

30. Gerdts, M., J.-J. Rückmann, M. Schlüter: A numerical study of MIDACO on 100 MINLP benchmarks. Optimization 61 (2012) 7, 873-900.

31. Rückmann, J.-J., O. Stein (guest-editors): Parametric Optimization and Related Topics X. Optimization 61 (2012) 6 (special issue).

32. Guerra Vazquez, F., J.-J. Rückmann, R. Werner: On saddle points in nonconvex semi-infinite programming. J. Global Optimization 54 (2012) 3, 433-447.

33. Dorsch, D., F. Guerra Vazquez, H. Günzel, H. Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann: SIP: critical value functions have finite modulus of non-convexity. Mathematical Programming 136 (2012) 1, 133-154.

34. Dorsch, D., F. Guerra Vazquez, H. Günzel, J.-J. Rückmann: Semi-infinite programming: strong stability implies EMFCQ. J. Convex Analysis 19 (2012) 4, 999-1008.

35. Guerra Vazquez, F., J.-J. Rückmann: Semi-infinite programming. In: J. Cochran et al. (editors), Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Wiley, Hoboken, 2011, 4770-4479.

36. Ortega, G., S. Erb, J.-J. Rückmann et al.: STA, The Space Trajectory Analysis Project. European Space Agency (ESA), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, Madrid, Spain, 2010 (8 pages).

37. Jongen, H. Th., J.-J. Rückmann: On interior logarithmic smoothing and strongly stable stationary points. SIAM J. Optimization 20 (2010) 5, 2137-2156.

38. Kropat, E., J.-J. Rückmann, G.-W. Weber: Regression analysis for clusters in gene-environment networks based on ellipsoidal calculus and optimization. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems 17 (2010) 5, 639-657.

39. Schlüter, M., J.-J. Rückmann, M. Gerdts: Non-linear mixed-integer-based optimization technique for space applications. Poster exhibition at ESTEC, European Space Agency (ESA) Partnering Day, 2010, Nordwijk, The Netherlands.

40. Rückmann, J.-J., M. Sanchez Meraz, C. Sosa Paz: Joint routing, link scheduling and power control for wireless multi-hop networks for CDMA/TDMA systems. Cientifica 14 (2010) 4, 165-172

41. Jongen, H. Th., J.-J. Rückmann, V. Shikhman: MPCC: critical point theory. SIAM J. Optimization 20 (2009) 1, 473-484.

42. Jongen, H. Th., J.-J. Rückmann, V. Shikhman: On stability of the feasible set of a mathematical problem with complementarity problems. SIAM J. Optimization 20 (2009) 3, 1171-1184.

43. Rückmann, J.-J., A. Shapiro: Augmented Lagrangians in semi-infinite programming. Mathematical Programming 116 (2009) 1-2, 499-512.

44. Allende, S., M. A. Osorio, R. Rios, J.-J. Rückmann (guest-editors): Annals Oper. Res. 157 (2008) 1-2 (special issue on the XII Latin-Iberoamerican Congress of Operations Research and Systems CLAIO).

45. Günzel, H., H. Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann: On stable feasible sets in generalized semi-infinite programming. SIAM J. Optimization 19 (2008) 2, 644-654.

46. F. Guerra Vazquez, J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein, G. Still: Generalized semi-infinite programming: a tutorial. J. Comp. Appl. Mathematics 217 (2008), 394-419.

47. Guddat, J., F. Guerra Vazquez, D. Nowack, J.-J. Rückmann: Pathfollowing methods for nonlinear multiobjective optimization problems. J. Management Sc. Eng. Man. 2 (2007) 3, 163-177.

48. Guddat, J., F. Guerra Vazquez, D. Nowack, J.-J. Rückmann: On the calculation of a feasible point of a nonconvex set: pathfollowing with jumps. Optimization 56 (2007) 1-2, 73-103.

49. Guddat, J., F. Guerra Vazquez, D. Nowack, J.-J. Rückmann: A modified standard embedding with jumps in nonlinear optimization. European J. Oper. Research 169 (2006) 3, 1185-1206.

