Késia Decoté Rodrigues
Postdoctoral Fellow, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, Grieg Academy
Research groups
Concerts were cancelled during the lockdowns imposed to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. As such, the pandemic has made digital concerts become the new norm. In this context, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions project "music as an invitation: liveness in digital piano performances through participating audiences" investigates audience participation as part of feelings of being connected to other people in digital musical performances. Using participatory action research methods, it will also work with women and girls to collaboratively create online piano performances. The project focusses on audiences of women and girls, considering the lack of opportunities for these groups in terms of their participation in classical music. In this way, this project seeks to contribute positive change towards more inclusive music practices for the post-pandemic and digitalised world.
- Chapters
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. From Déjà vu to Anagrams. In LOOKING WITHIN. 2021. Sunny Knable (ed.). Vision Edition. ISBN: 978-0-9931761-7-3
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. Casa and other works: Explorations on the performance space and interdisciplinary strategies for the piano recital, in SOUND ART AND MUSIC. 2020. John Dack, Tansy Spinks, Adam J Stanovic (eds.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 1-5275-5781-2.
- Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Rodrigues, Késia. 2020. Visuals, Structure and Emotion: The Toy Piano in the Dramaturgy of Piano Recitals. Vortex Music Journal. Vol. 8, N.2, ISSN 2327-9937. DOI: 10.33871/23179937.2020.8.2.4
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. 2017. For her – an exploration of the piano recital as a tool for raising social issues awareness. IMPAR – Initiatives, Meetings and Publications on Artistic Research, Online Journal for Artistic Research, Vol.1, N.1, 2017, p. 29-37, ISSN 2184-1993. DOI: https://doi.org/10.34624/impar.v1i1.694
- Thesis & Dissertations
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. 2017. For a “Dramaturgy of the Piano Recital” – an Investigation of Interdisciplinary Strategies for Live Classical Piano Performances’. PhD, Oxford Brookes University. DOI: 10.24384/QFE1-8T05.
Rodrigues, Késia Decoté. 2006. Música popular instrumental brasileira (1970-2005): uma abordagem subsidiada pelo estudo da vida e obra de oito pianistas. Dissertação de Mestrado. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ. (Master’s Degree Dissertation).
- Complete articles in conference proceedings
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. "A recital of your own - digital strategies for piano performances in pandemic times". Nova Contemporary Music Meeting, Lisbon: 2021 (in press).
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. ‘casa’ e ‘myths & visions’: dois recitais de piano/performances interdisciplinares, in Festival de Música Contemporânea Brasileira (FMCB). Volume V: 2018, Campinas, Brazil. Part of ISSN: 2526-5784
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. ‘casa’ – reflections on house & home: explorations of narrative, space and audience in a piano performance, in annals of XXVI Congresso da Anppom. Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 22 – 26 August 2016. Part of ISSN: 1983 - 5973
- Digital objects (documentation of interdisciplinary performances)
Decoté, Késia. 2018. for her. Oxford Brookes University. DOI: 10.24384/000489.
Decoté, Késia. 2018. myths and visions. Oxford Brookes University. DOI: 10.24384/000532.
Decoté, Késia. 2018. casa – reflections on house & home. DOI: 10.24384/000530.
- Abstracts in conference proceedings
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. "A recital of your own - digital strategies for piano performances in pandemic times”. Nova Contemporary Music Meeting, Lisbon, 2021.
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. "myths & visions - a piano (& body) performance: music performance informing dance, dance informing musical performance [Lecture-recital]". Paper presented in International Music Research School 2018, Trondheim, 2018.
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. "myths and visions – an extended piano performance about imaginary worlds and images". Paper presented in International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, Orlando, 2017.
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. "Casa and other works: Explorations on the performance space and interdisciplinary strategies for the piano recital". Paper presented in Seventh International Symposium on Music/ Sonic Art: Practices and Theorie, Karlsruhe, 2016.
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. "My piano in the midst of the turmoil [Musical performance]". Paper presented in Oxford Brookes TDE Research Student Conference, Oxford, 2016.
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. "For her: an exploration of the piano recital as a tool for raising social issues awareness [Lecture-recital]". Paper presented in PERFORMA ¿ Conference on Musical Performance, Aveiro, 2015.
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. "For her: an exploration of the piano recital as a tool for raising social issues awareness [Lecture-recital]". Paper presented in CARU | Arts re Search Conference 2015, Oxford, 2015.
Decoté Rodrigues, Késia. "Piano performance and Etc: investigations on interdisciplinary strategies for the piano recital". Paper presented in Oxford Brookes University TDE Conference, Oxford, 2015.
