Academic article
Havskov, Jens; Ottemöller, Lars; Gkika, Fevronia
(2024). Magnitude m<inf>b</inf>: Reducing Processing-Related Variability. (external link)
Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Havskov, Jens; Storheim, Berit Marie
et al. (2024). Jordskjelvstasjonen i Bergen gjennom 125 år. (external link)
Dushi, Edmond; Havskov, Jens
(2023). 1D crustal structure of Albania region. (external link)
Zvereva, Anastasia S.; Havskov, Jens; Gabsatarova, Irina P.
(2023). Regional variation of coda Q in Northwest Caucasus. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Voss, Peter; Ottemöller, Lars
(2020). Seismological observatory software: 30 yr of seisan. (external link)
Vales, Dina; Havskov, Jens; Matias, Luis
et al. (2020). Evidence of high lateral variations of coda Q from local earthquakes in Western Iberia and its SW offshore area. (external link)
Utheim, Terje; Havskov, Jens; Comoglu, Mustafa
(2018). SC2SeI: Exporting SEISCOMP3 data to SeISAN. (external link)
Rodriguez, Javier; Havskov, Jens; Sørensen, Mathilde B.
et al. (2018). Seismotectonics of south-west Dominican Republic using recent data. (external link)
Kılıç, Tuǧbay; Ottemöller, Lars; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2016). Local magnitude scale for earthquakes in Turkey. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Sørensen, Mathilde B.; Vales, Dina
et al. (2016). Coda Q in different tectonic areas, influence of processing parameters. (external link)
Li, Bin; Atakan, Kuvvet; Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger
et al. (2015). Stress pattern of the Shanxi rift system, North China, inferred from the inversion of new focal mechanisms. (external link)
Li, Bin; Havskov, Jens; Ottemöller, Lars
et al. (2014). New magnitude scales M L and spectrum-based M w for the area around Shanxi Rift System, North China. (external link)
Utheim, Terje; Havskov, Jens; Özyazicioǧlu, Mehmet
et al. (2014). Rtquake, a real-time earthquake detection system integrated with seisan. (external link)
Singh, Shri Krishna; Suresh, Gaddale; Dattatrayam, Shankar Rentala
et al. (2013). The Delhi 1960 earthquake: epicentre, depth and magnitude. (external link)
Sanchez, Gerardo; Recio, Rodolfo; Marcuzzi, Oscar
et al. (2013). The Argentinean National Network of Seismic and Strong-Motion Stations. (external link)
Silva, Rita; Havskov, Jens; Bean, Chris
et al. (2012). Seismic swarms, fault plane solutions, and stress tensors for Sao Miguel Island central region (Azores). (external link)
Sørensen, Mathilde B.; Voss, Peter; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2011). The seismotectonics of Western Skagerrak. (external link)
Kandilarov, Aleksandre; Atakan, Kuvvet; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2009). An investigation of the significance of local site effects in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. (external link)
Kandilarov, Aleksandre; Atakan, Kuvvet; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2008). An investigation of the significance of local site effects in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. (external link)
Guillier, Bertrand; Atakan, Kuvvet; Chatelain, Jean-Luc
et al. (2008). Influence of instruments on the H/V spectral ratios of ambient vibrations. (external link)
Alhassan, Abd Alhadi Ibrahim; Belail, Amani Elkhidir; Elbashir, Hatim Siddig Hag
et al. (2007). The Sudanese seismic network. (external link)
Zarifi, Zoya; Havskov, Jens; Hanyga, Andrzej
(2007). An insight into the Bucaramanga nest. (external link)
Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Ottemöller, Lars; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2007). Tectonic processes in the Jan Mayen fracture zone based on earthquake occurrence and bathymetry. (external link)
Torcal, Frederico; Serrano, Inmaculada; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2005). Induced seismicity around the Tous New Dam (Spain). (external link)
Ottermõller, L; Nielsen, H.H.; Atakan, Kuvvet
et al. (2005). The 7 May 2001 induced seismic event in the Ekofisk oil field, North Sea. (external link)
Wiggins-Grandison, Margaret D.; Havskov, Jens
(2004). Crustal attenuation for Jamaica, West Indies. (external link)
Ogubazghi, Ghebrebrhan; Ghebreab, Woldai; Havskov, Jens
(2004). Some features of the 1993 Bada earthquake swarm of southeastern Eritrea. (external link)
Zarifi, Z; Havskov, Jens
(2004). Characteristics of dense nests of deep and intermediate-depth seismicity. (external link)
Utheim, Terje; Havskov, Jens
(2001). Seislog data acquisition systems. (external link)
Ojeda, Anibal; Havskov, Jens
(2001). Crustal structure and local seismicity in Colombia. (external link)
Fernandez, Mario; Molina, Enrique; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2000). Tsunamis and tsunami hazards in Central America. (external link)
Midzi, Vunganai; Singh, DD; Atakan, Kuvvet
et al. (1999). Transitional continental-oceanic structure beneath the Norwegian Sea from inversion of surface wave group velocity data. (external link)
Ottemøller, Lars; Havskov, Jens
(1999). SeisNet: A General Purpose Virtual Seismic Network. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Ottemøller, Lars
(1999). SeisAn Earthquake Analysis Software. (external link)
Sellevoll, Markvard A; Bungum, Hilmar; Havskov, Jens
(1999). Fra spørreskjema til S. (external link)
Alvarenga, E.; Barquero, R.; Boschini, I.