50. Gomez, J. A., J.-J. Rückmann: On generalized semi-infinite programming. TOP 14 (2006) 1, 1-59.

51. Guerra Vazquez, F., J.-J. Rückmann: Extensions of the Kuhn-Tucker constraint qualification to generalized semi-infnite programming. SIAM J. Optimization 15 (2005) 3, 926-937.

52. Guerra Vazquez, F., J.-J. Rückmann: Semi-infinite programming: properties and applications to economics. In: J. Leskow et al. (editors), New Tools of Economic Dynamics, Springer, Berlin, New York, 2005, 373-393.

53. Guddat, J., H. Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann, M. Todorov (editors): Parametric Opimization and Related Topics VII. Aportaciones Matematicas, Serie Investigacion 18, Sociedad Matem atica Mexicana, 2004.

54. Guerra Vazquez, F., J. A. Orozco, J.-J. Rückmann: On constraint qualification in semi-infinite optimization. In: J. Guddat et al. (editors), Parametric Opimization and Related Topics VII. Aportaciones Matematicas, Serie Investigacion 18, Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, 2004, 133-141.

55. Rückmann, J.-J.: Numerical treatment of an asset price model with nonstochastic uncertainty: comment. TOP 10 (2002) 1, 38-41.

56. Guerra Vazquez, F., J.-J. Rückmann: An approximation of feasible sets in semi-infinite optimization. TOP 10 (2002) 2, 325-336.

57. Rückmann, J.-J., O. Stein: On convex lower level problems in generalized semi-infinite optimization. In: M. A. Goberna et al. (editors): Semi-Infinite Programming - Recent Advances. Kluwer, Boston, 2001, 121-134.

58. Rückmann, J.-J., O. Stein: On linear and linearized generalized semi-infinite optimization problems. Annals Oper. Res. 101 (2001), 191-208.

59. Jongen, H. Th., J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein: Parametric global optimization: sensitivity. In: C. A. Floudas et al. (editors), Encyclopedia of Optimization, Vol. IV, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001, 273-278.

60. Rückmann, J.-J., A. Shapiro: Second order optimality conditions in generalized semi-infinite programming. Set-Valued Anal. 9 (2001) 1-2, 169-186.

61. Klatte, D., J.-J. Rückmann, D. Ward (guest-editors): Optimization with Data Perturbations II. Annals Oper. Res. 101 (2001) (special volume dedicated to Anthony V. Fiacco's 70th birthday).

62. Gomez, W., J. Guddat, H. Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann, C. Solano: Curvas criticas y saltos en optimizacion no lineal. 2000, electronically published: http://www.emis.de/monographs/curvas/index.html.

63. Rückmann, J.-J., A. Shapiro: First order optimality conditions in generalized semi-infinite programming. J. Opt. Theory Appl. 101 (1999) 3, 677-691.

64. Rückmann, J.-J.: On existence and uniqueness of stationary points in semi-infinite optimization. Mathematical Programming 86 (1999) 2, 387-416.

65. Jongen, H. Th., J.-J. Rückmann: One-parameter-families of feasible sets in semi-infinite optimization. Global Optimization 14 (1999) 2, 181-203.

66. Jongen, H. Th., J.-J. Rückmann: On stability and deformation in semi-infinite optimization. In: R. Reemtsen et al. (editors), Semi-Infinite Programming, Kluwer, Boston, 1998, 29-67.

67. Jongen, H. Th., J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein: Generalized semi-infinite optimization: a first order necessary optimality condition and examples. Mathematical Programming 83 (1998) 1, 145-158.

68. Reemtsen, R., J.-J. Rückmann (editors): Semi-Infinite Programming. Kluwer, Boston, 1998.

69. Rückmann, J.-J., G.-W. Weber: Semi-infinite optimization: excisional stability of the feasible set. Siberian Math. J. 39 (1998) 1, 113-125.

70. Jongen, H. Th., J.-J. Rückmann, O. Stein: Disjunctive optimization: critical point theory. J. Opt. Theory Appl. 93 (1997) 2, 321-336.

71. Rückmann, J.-J.: Topological stability of feasible sets in semi-infinite optimization: a tutorial. In: A. V. Fiacco (editor), Mathematical Programming with Data Perturbations, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1997, 339-361.

