Konrad Tywoniuk
Associate Professor, group leader Theoretical Physics group
Research groups
I work in the intersection of high-energy nuclear and particle physics.
My main research activity deals with the understanding of how QCD jets interact with the hot and dense medium created in heavy-ion collisions. I am also interested in non-equilibrium properties of strongly interacting systems, and how to use tools of machine learning and data-driven methods to help us analyze data.
In 2018 I was awarded a TMS Starting Grant to establish a research group at the Department of Physics and Technology.
PHYS206 Statistical physics and thermodynamics
PHYS301 General Relativity
PHYS333 Relativistic Heavy-Ion Physics
Academic article
- Belmont, Ron; Brewer, Jasmine; Brodsky, Quinn et al. (2024). Predictions for the sPHENIX physics program. (external link)
- Hansen, Jan-Petter; Tywoniuk, Konrad (2024). Near-periodic behavior and parameter-insensitive dynamics of a giant atom interacting with a continuum. (external link)
- Mehtar-Tani, Yacine; Pablos, Daniel; Tywoniuk, Konrad (2024). Jet suppression and azimuthal anisotropy from RHIC to LHC. (external link)
- Adhya, Souvik Priyam; Kutak, Krzysztof; Płaczek, Wiesław et al. (2023). Transverse momentum broadening of medium-induced cascades in expanding media. (external link)
- Isaksen, Johannes Hamre; Takacs, Adam; Tywoniuk, Konrad (2023). A unified picture of medium-induced radiation. (external link)
- Isaksen, Johannes Hamre; Tywoniuk, Konrad (2023). Precise description of medium-induced emissions. (external link)
- Adhya, Souvik Priyam; Salgado, Carlos A.; Spousta, Martin et al. (2022). Multi-partonic medium induced cascades in expanding media. (external link)
- Du, Yi-lun; Pablos, Daniel; Tywoniuk, Konrad (2022). Jet Tomography in Heavy-Ion Collisions with Deep Learning. (external link)
- Blanco, E.; Kutak, K.; Płaczek, W. et al. (2022). System of evolution equations for quark and gluon jet quenching with broadening. (external link)
- Isaksen, Johannes Hamre; Tywoniuk, Konrad (2021). Wilson line correlators beyond the large-N<inf>c</inf>. (external link)
- Tywoniuk, Konrad (2021). Parton energy loss: new theoretical progress. (external link)
- Mehtar-Tani, Yacine; Pablos Alfonso, Daniel; Tywoniuk, Konrad (2021). Cone-Size Dependence of Jet Suppression in Heavy-Ion Collisions. (external link)
- Barata, João; Mehtar-Tani, Yacine; Soto-Ontoso, Alba et al. (2021). Revisiting transverse momentum broadening in dense QCD media. (external link)
- Takacs, Adam; Tywoniuk, Konrad (2021). Quenching effects in the cumulative jet spectrum. (external link)
- Du, Yi-lun; Pablos Alfonso, Daniel; Tywoniuk, Konrad (2021). Deep learning jet modifications in heavy-ion collisions. (external link)
- Barata, João; Mehtar-Tani, Yacine; Soto-Ontoso, Alba et al. (2021). Medium-induced radiative kernel with the Improved Opacity Expansion. (external link)
- Adhya, Souvik Priyam; Salgado, C.A.; Spousta, M. et al. (2020). Jet quenching in expanding medium. (external link)
- Dominguez, Fabio; Milhano, Jose; Salgado, Carlos et al. (2020). Mapping collinear in-medium parton splittings. (external link)
- Mehtar-Tani, Yacine; Tywoniuk, Konrad (2020). Improved opacity expansion for medium-induced parton splitting. (external link)
- van Hameren, Andreas; Kutak, Krzysztof; Placzek, Wieslaw et al. (2020). Jet quenching and effects of non-Gaussian transverse-momentum broadening on dijet observables. (external link)
- Andrews, Harry Arthur; Apolinario, Liliana; Bertens, Redmer Alexander et al. (2020). Novel tools and observables for jet physics in heavy-ion collisions. (external link)
- Mehtar-Tani, Yacine; Soto-Ontoso, Alba; Tywoniuk, Konrad (2020). Tagging boosted hadronic objects with dynamical grooming. (external link)
- Mehtar-Tani, Yacine; Soto-Ontoso, Alba; Tywoniuk, Konrad (2020). Dynamical grooming of QCD jets. (external link)
- Adhya, Souvik Priyam; Salgado, Carlos A.; Spousta, Martin et al. (2020). Medium-induced cascade in expanding media. (external link)
- Blok, Boris; Tywoniuk, Konrad (2019). Higher-order corrections to heavy-quark jet quenching. (external link)
- Tywoniuk, Konrad (2018). Toward a unified description of jet and medium scales in heavy-ion collisions. (external link)
- Richter, Matthias Rudolph; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2017). Online data compression in the ALICE O2 facility. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Abel, N; Abeysekara, U et al. (2011). Production of pions, kaons and protons in pp collisions at root s=900 GeV with ALICE at the LHC. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Abel, N; Asryan, A et al. (2010). Two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in pp collisions at root s=900 GeV. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Abel, N; Abeysekara, U et al. (2010). Midrapidity antiproton-to-proton ratio in pp collisons root s=0.9 and 7 TeV measured by the ALICE experiment. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bravina, Larissa et al. (2010). Alignment of the ALICE Inner Tracking System with cosmic-ray tracks. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Abel, N; Abeysekara, U et al. (2010). Charged-particle multiplicity measurement in proton-proton collisions at root s=0.9 and 2.36 TeV with ALICE at LHC. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Abel, N; Abeysekara, U et al. (2010). Charged-particle multiplicity measurement in proton-proton collisions at root s=7 TeV with ALICE at LHC. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Abel, N; Abeysekara, U et al. (2010). First proton-proton collisions at the LHC as observed with the ALICE detector: measurement of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density at root s=900 GeV. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Abel, N; Abeysekara, U et al. (2010). Transverse momentum spectra of charged particles in proton-proton collisions at root s=900 GeV with ALICE at the LHC. (external link)