Rodrigues, Késia; AUGUSTO, E. S.; MELLO, G. L.. "As Mágicas "O remorso vivo" e "A rainha da noite" - dois estudos de caso". Paper presented in 55ª Reunião Anual da SBPC e 10ª Jornada Nacional de Iniciação Científica, Recife, 2003.
Rodrigues, Késia; AUGUSTO, E. S.; MELLO, G. L.; SANTOS, A. R. "As Mágicas". Paper presented in XXIV Jornada de Iniciação Científica e XIV Jornada de Iniciação Artística e Cultural da UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, 2002.
Rodrigues, Késia (6110-ADD4-AE59); ALMEIDA, J. C.; FIGUEIREDO, A. P.; AUGUSTO, E. S.; MELLO, G. L.. "A Mágica "O remorso vivo" - um estudo de caso". Paper presented in XXIII Jornada de Iniciação Científica e XIII Jornada de Iniciação Artística e Cultural da UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, 2002.
- Recordings - albums, DVD
Para a frente. Késia Decoté. Digital album. Works for piano, toy piano, and electronics by Yfat Soul Zisso, Omar Peracha, Max Gibson, Angela E. Slater and Michael Taplin. Nonclassical, 2020. ASIN: B08LMSDPPY. https://kesiadecote.bandcamp.com
Isolation - 15 miniatures for piano. Késia Decoté. CD and digital album. Piano works by Charlotte Botterill. Lis de la mer, 2020. ASIN: B08PDX4T8R. https://charlottebotterill.bandcamp.com/album/isolation
Hour. Késia Decoté & Bruno Guastalla. Digital album. Piano and cello improvisation. New Hinksey Recordings, 2018. https://newhinkseyrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/hour-k-sia-decot-bruno-guastalla
PianOrquestra – 10 mãos e um piano preparado. DVD, ensemble. Claudio Dauelsberg, Késia Decoté, Claudia Castelo Branco, Gisele Sant’Anna Jadna Zimmermann. -. Visom, 2007. ISBN: 7898369065401, ASIN: B01EGQRPOC
- Vídeos (selection)
Melt with the world. Music by David Evans, performance musical Késia Decoté. Part of the collaborative project ‘Secret Sequenza’, organized by Noah Max, 2021. https://youtu.be/o8r3FAI3Qt0?t=916
Mel Bonis - por Késia Decoté e Thalyson Rodrigues. Music by Mel Bonis, music performance by Késia Decoté and Thalyson Rodrigues, ilustrations by Antonio Martins Neto, text, voice and editing by Késia Decoté, 2021. https://youtu.be/TyuTyk3JZds
Piano Miniaturas - video concert. Music by Erik Satie, Charlotte Botterill and Yfat Soul Zisso, music performance, images and editing by Késia Decoté, 2020. https://youtu.be/u-c4TT2lE5A
Morfydd Owen, by Késia Decoté. Music by Morfydd Owen, illustrations by Antonio Martins Neto, music performance, text, voice and editing by Késia Decoté, 2020. https://youtu.be/kckAk0VCv34
Késia Decoté tells and plays: Clara Schumann. Music by Clara Schumann, illustrations by João Callado, music performance, text, voice and editing by Késia Decoté, 2020. https://youtu.be/4oEgT6Yf6Oo
Miragem. Música de Marisa Rezende, music performance by Késia Decoté, video by Foliage Films and Dave Barnard, sonorisation by Bryan Mills, mixing by Paul Skinner, production by Arctic Circle. Live recording, Daylight Music Series, Union Chapel, Londres, 30/03/2019. https://youtu.be/bSiIwcf6hv0
Improvisation, Waterloo 2018 [_travels_]. Music performance by Késia Decoté, production by Tropical Zero. Waterloo, Canada, 2018.
- Scores
Dots, Blocks & Lines - improvisation in 3 movements. For keyboard ensembel in performance through video conference. Premiered by Oxford Improvisers, 22/03/2021. [Personal archive].
from water, for solo piano. Premiered by David Evans in the project Secret Sequenza, 10/03/2021. [Personal archive].
Cada Instante, for solo piano. Arrangement on work by Sérgio Pimenta. Published in melhor companhia, Cláudio Thompson, 2017 [CD and score book]. ASIN: B08RD1C84N
Meu Auxílio, for solo piano. Arrangement on work by Sérgio Pimenta. Published in melhor companhia, Cláudio Thompson, 2017 [CD and score book]. ASIN: B08RD1C84N