Sebastian Jentschke
Associate Professor, Developmental Psychology
Research groups
- Bergen Laboratory for the Study of Decision, Intuition, Consciousness, and Emotion
- Brain and Music Group
- Bergen fMRI Group
- Psychological and neuroscientific methods (including writing purpose-made software)
- Neurocognitive development and brain plasticity, in typically developing, impaired, and specially trained (e.g. musically) populations
- Neural correlates of music and language perception and their interrelation
- Neural correlates underlying differences in memory performance, academic achievement, and general cognitive skills in children who perinatally suffered from hypoxia / ischemia
- Induction of emotions (e.g., through music), exploration of their psycho- and neurophysiological correlates and their relation with other aspects of personality
- Preparing for professional work in psychology (PRPSYK301B)
- Developmental psychology (PRPSYK302)
- Cognitive Neuroscience (PRPSYK304)
- Culture, health, and development (PROPSY310)
- Perspectives in Psychological Science (MAPSYK301)
- Research methods (MAPSYK302)
- Developmental, cognitive, and biological psychology (PSYK114 / PSYK120)
- Language development (SPED101)
- Quantitative methods (GHIG937)
Course coordinator:
- Culture, health, and development (PROPSY310)
- Research methods (MAPSYK302)
- Quantitative methods (GHIG937)
- Tsogli, Vera; Jentschke, Sebastian; Koelsch, Stefan (2022). Unpredictability of the “when” influences prediction error processing of the “what” and “where”. (external link)
- Svendsen, Julie Lillebostad; Schanche, Elisabeth; Vøllestad, Jon et al. (2022). Self-Compassion and Its Association With Ruminative Tendencies and Vagally Mediated Heart Rate Variability in Recurrent Major Depression. (external link)
- Ekroll, Vebjørn; Svalebjørg, Mats; Pirrone, Angelo et al. (2021). The illusion of absence: how a common feature of magic shows can explain a class of road accidents. (external link)
- Gallucci, Marcello; Jentschke, Sebastian (2021). SEMLj: A Suite for Structural Equation Models in jamovi. (external link)
- Koelsch, Stefan; Cheung, Vincent K. M.; Jentschke, Sebastian et al. (2021). Neocortical substrates of feelings evoked with music in the ACC, insula, and somatosensory cortex. (external link)
- Jentschke, Sebastian (2020). jmvReadWrite: Routines to read and write (jamovi) OMV-files from R. (external link)
- Koenig, Julian; Abler, Birgit; Agartz, Ingrid et al. (2020). Cortical thickness and resting‐state cardiac function across the lifespan: A cross‐sectional pooled mega‐analysis. (external link)
- Geva, Sharon; Jentschke, Sebastian; Argyropoulos, Georgios P. D. et al. (2020). Volume reduction of caudate nucleus is associated with movement coordination deficits in patients with hippocampal atrophy due to perinatal hypoxia-ischaemia. (external link)
- Tsogli, Barbara; Jentschke, Sebastian; Daikoku, Tatsuya et al. (2019). When the statistical MMN meets the physical MMN. (external link)
- Jentschke, Sebastian; Daikoku, Tatsuya; Tsogli, Barbara et al. (2019). Statistical learning in the developing brain: Towards early diagnosis of impaired language acquisition. (external link)
- Daikoku, Tatsuya; Jentschke, Sebastian; Tsogli, Barbara et al. (2019). Statistical learning in the developing brain. (external link)
- Koelsch, Stefan; Bashevkin, Tobias ; Kristensen, Joakim et al. (2019). Heroic music stimulates empowering thoughts during mind-wandering . (external link)
- Visted, Endre; Sørensen, Lin; Vøllestad, Jon et al. (2019). The association between juvenile onset of depression and emotion regulation difficulties. (external link)
- Tsogli, Vera; Jentschke, Sebastian; Daikoku, Tatsuya et al. (2019). Author Correction: When the statistical MMN meets the physical MMN (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (5563), 10.1038/s41598-019-42066-4). (external link)