- Zampolli, C.; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2009). ALICE: The experiment and its performance. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). The ALICE experiment: Overview and status. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). Preparation for heavy-flavour measurements with ALICE at the LHC. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). Commissioning of the ALICE-LHC online data quality monitoring framework. (external link)
- Antonioli, P.; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2009). Status and commissioning of the ALICE experiment at the LHC. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Capella, Alfons; Ferreiro, Elena et al. (2009). Can the RHIC J/psi puzzle(s) be settled at LHC?. (external link)
- Kanaki, Kalliopi; Aamodt, Kenneth; Alme, Johan et al. (2009). Simulation study on light vector meson decays to electron-positron pairs with the ALICE experiment. (external link)
- Kanaki, Kalliopi; Aamodt, Kenneth; Alme, Johan et al. (2009). Heavy flavours in ALICE. (external link)
- Kanaki, Kalliopi; Aamodt, Kenneth; Alme, Johan et al. (2009). Heavy flavour capabilities of the ALICE transition radiation detector. (external link)
- Zabrodin, Evgeny; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bleibel, Johannes et al. (2009). EOS at FAIR energies and the role of resonances. (external link)
- Kanaki, Kalliopi; Aamodt, Kenneth; Alme, Johan et al. (2009). Commissioning and calibration of the zero degree calorimeters for the ALICE experiment. (external link)
- Kanaki, Kalliopi; Aamodt, Kenneth; Alme, Johan et al. (2009). Commissioning of the ALICE-LHC online data quality monitoring framework. (external link)
- Larsen, Dag Toppe; Djuvsland, Øystein; Røhrich, Dieter et al. (2009). ALICE TPC control and read-out system. (external link)
- Kanaki, Kalliopi; Aamodt, Kenneth; Alme, Johan et al. (2009). The ALICE experiment: Overview and status. (external link)
- Kanaki, Kalliopi; Larsen, Dag Toppe; Aamodt, Kenneth et al. (2009). The trigger system of the ALICE muon spectrometer at the LHC. (external link)
- Kanaki, Kalliopi; Aamodt, Kenneth; Alme, Johan et al. (2009). Preparation for heavy-flavour measurements with ALICE at the LHC. (external link)
- Lokhtin, IP; Malinina, LV; Petrushanko, SV et al. (2009). Heavy ion event generator HYDJET plus plus (HYDrodynamics plus JETs). (external link)
- Kanaki, Kalliopi; Aamodt, Kenneth; Alme, Johan et al. (2009). Event-by-event physics in ALICE. (external link)
- Kanaki, Kalliopi; Aamodt, Kenneth; Alme, Johan et al. (2009). The ALICE PHOS calorimeter. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). Quarkonia measurements with ALICE at the LHC. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). Results from cosmics and first LHC beam with the ALICE HMPID detector. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). Photon Physics in ALICE. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). Heavy flavour capabilities of the ALICE transition radiation detector. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; ALICE, Collaboration; Arnaldi, R et al. (2009). Commissioning and calibration of the zero degree calorimeters for the ALICE experiment. (external link)
- Stocco, D.; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2009). Quarkonia detection in p-p with ALICE. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). The ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter project. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). Event-by-event physics in ALICE. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). ALICE-PHOS: Acceptance and efficiency correction factors p- p ---> pi0 + X at 10-TeV. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). The ALICE PHOS calorimeter. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). Results from the commissioning of the ALICE Inner Tracking System with cosmics. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). Exploring the LHC medium with direct photons. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). Perspectives for the measurement of D+(S) mesons via the D+(S) ---> K+ K- pi+ channel in the ALICE experiment. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). B-hadron cross-section measurement in p p collisions at S**(1/2) = 14 TeV with the ALICE muon spectrometer. (external link)
- Kanaki, Kalliopi; Aamodt, Kenneth; Alme, Johan et al. (2009). The ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter project. (external link)
