Kyrre Kverndokk
Professor, Cultural Studies
I am a folklorist by training and have studied quite different topics within folkloristics, cultural history and cultural studies. I started my career in memory studies, with an emphasis on memory production, memory practices and memory policy. I hold a from Linköping University (2007), where I wrote my dissertation on Norwegian school trips to the memorial sites Auschwitz-Birkenau, Sachsenhausen and Ravensbrück. I have also worked with collective grief and memory practices in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on July 22, 2011.
After I defended my dissertation, I started a project on the reception of natural disasters in a historical perspective (funded by FRIHUM and SAMKUL, NFR 2010-2014). The project got me interested in climate change and imaginaries of a disastrous futures. From 2017 to 2019, I was the PI of the project The future is now: Temporality and exemplarity in climate change discourses (KLIMAFORSK, NFR). I am currently the PI of the follow-up project Gardening the Globe: Historicizing the Anthropocene through the production of socio-nature in Scandinavia, 1750-2020 (2021-2025, SAMKUL, NFR). What connects my work on memory policy, natural disasters and climate change is not only an interest in crises and disasters, but also an interest in temporality and historicity.
I have a great interest in tradition archives and the history of folkloristics. I am currently part of the leadership group of the digitization project SAMLA: National Infrastructure for Cultural History and Tradition Archives (INFRASTRUCTURE, NFR, 2020-2027).
- Kverndokk, Kyrre; Eriksen, Anne (2021). Climate Change Temporalities: Narratives, Genres, and Tropes. (external link)
- Bjærke, Marit Ruge; Kverndokk, Kyrre (2021). Our World is dew: Tor Åge Bringsværd's fable Prose as a Chthulucenic Experience. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre; Bjærke, Marit Ruge; Eriksen, Anne (2021). Climate Change Temporalities. Explorations in Vernacular, Popular and Scientific Discourse. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2021). The Extreme Summer of 2018: Norwegian Weather News and the Politics of Weatherlore. (external link)
- Bremer, Scott; Johnson, Eleanor; Fløttum, Kjersti et al. (2020). Portrait of a climate city: How climate change is emerging as a risk in Bergen, Norway. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2020). Catarina Harjunen, Att dansa med de(t) skeva. Erotiska möten mellan människa och naturväsen i finlandssvenska folksägner. Rec.. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2020). Talking about your generation: “Our children” as a trope in climate change discourse. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2020). Klimatförändringarnas tid: Kulturella perspektiv på krismedvetande. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2020). «Je suis sick of this shit»: Terrorangrep, memetisk kultur og digitale sorgriter. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2020). The Age of Climate Change: Cultural Change Temporalities and Crisis Awareness. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2020). Natural Disasters and Modernity. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2019). The End of the World: From the Lisbon Earthquake to the Last Days. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2019). Barnet og ungdomsopprøret: Om Greta Thunsbergs retorikk i anledning Fritt Ords pris 2019. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2019). Sammen i sorgen: Spontane minnesteder, sosiale medier og minnefellesskap. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2019). Rykter. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2019). Tradisjonsdominant. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2019). Risk Perception through Exemplarity: Hurricanes as Climate Change Examples and Counterexamples in Norwegian News Media . (external link)
- Svensen, Henrik; Bjærke, Marit Ruge; Kverndokk, Kyrre (2019). The past as a mirror: Deep time climate change exemplarity in the anthropocene. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2018). Da Superdome ble Thunderdome: Katastrofeforestillinger og postapokalyptiske fantasier. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2018). Discipining the Polyphony of the Herbarium: The order of Folklore in the Norwegian Folklore Archives. (external link)
- Bjerregaard, Peter; Kverndokk, Kyrre (2018). Kollaps: På randen av fremtiden. (external link)
- Bjerregaard, Peter; Kverndokk, Kyrre (2018). Kollaps. På randen av fremtiden.. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2017). Klimakrisens tid. (external link)
- Tuft, Mia; Nakken, Karl Otto; Kverndokk, Kyrre (2017). Traditional folk beliefs on epilepsy in Norway and Sweden. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2017). Sosiale medier og kjærlighetsfortellingen om 22. juli. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2017). Androids, cyborgs and connectivity. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2017). Maryam Adjam: Minnespår: Hågkomstens rum och rörelse i skuggan av flykt. Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposion, Höör 2017, 304 s., ill.. (external link)
- Kjus, Audun; Kverndokk, Kyrre; Esborg, Line et al. (2016). Metodikkens skål! Moltke Moe som feltforsker. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2016). Jordskjelv - 1700-tallets ekstremvær. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2016). Telemarken revisited - om immarteriell kulturarv i 1890 og i dag.. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2013). Monumentalt og usynlig. Minnesmerkers vei inn og ut av glemselen. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2013). Negotiating Terror, Negotiating Love. Commemorative Convergence in Norway after the Terrorist Attack on 22 July 2011. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2013). Et nettverk av sorg. Sosiale medier og minnekultur etter 22. juli. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2013). Norsk Folkeminnesamling. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2013). Nästa stopp Auschwitz: Bussen som omkopplingsstation på norska skolresor till Förintelsens minnesplatser. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2011). Krigens helter og ofre. Akershus festning som krigsminnelandskap. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2011). Tegn i tiden. naturkatastrofer som kulturhistorie. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2011). «De sidste Dages Nærmelse» : Jordskjelvet i Lisboa som fokalpunkt for fremtidsforestillinger. (external link)
- Esborg, Line; Kverndokk, Kyrre; Sem, Leiv (2011). Or gamalt - nye perspektiver på folkeminner. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2011). "Han ligner litt på nissen igrunn". Folkloristiske forestillinger om folketro. (external link)
- Esborg, Line; Kverndokk, Kyrre; Sem, Leiv (2011). Kapittel 1: Innleiing. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2011). "Eg veit eg burde grine, alle dei andre grin jo". På skoletur til Auschwitz. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2011). Historieskriving som minnekultur. Anmeldelse av Synne Corell: Krigens ettertid. Okkupasjonshistorien i norske historiebøker. Scandinavian Academic Press, 2011. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2010). Andreas Hellerstedt: Ödets teater: Ödesföreställningar i Sverige vid 1700-talets början. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2010). Living with Burnout. - Mia-Marie Hammarlin, Att leva som utbränd. (external link)
- Kverndokk, Kyrre (2010). ”Ach! Hvilken Domme-Dag, min GUD! Ach! Hvilken Dag!” – om eksemplaritet og jærtegn i dansk-norsk resepsjon av Lisboa-jordskjelvet i 1755 55. (external link)
I am currently leading the project The Future is Now.