Academic article
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; van den Broeck, Wim (2024). Optimal Extended Formulations from Optimal Dynamic Programming Algorithms. (external link)
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Vadiee, Farhad (2024). State Canonization and Early Pruning in Width-Based Automated Theorem Proving. (external link)
- Arrighi, Emmanuel Jean Paul Pierre; Fernau, Henning; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus et al. (2023). Order Reconfiguration under Width Constraints. (external link)
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Vadiee, Farhad (2023). From Width-Based Model Checking to Width-Based Automated Theorem Proving. (external link)
- Arrighi, Emmanuel Jean Paul Pierre; Fernau, Henning; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus et al. (2023). Synchronization and Diversity of Solutions. (external link)
- Lingg, Jonas; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Wolf, Petra Henrike Karola (2023). Learning from positive and negative examples: New proof for binary alphabets. (external link)
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Tveretina, Olga (2022). Mortality and Edge-to-Edge Reachability are Decidable on Surfaces. (external link)
- de Melo, Alexsander Andrade; Oliveira, Mateus De Oliveira (2022). Second-Order Finite Automata. (external link)
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus (2022). Synthesis and Analysis of Petri Nets from Causal Specifications. (external link)
- Lingg, Jonas; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Wolf, Petra Henrike Karola (2022). Learning from Positive and Negative Examples: Dichotomies and Parameterized Algorithms. (external link)
- Alferov, Vasily; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus (2022). On the Satisfiability of Smooth Grid CSPs. (external link)
- Dourado, Mitre; de Figueiredo, Celina; Andrade de Melo, Alexsander et al. (2022). Computing the zig-zag number of directed graphs. (external link)
- Baste, Julien; Fellows, Michael Ralph; Jaffke, Lars et al. (2022). Diversity of solutions: An exploration through the lens of fixed-parameter tractability theory. (external link)
- Diaz Andino, Fidel Ernesto; Kokkou, Maria; Oliveira, Mateus De Oliveira et al. (2021). Unitary Branching Programs: Learnability and Lower Bounds. (external link)
- Rodrigues Alves, Mateus; Oliveira, Mateus De Oliveira; Nascimento Silva, Janio Carlos et al. (2021). Succinct certification of monotone circuits. (external link)
- Oliveira, Mateus De Oliveira (2021). On Supergraphs Satisfying CMSO Properties. (external link)
- Arrighi, Emmanuel Jean Paul Pierre; Fernau, Henning; Hoffmann, Stefan et al. (2021). On the Complexity of Intersection Non-emptiness for Star-Free Language Classes. (external link)
- Arrighi, Emmanuel Jean Paul Pierre; Fernau, Henning; Oliveira, Mateus De Oliveira et al. (2021). Order Reconfiguration Under Width Constraints. (external link)
- Arrighi, Emmanuel Jean Paul Pierre; Fernau, Henning; Lokshtanov, Daniel et al. (2021). Diversity in Kemeny Rank Aggregation: A Parameterized Approach. (external link)
- Duarte, Gabriel L.; Oliveira, Mateus De Oliveira; Souza, Uéverton S. (2021). Co-Degeneracy and Co-Treewidth: Using the Complement to Solve Dense Instances. (external link)
- Arrighi, Emmanuel; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus (2021). Three is Enough for Steiner Trees. (external link)
- Arrighi, Emmanuel; Fernau, Henning; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus et al. (2020). Width Notions for Ordering-Related Problems. (external link)
- Komusiewicz, Christian; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Zehavi, Meirav (2020). Revisiting the parameterized complexity of Maximum-Duo Preservation String Mapping. (external link)
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Wehar, Michael (2020). On the Fine Grained Complexity of Finite Automata Non-emptiness of Intersection. (external link)
- Rodrigues Alves, Mateus; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Nascimento Silva, Janio Carlos et al. (2020). Succinct Monotone Circuit Certification: Planarity and Parameterized Complexity. (external link)
- Andrade de Melo, Alexsander; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus (2020). Second-Order Finite Automata. (external link)
- Baste, Julien; Fellows, Michael; Jaffke, Lars et al. (2020). Diversity of Solutions: An Exploration Through the Lens of Fixed-Parameter Tractability Theory. (external link)
- Jaffke, Lars; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Tiwary, Hans Raj (2020). Compressing permutation groups into grammars and polytopes. A graph embedding approach. (external link)
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Pudlák, Pavel (2019). Representations of monotone boolean functions by linear programs. (external link)
- Andrade de Melo, Alexsander; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus (2019). On the width of regular classes of finite structures. (external link)
- Lokshtanov, Daniel; Oliveira, Mateus De Oliveira; Saurabh, Saket (2019). A strongly-uniform slicewise polynomial-time algorithm for the embedded planar diameter improvement problem. (external link)
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus (2018). Graph amalgamation under logical constraints. (external link)
- Jaffke, Lars; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus (2018). On weak isomorphism of rooted vertex-colored graphs. (external link)
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Wehar, Michael (2018). Intersection Non-emptiness and Hardness Within Polynomial Time. (external link)
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus (2017). Parameterized provability in equational logic. (external link)
- Komusiewicz, Christian; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Zehavi, Meirav (2017). Revisiting the parameterized complexity of maximum-duo preservation string mapping. (external link)
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus (2017). Size-treewidth tradeoffs for circuits computing the element distinctness function. (external link)
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus (2017). Ground reachability and joinability in linear term rewriting systems are fixed parameter tractable with respect to depth. (external link)
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus (2017). On supergraphs satisfying CMSO properties. (external link)
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Pudlak, Pavel (2017). Representations of monotone boolean functions by linear programs. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Rosamond, Frances; Jaffke, Lars; De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus et al. (2021). Diversity of Solutions: An Exploration Through the Lens of Fixed-Parameter Tractability Theory. (external link)
- De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus; Andrade de Melo, Alexsander (2020). Symbolic Solutions for Symbolic Constraint Satisfaction Problems. (external link)
Autoproving - Automated Theorem Proving from the Mindset of Parameterized Complexity Theory (Research Council of Norway, 8 Million NOK)