Julia Romanowska


Senior Engineer, data scientist / bioinformatician



Currently, I am a bioinformatics expert (senior engineer) at BIOS, where I use my expertise in data science, bioinformatics, biostatistics, programming, and data visualization to explore big data, efficiently run complex analyses, and visualize results. I am involved in various projects, among others, I am a co-PI of the DRONE project (Drug Repurposing fOr NEurological diseases) at IGS and an active researcher in the START project (Study of Assisted Reproductive Technology), at Centre for Fertility and Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo. Apart from that, I am a co-founder of R-Ladies Bergen, a chapter of R-Ladies Global, which is an organization to promote gender diversity in the R community.

Before my current position, I was a post-doc at IGS, analyzing genomic data with the use of statistical methods, and looking at possible risks for certain phenotypes associated with specific allele variations. I have been involved in the development of the R-package Haplin software, intended for this kind of analysis. My post-doc project was a joint collaboration between Prof. Rolv Terje Lie at IGS and Prof. Inge Jonassen at CBU, which aimed at making the software more efficient and available to a larger scientific community, as well as including bioinformatics data into the analysis. One of the results of this project is HaplinMethyl - an add-on package to Haplin that deals with DNA methylation data.

Before coming to Bergen, I spent two years at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (the MCM group of Prof. Rebecca Wade), where I was studying interactions of biomolecules within a crowded and confined environment, which mimics the cellular interior. I was using Brownian Dynamics (BD) simulations and was developing a model for biomolecules interacting with solid surfaces. My programming skills were useful in the development of the new version of SDA (Simulation of Diffusional Association). Moreover, I was studying association and dissociation kinetics of drug-protein complexes, also using BD simulations.

Before the post-doc project, I studied at Physics Faculty, at the University of Warsaw, Poland, where I also did my Ph.D. in theoretical biophysics under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Joanna Trylska. During my Ph.D. studies, I was investigating the resistance mechanisms of bacteria against aminoglycoside antibiotics. I used tools of theoretical biophysics, such as molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, Poisson-Boltzmann electrostatic model, molecular mechanics (MM) generalized Born (GB) surface area (SA) free energy estimation, and many visualization techniques. I developed an algorithm for analysis of internal motions of biomolecules based on large conformational datasets, e.g., from MD simulations. The algorithm is implemented as part of the tremendous R-package bio3d, geostas domain finder.




Together with Janne Mannseth, we're organizing a course in introduction to R-programming and data analysis for PhD students in medicine, RMED901.


I was responsible for the "Applied bioinformatics II" course (MOL217) at the Department of Molecular Biology during the spring semester 2017.



See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Check out my profile on Google Scholar.