- Kanaki, Kalliopi; Aamodt, Kenneth; Alme, Johan et al. (2009). ALICE-PHOS: Acceptance and efficiency correction factors p-p--> pi0 + X at 10 TeV. (external link)
- Kanaki, Kalliopi; Aamodt, Kenneth; Alme, Johan et al. (2009). Particle identification with the ALICE detector. (external link)
- Kanaki, Kalliopi; Aamodt, Kenneth; Alme, Johan et al. (2009). Quarkonia measurements with ALICE at the LHC. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Acounis, S; Adamová, D et al. (2009). Heavy flavours in ALICE. (external link)
- Capella, A.; Bravina, Larissa; Ferreiro, E. et al. (2008). Charmonium dissociation and recombination at RHIC and LHC. (external link)
- Tywoniuk, Konrad; Bravina, Larissa; Capella, A et al. (2008). Charmonium dynamics in dA and AA at RHIC and LHC. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Nilsson, Mads Stormo et al. (2008). Microscopic models and effective equation of state in nuclear collisions in the vicinity of E-lab=30A GeV at the GSI Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) and beyond. (external link)
- Nystrand, Joakim; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). Photon-Induced Physics with Heavy-Ion Beams in ALICE. (external link)
- Kuhn, Christian; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). Soft physics in ALICE. (external link)
- Badala, Angela; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). Study of short-lived resonances in ALICE. (external link)
- Antinori, Federico; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). Heavy-ion physics with ALICE. (external link)
- Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bravina, Larissa et al. (2008). The ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. (external link)
- Vercellin, E.; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). The ALICE experiment at the LHC. (external link)
- De Cataldo, G.; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). The high momentum particle identification detector in ALICE at LHC. (external link)
- Manzari, Vito; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). Pixels make for perfect particle tracking in ALICE. (external link)
- Raniwala, Sudhir; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). Anisotropic flow measurements in ALICE. (external link)
- Ramello, Luciano; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). First physics with heavy ions in ALICE. (external link)
- Espagnon, B.; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). The ALICE muon spectrometer and related physics. (external link)
- Anticic, T.; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). Commissioning of the ALICE data acquisition system. (external link)
- Morsch, A.; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). Jet and gamma-jet physics with ALICE. (external link)
- Masera, Massimo; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). Heavy flavour physics in ALICE. (external link)
- Schicker, R.; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). The ALICE detector and trigger strategy for diffractive and electromagnetic processes. (external link)
- Ganoti, Paraskevi; Tveter, Trine Spedstad; Aamodt, Kenneth et al. (2008). Study of Lambda(1520) production in p p simulated interactions at 14-TeV with the ALICE detector. (external link)
- Morsch, A.; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). Jets in heavy ion collisions at the LHC with ALICE. (external link)
- Estienne, M.; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). High p(T) and jet physics from RHIC to LHC. (external link)
- Faivre, Julien; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). Study of the ALICE performance for the measurement of beauty production. (external link)
- Takaki, J.D. Tapia; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). Prospects for phi meson production in pp collisions at the ALICE experiment. (external link)
- Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bravina, Larissa; Kaidalov, Alexei et al. (2008). Coherent J/psi production - A novel feature at LHC?. (external link)
- Tywoniuk, Konrad; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bravina, LV et al. (2008). Nuclear suppression at RHIC and LHC in Glauber-Gribov approach. (external link)
- Crochet, P.; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). The ALICE experiment at the LHC. (external link)
- Tywoniuk, Konrad; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bravina, Larissa et al. (2007). Gluon shadowing in the Glauber-Gribov model at HERA. (external link)
- Tywoniuk, Konrad; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bravina, Larissa et al. (2007). Energy dependence of nuclear suppression in the fragmentation region. (external link)
- Tywoniuk, Konrad; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bravina, Larissa et al. (2007). Gluon shadowing in the Glauber-Gribov model. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Nilsson, Mads Stormo et al. (2007). Equilibration of matter in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. (external link)
