Edit Ragnhild Bjelland Position Senior Executive Officer Affiliation Department of Special Collections University of Bergen Library E-mail ragnhild.bjelland@uib.no Phone number +47 55588831 Visitor address Haakon Sheteligs plass 75007 Bergen Postal address P.O. Box 7808 NO-5020 Bergen Norway Ragnhild Bjelland Position Senior Executive Officer Affiliation Department of Special Collections University of Bergen Library Publications Internet exhibition Bagge, Bjørn Arvid; Søndenå, Ola; Paasche, Marianne et al. (2017). Reformasjonen – en historisk tidslinje. Digital utstilling for å markere reformasjonsjubileet 1517-2017.. (external link) See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.