Academic lecture
Halbritter, Aud Helen; Althuizen, Inge; Demenaux, Morgane
et al. (2024). Climate change impacts on biodiversity and multifunctionality across a boreal landscape. (external link)
Svendsen, John-Inge; Krüger, Linn Cecilie; Mangerud, Jan
et al. (2013). Glacial and vegetation history of the Polar Ural Mountains in Northern Russia during the Last Ice Age, marine Isotope Stage 5e. (external link)
Karlsen, Linn Cecilie
(2009). Foreløpige resultater av pollenanalytiske undersøkelser fra Lake Gerdizty, nordlige Russland. (external link)
Svendsen, John-Inge; Gyllencreutz, Richard; Henriksen, Mona
et al. (2009). Deep lakes in the Polar Urals – unique archives for reconstructing the Quaternary climate and glacial history in the Russian Arctic. (external link)
Karlsen, Linn Cecilie
(2008). The Late-Weichselian palaeoenvironment in western Norway. (external link)
Karlsen, Linn Cecilie
(2007). Senglasial vegetasjons- og klimautvikling på to kystnære lokaliteter i vestlige Sør-Norge. (external link)
Karlsen, Linn Cecilie
(2007). The Late-Glacial vegetation and climate at Vassnestjern and Løkjingsmyra, western South-Norway. (external link)
Karlsen, Linn Cecilie
(2007). The Late-Glacial vegetation and climate at two coastal sites in western S. Norway. (external link)
Academic article
Vandvik, Vigdis; Althuizen, Inge; Jaroszynska, Francesca
et al. (2022). The role of plant functional groups mediating climate impacts on carbon and biodiversity of alpine grasslands. (external link)
Seddon, Alistair William Robin; Festi, Daniela; Nieuwkerk, Mayke
et al. (2021). Pollen-chemistry variations along elevation gradients and their implications for a proxy for UV-B radiation in the plant-fossil record. (external link)
Seddon, Alistair; Jokerud, Mari; Barth, Tanja
et al. (2017). Improved quantification of UV-B-absorbing compounds in Pinus sylvestris L. pollen grains using an internal standard methodology. (external link)
Svendsen, John-Inge; Krüger, Linn Cecilie; Mangerud, Jan
et al. (2014). Glacial and vegetation history of the Polar Ural Mountains in northern Russia during the Last Ice Age, Marine Isotope Stages 5-2. (external link)
Karlsen, Linn Cecilie; Paus, Aage; Svendsen, John-Inge
et al. (2011). Lateglacial vegetation and palaeoenvironment in W Norway, with new pollen data from the Sunnmøre region. (external link)
Karlsen, Linn Cecilie
(2009). Lateglacial vegetation and environment at the mouth of Hardangerfjorden, western Norway. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.