- Tywoniuk, Konrad; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bravina, Larissa et al. (2006). Gluon shadowing and unitarity effects. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Nilsson, Mads S.; Tywoniuk, Konrad et al. (2006). Can thermal model explain $\bar{\Lambda}/\bar{p}$ puzzle?. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Tywoniuk, Konrad; Zabrodin, Evgeny et al. (2006). Freeze-out and anisotropic flow in microscopic models. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Nilsson, Mads S. et al. (2006). Equilibration of matter near the QCD critical point. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Tywoniuk, Konrad; Zabrodin, Evgeny (2005). Freeze-out of strange hadrons at RHIC. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Tywoniuk, Konrad; Zabrodin, Evgeny et al. (2005). Elliptic flow at RHIC: where and when was it formed?. (external link)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Feature article
- Emblemsvåg, Jan; Krokan, Arne; Æsøy, Vilmar et al. (2023). Det kan ikke søkes forskingsmidler til kjernekraft: – Et sjansespill med Norges energifremtid?. (external link)
- Emblemsvåg, Jan; Krokan, Arne; Æsøy, Vilmar et al. (2023). Det kan ikke søkes forskingsmidler til kjernekraft: – Et sjansespill med Norges energifremtid?. (external link)
Academic literature review
Academic lecture
- Lokhtin, Igor; Malinina, Liudmila; Petrushanko, Sergei et al. (2009). HYDJET++ heavy ion event generator and its applications for RHIC and LHC. (external link)
- Malinina, Liudmila; Batyunia, B; Fedunov, A et al. (2009). Study of femtoscopy correlations in ALICE at LHC. (external link)
- Hille, Per Thomas; Aamodt, Kenneth; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2008). The Photon Spectrometer of the ALICE Experiment. (external link)
- Tywoniuk, Konrad; Bravina, Larissa; Capella, Alfons et al. (2008). Can the RHIC J/psi puzzle(s) be settled at LHC?. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Tywoniuk, Konrad; Capella, Alfons et al. (2008). Can the RHIC J/psi puzzle(s) be settled at LHC?. (external link)
- Zabrodin, Evgeny; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bleibel, Johannes et al. (2008). Equation of state at FAIR energies and the role of resonances. (external link)
- Zabrodin, Evgeny; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bleibel, Johannes et al. (2008). Effective equation of state at FAIR energies and beyond. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Tywoniuk, Konrad; Capella, Alfons et al. (2008). Resolving the J/psi RHIC puzzles at LHC. (external link)
- Tywoniuk, Konrad; Bravina, Larissa; Capella, A. et al. (2008). Charmonium dynamics in dA and AA at RHIC and LHC. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Tywoniuk, Konrad; Capella, A. et al. (2008). Heavy flavour particle production at RHIC and LHC within Gribov-Glauber model. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Zabrodin, Evgeny; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2007). Equation of state and collective flow in relativistic heavy ion collisions. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Tywoniuk, Konrad et al. (2007). Hydrodynamics and flow in relativistic collisions. (external link)
- Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bravina, Larissa; Kaidalov, Alexei et al. (2007). Multiplicity and cold-nuclear matter effects from Glauber-Gribov theory at LHC. (external link)
- Tywoniuk, Konrad; Bravina, Larissa; Kaidalov, Alexei et al. (2007). Coherent J/psi production - a novel feature at LHC ?. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Tywoniuk, Konrad; Kaidalov, Alexei et al. (2007). Nuclear suppression and flow at RHIC and LHC in Glauber-Gribov approach - light and heavy particles. (external link)
- Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bravina, Larissa; Kaidalov, Alexei et al. (2007). Energy dependence of nuclear effects in hadron-nucleus collisions. (external link)
- Zabrodin, Evgeny; Bravina, Larissa; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2007). Open questions of the statistical approach to relativistic heavy-ion collisions. (external link)
- Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bravina, Larissa; Kaidalov, Alexei et al. (2007). Heavy-quark production from Glauber-Gribov theory at LHC. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Nilsson, Mads S. et al. (2006). Equilibration of matter near the QCD critical point. (external link)
- Zabrodin, Evgeny; Bravina, Larissa; Arsene, Ionut Christian et al. (2006). Equilibration of matter in relativistic heavy ion collisions. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Nilsson, Mads S. et al. (2006). Equilibration of matter near the QCD critical point. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Nilsson, Mads S. et al. (2006). Equation of state near the QCD critical point. (external link)
- Bravina, Larissa; Nilsson, Mads Stormo; Tywoniuk, Konrad et al. (2005). Can thermal model explain antilambda-to-antiproton puzzle?. (external link)
- Tywoniuk, Konrad; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bravina, Larissa et al. (2005). Gluon shadowing and unitarity effects. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
My current project is titled "Thermalizing jets" and is founded by the Trond Mohn Foundation (Starting Grant). It deals with the description of jet processes in heavy-ion collisions.