et al. (1998). Central American Seismic Center, CASC. (external link)
Atakan, Kuvvet; Havskov, Jens
(1996). Local site effects in the northern North Sea based on single-station spectral ratios of OBS recordings. (external link)
Martinez, E. G.; Villagran, M.; Havskov, Jens
(1995). Magnitudes for local earthquakes calculated with the El Salvador seismic network. (external link)
Dindi, E.; Havskov, Jens; Iranga, M.
et al. (1995). Potential Capability of the East African Seismic Stations. (external link)
Zobin, V. M.; Havskov, Jens
(1995). Source spectral properties of small earth-quakes in the northern North Sea. (external link)
Martinez, E. G.; Villagran, M.; Havskov, Jens
(1995). Magnitudes for local earthquakes calculated with the El Salvador seismic network. (external link)
Lienert, B. R.; Havskov, Jens
(1995). A computer program for locating earthquake both locally and globally. (external link)
Dini, E.; Havskov, Jens; Iranga, M.
et al. (1995). Potential capability of the East African seismic stations. (external link)
Segura, F.; Havskov, Jens
(1994). The new Nicaraguan Seismic Netwerk. (external link)
Atakan, Kuvvet; Lindholm, C. D.; Havskov, Jens
(1994). Earthquake swarm in Steigen, northern Norway: An unusual example of intraplate seismicity. (external link)
Lindholm, C. D.; Havskov, Jens; Sellevoll, M. A.
(1992). Periodicity in the seismicity. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Kvamme, L. B.; Hansen, R. A.
et al. (1992). The Northern Norway seismic network: Design, operation and results. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Utheim, Terje
(1992). SEISLOG and SEISAN: A complete system for seismic data aquisition and analysis. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Havskov, Jens; Alguacil, Gerardo
(2014). Seismic instrument response, correction for. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Alguacil, Gerardo
(2014). Seismic event detection. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Alguacil, Gerardo
(2014). Sensors, calibration of. (external link)
Alguacil, Gerardo; Havskov, Jens
(2014). Passive seismometers. (external link)
Alguacil, Gerardo; Havskov, Jens
(2014). Recording seismic signals. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Schweitzer, Johannes; Bormann, Peter
(2012). Seismic source location. (external link)
Sellevoll, Markvard A; Bungum, Hilmar; Havskov, Jens
(1999). Fra spørreskjema til storpolitikk. (external link)
Academic lecture
Ozyazicioglu, Mehmet; Sørensen, Mathilde B.; Havskov, Jens
(2012). The seismic network of Ataturk University, Erzurum, and examples of use of data. (external link)
Ottemøller, Lars; Havskov, Jens
(2009). Processing earthquake data. (external link)
Pirli, M; et al, [Mangler fornavn]; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2008). The 21st February 2008 Svalbard earthquake: relative location of the aftershock sequence and seismotectonic interpretation. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(2005). Seismicity of Jan Mayen. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(2005). Norwegian National Seismic Network in 100 years. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(2005). Jan Mayen, a geophysical laboratory. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(2005). Norsk Nasjonalt Seismisk Nettverk. (external link)
Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Atakan, Kuvvet; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2005). Modeling of ground motions and stress transfer caused by the December 26, 2004 Sumatra earthquake. (external link)
Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Atakan, Kuvvet; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2005). Modelling of ground motions and stress transfer caused by the December 26, 2004 Sumatra earthquake. (external link)
Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Ottermõller, L; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2005). Tectonic processes in the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone based on earthquake occurence and bathymetry. (external link)
Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Atakan, Kuvvet; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2005). Ground motion simulations for a M=7,5 scenario earthqyake in the Marmara Sea and implications for the city of Istanbul, Turkey. (external link)
Rodriguez, A.L.; Havskov, Jens
(2004). Chirinet: A high quality inexpensive digitial seismic network in Panama. European Seismological Commission. (external link)
Atakan, Kuvvet; Duval, A-M.; Theodulidis, N.