- Jentschke, Sebastian (2016). The Relationship between Music and Language. (external link)
- Kölsch, Stefan; Busch, Tobias; Jentschke, Sebastian et al. (2016). Under the hood of statistical learning: A statistical MMN reflects the magnitude of transitional probabilities in auditory sequences. (external link)
- Jentschke, Sebastian (2016). Modulation of syntax processing in music and language by musical training and language impairment. (external link)
- Seunarine, Kiran K.; Clayden, Jonathan D.; Jentschke, Sebastian et al. (2016). Sexual Dimorphism in White Matter Developmental Trajectories Using Tract-Based Spatial Statistics. (external link)
- Sallat, Stephan; Jentschke, Sebastian (2015). Music Perception Influences Language Acquisition – Melodic and Rhythmic-Melodic Perception in Children with Specific Language Impairment. (external link)
- Guderian, Sebastian; Dzieciol, Anna M.; Gadian, David G. et al. (2015). Hippocampal Volume Reduction in Humans Predicts Impaired Allocentric Spatial Memory in Virtual-Reality Navigation. (external link)
- Dayan, Michael; Muñoz, Mónica; Jentschke, Sebastian et al. (2015). Optic radiation structure and anatomy in the normally developing brain determined using diffusion MRI and tractography. (external link)
- Cooper, Janine M.; Gadian, David G.; Jentschke, Sebastian et al. (2015). Neonatal hypoxia, hippocampal atrophy, and memory impairment: evidence of a causal sequence. (external link)
- Jentschke, Sebastian; Friederici, Angela D.; Koelsch, Stefan (2014). Neural correlates of music-syntactic processing in two-year old children. (external link)
- Aust, Sabine; Stasch, Joanna; Jentschke, Sebastian et al. (2014). Differential effects of early life stress on hippocampus and amygdala volume as a function of emotional abilities. (external link)
- Fritz, Thomas; Schmude, Paul; Jentschke, Sebastian et al. (2013). From Understanding to Appreciating Music Cross-Culturally. (external link)
- Koelsch, Stefan; Skouras, Stavros; Jentschke, Sebastian (2013). Neural correlates of emotional personality: a structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging study. (external link)
- Horner, Aidan J.; Gadian, David; Fuentemilla, Lluís et al. (2012). A Rapid, Hippocampus-Dependent, Item-Memory Signal that Initiates Context Memory in Humans. (external link)
- Clayden, Jonathan D.; Jentschke, Sebastian; Muñoz, Mónica et al. (2012). Normative development of white matter tracts: similarities and differences in relation to age, gender, and intelligence. (external link)
- Koelsch, Stefan; Enge, Juliane; Jentschke, Sebastian (2012). Cardiac signatures of personality. (external link)
- Koelsch, Stefan; Sammler, Daniela; Jentschke, Sebastian et al. (2008). EEG correlates of moderate intermittent explosive disorder. (external link)
- Koelsch, Stefan; Jentschke, Sebastian (2008). Short-term effects of processing musical syntax: An ERP study. (external link)
- Jentschke, Sebastian; Kölsch, Stefan; Sallat, Stephan et al. (2008). Processing of musical syntax in children with and without Specific Language Impairment. (external link)
- Kölsch, Stefan; Jentschke, Sebastian; Sammler, Daniela et al. (2007). Untangling syntactic and sensory processing: An ERP study of music perception. (external link)
- Koelsch, Stefan; Remppis, A; Sammler, Daniela et al. (2007). A cardiac signature of emotionality. (external link)
- Jentschke, Sebastian; Koelsch, Stefan (2007). Einflüsse von Entwicklungsveränderungen auf die Musikwahrnehmung und die Beziehung von Musik und Sprache [The relationship of music and language and developmental influences on music perception]. (external link)
- Jentschke, Sebastian (2007). Neural Correlates of Processing Syntax in Music and Language – Influences of Development, Musical Training, and Language Impairment. (external link)