Pål Steiner
Senior Academic Librarian, archaeology, classics, and religion
Research groups
Antikkens kilder, Litteratursøk, Antikkens religioner
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lecture
- Steiner, Pål (2019). The ritual rhetoric of lament in Egyptian funeral rites. (external link)
- Steiner, Pål (2017). Comparing solar cycles: The value of Egyptian religion for interpreting Nordic bronze age cosmology . (external link)
- Brodersen, Randi Benedikte; Solheim, Birger; Steiner, Pål et al. (2015). Writing Center - The Norwegian Way. The Establishement of the Bergen Writing Center and Experiences after the First Year in Business. (external link)
- Steiner, Pål (2012). Representations of funeral rituals in Late Period tombs at Asasif. (external link)
- Steiner, Pål (2012). Amarna erasures in Theban tombs and the question of monotheism. (external link)
- Steiner, Pål (2006). Symbolic Connotations of Pyramid Temples in the 5th and 6th Dynasties. (external link)
Academic article
- Solheim, Birger; Steiner, Pål; Brodersen, Randi Benedikte et al. (2016). Engaging Tools for Dialogic Guidance in Higher Education. (external link)
- Steiner, Pål (2012). Ritual og motritual. Veklage som en (kvinnelig) rituell genre. (external link)
- Steiner, Pål (2011). Natur, myte, kropp og arkitektur. Om virkemidler for gjenfødelse i Det gamle Egypt. (external link)
- Steiner, Pål (2010). Amarnatidens ikonoklasme. (external link)
- Bettum, Anders; Steiner, Pål (2003). Religiøs vold i Det gamle Egypt. (external link)