et al. (2004). On the Reliability of the H/V Spectral Ratio Technique. (external link)
Duval, A-M.; Chatelain, Jean-Luc; Guillier, Bertrand
et al. (2004). Influence of Experimental Conditions on H/V Determination Using Ambient Vibrations (Noise). (external link)
Atakan, Kuvvet; Duval, A-M.; Theodulidis, N.
et al. (2004). The H/V spectral ratio technique: experimental conditions, data processing and empirical reliability assessment. (external link)
Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Ottemöller, Lars; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2004). The April 14, 2004 Jan Mayen earthquake. (external link)
Koller, Martin G.; Chatelain, Jean-Luc; Guillier, Bertrand
et al. (2004). Practical user guidelines and software for the implementation of the H/V ratio technique: measuring conditions, processing method and results interpretation. (external link)
Duval, A-M.; Chatelain, Jean-Luc; Guillier, Bertrand
et al. (2004). Influence of experimental condition for �H/V� on ambient noise vibration method. (external link)
Theodulidis, N.; Cultrera, G.; Tento, Alberto
et al. (2004). Empirical evaluation of the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio technique: results from the �SESAME� project. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(2004). Modern seismic instrumentation. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(2004). The Norwegian nation Seismic Network. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(2004). SEISNET general description. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(2004). Seismic arrays for low budget. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(2004). Summary of seismic equipment available. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(2004). Communication, the key to future networks. (external link)
Midzi, Vunganai; Atakan, Kuvvet; Havskov, Jens
et al. (1999). Shear wave velocity structure beneath East and Southern Africa from surface wave dispersion. (external link)
Hernandez, Z.; Atakan, Kuvvet; Havskov, Jens
(1998). Seismicity and tectonics near Managua, Nicaragua. (external link)
Singh, D. D.; Midzi, Vunganai; Atakan, Kuvvet
et al. (1998). Local site effects in Latur, India: An empirical study based on the aftershocks of the Killari earthquake of September 29, 1993. (external link)
Midzi, Vunganai; Singh, D. D.; Atakan, Kuvvet
et al. (1998). Quasi-continental oceanic structure beneath the Norwegian Sea from inversion of surface wave group velocity data. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(1997). Computer communication and seismic networks. (external link)
Hernández, Zoila; Atakan, Kuvvet; Havskov, Jens
(1997). Seismicity and tectonics near Managua, Nicaragua. (external link)
Sellevoll, Markvard A; Bungum, H.; Havskov, Jens
(1994). History of Norwegian Seismic Stations and Current Network. (external link)
Sørensen, Mathilde B.; Ottemöller, Lars; Havskov, Jens
(2011). Earthquake swarms in northern Norway. (external link)
Raeesi, M.; Havskov, Jens; Atakan, Kuvvet
(2008). The Mid Atlantic Ridge, a look through global travel-time tomography. (external link)
Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Voss, P.; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2008). Seismotectonics of Skagerrak. (external link)
Atakan, Kuvvet; Ottermõller, L; Raeesi, M.
et al. (2008). Two recent earthquakes: link long-term defor-mation with present day seismicity and hazard. (external link)
Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Lie, Jan-Erik; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2006). Seismotectonics of Skagerrak. (external link)
Ottermõller, L; Nielsen, H.H.; Atakan, Kuvvet
et al. (2005). The 7 May 2001 induced seismic ebent in the Ekofisk oil field, North Sea. (external link)
Wangmo, T; Norsang, *; Havskov, Jens
(2005). Seismicity around Lhasa. (external link)
Ottemöller, Lars; Nielsen, H.H.; Braunmiller, J.
et al. (2004). The Ekofisk Seismic Event on May 7, 2001. (external link)
Zarifi, Zoya; Havskov, Jens
(2004). An insight to the Bucaramanga nest. (external link)
Atakan, Kuvvet; Bard, Pierre-Yves; Kind, Fortunat
et al. (2004). J-SESAME: A standardized software solution for the H/V spectral ratio technique. (external link)
Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Ottemöller, Lars; Havskov, Jens
et al. (2004). The April 14, 2004 Jan Mayen Earthquake. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Ottermõller, L; Canabrava, R.L.P.
