Doctoral dissertation
Academic article
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Gander, Martin J.; Loneland, Atle
et al. (2018). Does SHEM for Additive Schwarz Work Better than Predicted by Its Condition Number Estimate?. (external link)
Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Bjørstad, Petter Erling
(2008). On the relationship between the multiscale finite-volume method and domain decomposition preconditioners. (external link)
Rahman, Talal; Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Xu, Xuejun
(2008). The Crouzeix-Raviart FE on Nonmatching Grids with an Approximate Mortar Condition. (external link)
Rahman, Talal; Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Xu, Xuejun
(2007). The Crouzeix-Raviart Fe on nonmatching grids with an approximate mortar condition. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Dryja, Maksymilian; Rahman, Talal
(2003). Additive Schwarz methods for elliptic mortar finite element problems. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Kårstad, T.
(1994). Domain Decomposition, Parallel Computing and Petroleum Engeneering. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Manne, Fredrik; Sørevik, Tor
et al. (1992). Efficient matrix multiplication on SIMD computers. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Boman, E.
(1991). SLALOM - A better algorithm. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Mandel, J.
(1991). On the Spectra of Sums of Orthoginal Projections with Application to Parallel Computing. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Non-fiction book
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Dryja, Maksymilian; Rahman, Talal
(2000). Additive average Schwarz methods for elliptic mortar finite element problems. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Cook, Jeremy; Palmstrøm, S.
(1994). Para//ab Progress Report 1990-1993. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Moe, Randi
(1994). Domain Decomposition of the Pressure Equation. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Mynthe-Kaas, H.; Cook, Jeremy
et al. (1992). Implementation of a SAR processing Algorithm on Maspar MP-1. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Boman, Erik
(1991). A new algorithm for the SLALOM benchmark. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Skogen, Morten
(1991). Domain decomposition algorithms of schwarz type, designed for massively parallel computers. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Manne, Fredrik; Sørevik, Tor
et al. (1991). Efficient matrix multiplication on SIMD computers. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Cook, Jeremy; Sørevik, Tor
et al. (1991). Implementation of a SAR processing algorithm on MASPAR MP-1208. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Boman, E.
(1991). A new algorithm for the SLALOM benchmark. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Manne, Fredrik; Sørevik, Tor
et al. (1991). Efficient Matrix Multiplication on SIMD Computers. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Cook, Jeremy; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
et al. (1991). Implementation of a SAR processing algorithm on MasPar MP-1208. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Brækhus, Jorunn; Hvidsten, A.
(1991). Parallel Substructuring Algorithms in Structural Analysis, Direct and Iterative Methods. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Brækhus, Jon; Hvidsten, Anders
(1991). Parallel substructuring algorithms in structural analysis, direct and iterative methods. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Moe, Randi; Skogen, Morten
(1991). Parallel Domain Decompositon and Iterative Refinement Algorithms. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Moe, Randi; Skogen, Morten
(1991). Parallel Domain Decompositon and Iterative Refinement Algorithms. (external link)
Academic lecture
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Dryja, Maksymilian; Rahman, Talal
(2000). Efficient Schwarz methods for elliptic mortar finite element problems. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Dryja, Maksymilian; Rahman, Talal
(2000). An efficient additive Schwarz method for elliptic mortar finite element problems. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Dryja, Maksymilian; Rahman, Talal
(1997). Additive Schwarz for anisotropic elliptic problems. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling
(1995). Experience with industrial applications on MIMD machines. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Moe, Randi; Olufsen, Rudi
et al. (1995). Domain Decomposition Techniques in Parallelization of the 3-dimensional FRONTSIM code. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Coughran, W. M.
(1994). Parallel Domain Decomposition Applied to Coupled Transport Equations. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Schreiber, R.
(1994). Unstructured Grids on SIMD Tours Machines. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Cook, Jeremy
(1992). The parallel Processing Laboratory in Bergen. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Skogen, Morten
(1991). Domain Decomposition Algorithms of Schwarz type, designed for Massively Parallel Computers. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Skogan, M.
(1991). A new, massively parallel algorithm for the solution of elliptic eqations with discontinuous coefficients. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Brækhus, Jorunn; Hvidsten, A.
(1991). Parallel Substructuring Algorithms in Structural Analysis, Direct and Iterative Methods. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Skogen, Morten
(1991). Domain Decomposition Algorithms of Schwartz type, designed for Massively Parallel Computers. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Popular scientific lecture
Bjørstad, Petter Erling
(1994). Domain Decomposition (Invitert foredrag). (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling
(1994). Parallel Oil Reservoir Computations. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling
(1994). Domain Decomposition. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling
(1994). Parallel Computing. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling
(1994). Parallel Oil Reservoir Computations. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling
(1994). Computational Mathematics. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling
(1994). Parallel Computer Design. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling
(1994). Domain Decomposition Algorithms. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling
(1994). Domain Decomposition, Parallel Computing and Petroleum Engeneering. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling
(1994). Parallel Applications using Domain Decomposition. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling
(1994). Large Scale Simulations using Parallel Computers. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.