72. Dentcheva, D., R. Gollmer, J. Guddat, J.-J. Rückmann: Pathfollowing methods in nonlinear optimization II: Exact penalty embedding. In: M. Florenzano et al. (editors), Approximation and Optimization in the Carribean, Peter Lang, New York, 1995, 200-230.

73. Jimenez, M. A., J.-J. Rückmann: On equivalent stability properties in semi-infinite optimization. Math. Methods Oper. Res. 41 (1995) 2, 175-190.

74. Dentscheva, D., J. Guddat, J.-J. Rückmann, K.Wendler: Pathfollowing methods in nonlinear optimization III: Lagrange multiplier embedding. Math. Methods Oper. Res. 41 (1995) 2, 127-152.

75. Guddat, J., J.-J. Rückmann (guest-editors): Parametric Optimization. Math. Methods Oper. Res. 41 (1995) 2 (special issue).

76. Jimenez, M. A., E. Lopez, J.-J. Rückmann: Sequential convergence in the space of absolutely Riemann integrable functions. J. Analysis and its Appl. 13 (1994) 4, 567-576.

77. Jongen, H. Th., J.-J. Rückmann, G.-W. Weber: One-parametric semi-infinite optimization: on the stability of the feasible set. SIAM J. Optimization 4 (1994) 3, 637-648.

78. Guddat, J., J.-J. Rückmann: One-parametric optimization: jumps in the set of generalized critical points. Control and Cybernetics 23 (1994) 1/2, 139-151.

79. Gollmer, R., J. Guddat, F. Guerra Vazquez, D. Nowack, J.-J. Rückmann: Pathfollowing methods in nonlinear optimization I: penalty embedding. In: J. Guddat et al. (editors), Parametric Optimization and Related Topics, Peter Lang, New York, 1993, 163-214.

80. Rückmann, J.-J.: Stability properties in nonlinear programming. Habilitationsschrift (in German), Humboldt-University Berlin, Department of Mathematics, 1993.

81. Jongen, H. Th., J.-J. Rückmann: Nonlinear optimization: on connected components of level sets. SIAM J. Control and Optimization 31 (1993) 1, 86-100.

82. Rückmann, J.-J.: Stability of noncompact feasible sets in nonlinear optimization. In: J. Guddat et al. (editors), Parametric Optimization and Related Topics, Peter Lang, New York, 1993, 467-502.

83. Rückmann, J.-J., K. Tammer: On linear-quadratic perturbations in one-parametric nonlinear optimization. Systems Science 18 (1992) 1, 37-48.

84. Rückmann, J.-J.: Eine Bemerkung zur Einbettung der oberen Ebene bei der lokalen dualen Methode. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule Leipzig 3 (1990), 137-142.

85. Rückmann, J.-J., K. Tammer: Relations between the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker points of a nonlinear optimization problem and of a generalized Lagrange dual problem. In: H.-J. Sebastian et al. (editors), System Modelling and Optimization, Springer, Berlin, 1990, 204-218.

86. Rückmann, J.-J.: One-parametric nonconvex optimization: Structure investigations and a generalized homotopy method. Doctoral dissertation (in German), Technische Hochschule Leipzig, Sektion Mathematik und Informatik, 1988.

87. Rückmann, J.-J., K. Tammer: Theoretical foundations of two-level methods in nonconvex optimization. In: J. Guddat et al. (editors), Advances in Mathematical Optimization, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1988, 180-190.

88. Jongen, H. Th., T. Möbert, J.-J. Rückmann, K. Tammer: On inertia and Schur complement in optimization. Linear Algebra and Appl. 95 (1987), 97-109.

89. Guddat, J., H. Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann: On stability and stationary points in nonlinear optimization. J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. B 28 (1986), 36-56.

90. Rückmann, J.-J.: Bedingungen zur Durchführbarkeit von Kurvenverfolgungen in der nichtlinearen einparametrischen Optimierung. Proceedings of the Conference System Modelling and Optimization, Technische Hochschule Leipzig, Sektion Mathematik und Rechentechnik, 1984, 38-48.