(2007). SEISAN: Multiplatform implementation of MINISEED/SEED. (external link)
Bard, Pierre-Yves; SESAME, Team; Atakan, Kuvvet
et al. (2004). Guidelines for the implementation of the H/V spectral ratio technique on ambient vibrations: measurements, processing and interpretation. (external link)
Pacesa, A; Havskov, Jens; Ottemøller, Lars
(1999). Seismic noise survey at Parod, Israel. (external link)
Fernandez, Mario Acre; Molina, E.; Atakan, Kuvvet
et al. (1998). Tsunamis in Central America. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(1997). SEISAN earthquake analysis software. (external link)
Lermo, J.; Havskov, Jens
(1997). Sistema de informacion sismotelemetrica de Mexico (SISMES) calibracion de las estaciones y analysis preliminar de la sismicidad en la cuenca de Mexico, Mexico, 1993-1997. (external link)
Atakan, Kuvvet; Havskov, Jens
(1995). Recordings form the Oseberg OBS: Present status and future possibilities, Rep. to Norsk Hydro. (external link)
Martinez, G.; Villagran, M.; Havskov, Jens
(1994). Magnitudes for local earthquakes calculated with the El Salvador seismic network. (external link)
Hernandez, Z.; Atakan, Kuvvet; Havskov, Jens
(1994). Seismicity and tectonics near Managua, Nicaragua. (external link)
Segura, F.; Havskov, Jens
(1993). The new Nicaraguan seismic network. (external link)
Escobar, J. J.; Storheim, Berit Marie; Aranda, C.
et al. (1993). Calibration of Central American Seismic Stations. (external link)
Non-fiction book
Havskov, Jens; Alguacil, Gerardo
(2004). Instrumentation in Earthquake Seismology + cd-rom. (external link)
Utheim, Terje; Havskov, Jens
(1994). The SEISLOG data acquisition system (Version 5.1). Manual. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Lindholm, C. D.
(1994). The SEISAN earthquake analysis software for the IBM PC and Sun, version 4.0. Manual. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Lindholm, C. D.
(1993). The SEISAN earthquake analysis software for the IBM PC and Sun, (version 3.1), Manual. (external link)
Utheim, Terje; Havskov, Jens
(1992). The SEISLOG data aquisition system, guide to installation, maintenance and daily operation of the system. Version 2.0. Manual. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Lindholm, C. D.
(1992). The SEISAN earthquake analysis software for the IBM PC and Sun, version 2.0. Manual. (external link)
Masters thesis
Popular scientific lecture
Havskov, Jens; Lindholm, C
(1999). Training for hazard mitigation in Central America. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Dahle, A; Mjelde, A
et al. (1999). The Norwegian National Seismic Network and the Oil Industry. (external link)
Acre, M; Molina, E; Havskov, Jens
et al. (1999). Report for Chevron. (external link)
Marroquin, G.; Havskov, Jens
(1998). Crustal structure and coda Q along the volcanic chain in El Salvador. (external link)
Utheim, Terje; Ottemøller, Lars; Escobar, J.
et al. (1998). Seislog and Seisnet for tsunami warning in Central America Sistemas modernos de preparacion y respuesta ante riesgos sismicos, vulcanicos y tsunami. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(1998). Do we need 1 Hz seismometers?. (external link)
Ottemøller, Lars; Havskov, Jens
(1998). Automatic data collection in the Norwegian national seismic network. (external link)
Purnachandra, Rao; Havskov, Jens; Ottemøller, Lars
et al. (1998). Analysis of Aftershock Data of the Mb 6.3 Latur Earthquake Using the Seismic Analysis Software SEISAN. (external link)
Singh, D. D.; Midzi, Vunganai; Atakan, Kuvvet
et al. (1998). Site and path effects in Latur, India: An empirical study based on the aftershocks of the Latur earthquake of September 30, 1993. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(1997). Sismologia en Noreuga. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Hernandez, Z.; Atakan, Kuvvet
(1995). Seismotectonics of the subducton zone near Nicaragua. (external link)
Havskov, Jens
(1995). Experience of regional cooperation in observational seismology. (external link)
Havskov, Jens; Turbitt, T.
(1995). Norwegian and British national seismic networks, status and plans. (external link)
Atakan, Kuvvet; Havskov, Jens
(1995). Estimating site effects in North Sea using OBS records. (external link)
Encyclopedia article
Popular scientific article
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.