Academic literature review
Academic article
Johansen, Marius Ole; Eliassen, Sigrunn; Jeno, Lucas Matias
(2024). Autonomy need satisfaction and frustration during a learning session affect perceived value, interest, and vitality among higher education students. (external link)
Revathi Venkateswaran, Vandana; Gokhale, Chaitanya S.; Mangel, Marc
et al. (2024). Effects of time spent in pregnancy or brooding on immunocompetence. (external link)
Weidner, Jacqueline; Jensen, Camilla Håkonsrud; Giske, Jarl
et al. (2024). Hormonal regulation of the phenotype into environmentally appropriate pace-of-life syndromes. (external link)
Ruminska, Agnieszka; Eliassen, Sigrunn; Jørgensen, Christian
(2023). Emergence of games from ecological trade-offs: longevity changes strategies for extra-pair mating in birds. (external link)
Johansen, Marius Ole; Eliassen, Sigrunn; Jeno, Lucas Matias
(2023). The bright and dark side of autonomy: How autonomy support and thwarting relate to student motivation and academic functioning. (external link)
Ruminska, Agnieszka; Jørgensen, Christian; Eliassen, Sigrunn
(2023). From self-interest to cooperation: extra-pair mating as a driver of relaxed territorial aggression in social neighbourhoods. (external link)
Johansen, Marius Ole; Eliassen, Sigrunn; Jeno, Lucas Matias
(2023). “Why is this relevant for me?”: increasing content relevance enhances student motivation and vitality. (external link)
Jensen, Camilla Håkonsrud; Weidner, Jacqueline; Giske, Jarl
et al. (2023). Adaptive host responses to infection can resemble parasitic manipulation. (external link)
Krams, Indrikis A.; Mennerat, Adele; Krama, Tatjana
et al. (2022). Extra-pair paternity explains cooperation in a bird species. (external link)
Weidner, Jacqueline; Jensen, Camilla Håkonsrud; Giske, Jarl
et al. (2020). Hormones as adaptive control systems in juvenile fish. (external link)
Jensen, Camilla Håkonsrud; Weidner, Jacqueline; Giske, Jarl
et al. (2020). Hormonal adjustments to future expectations impact growth and survival in juvenile fish. (external link)
Budaev, Sergei; Jørgensen, Christian; Mangel, Marc
et al. (2019). Decision-making from the animal perspective: Bridging ecology and subjective cognition. (external link)
Jeno, Lucas Matias; Vandvik, Vigdis; Eliassen, Sigrunn
et al. (2018). Testing the novelty effect of an m-learning tool on internalization and achievement: A Self-Determination Theory approach. (external link)
Budaev, Sergei; Giske, Jarl; Eliassen, Sigrunn
(2018). AHA: A general cognitive architecture for Darwinian agents. (external link)
Mennerat, Adele; Charmantier, Anne; Jørgensen, Christian
et al. (2018). Correlates of complete brood failure in blue tits: could extra-pair mating provide unexplored benefits to females?. (external link)
Andersen, Bjørn Snorre; Jørgensen, Christian; Eliassen, Sigrunn
et al. (2016). The proximate architecture for decision-making in fish. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Andersen, Bjørn Snorre; Jørgensen, Christian
et al. (2016). From sensing to emergent adaptations: Modelling the proximate architecture for decision-making. (external link)
Paulsen, Torbjørn Rage; Colville, Louise; Daws, Matthew I.
et al. (2015). The crypsis hypothesis explained: A reply to Jayasuriya et al. (2015). (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Jørgensen, Christian
(2014). Extra-pair mating and evolution of cooperative neighbourhoods. (external link)
Paulsen, Torbjørn Rage; Högstedt, Göran; Ken, Thompson
et al. (2014). Conditions favouring hard seededness as a dispersal and predator escape strategy. (external link)
Giske, Jarl; Eliassen, Sigrunn; Fiksen, Øyvind
et al. (2014). The emotion system promotes diversity and evolvability. (external link)
Heuschele, Jan David; Eliassen, Sigrunn; Kiørboe, Thomas
(2013). Optimal mate choice patterns in pelagic copepods. (external link)
Giske, Jarl; Eliassen, Sigrunn; Fiksen, Øyvind
et al. (2013). Effects of the emotion system on adaptive behavior. (external link)
Enberg, Katja Susanna; Jørgensen, Christian; Dunlop, Erin
et al. (2012). Fishing-induced evolution of growth: concepts, mechanisms and the empirical evidence. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Jørgensen, Christian; Mangel, Marc
et al. (2009). Quantifying the adaptive value of learning in foraging behavior. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Kokko, Hanna
(2008). Current analyses do not resolve whether extra-pair paternity is male or female driven. (external link)
Titelman, J; Varpe, Øystein; Eliassen, S
et al. (2007). Copepod mating: chance or choice?. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Jørgensen, Christian; Mangel, Marc
et al. (2007). Exploration or exploitation: life expectancy changes the value of learning in foraging strategies. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Wegge, Per
(2007). Ranging behaviour of male capercaillie <i>Tetrao urogallus</i> outside the lekking ground in spring. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Jørgensen, Christian; Giske, Jarl
(2006). Co-existence of learners and stayers maintains the advantage of social foraging. (external link)
Grimm, Volker; Berger, Uta; Bastiansen, Finn
et al. (2006). A standard protocol for describing individual-based and agent-based models. (external link)
Fiksen, Øyvind; Eliassen, Sigrunn; Titelman, Josefin
(2005). Multiple predators in the pelagic: modelling behavioural cascades. (external link)
Wegge, Per; Eliassen, Sigrunn; Finne, Mats Haneborg
et al. (2005). Social interactions among Capercaillie <i>Tetrao urogallus</i> males outside the lek during spring. (external link)
Odden, Morten; Wegge, Per; Eliassen, Sigrunn
et al. (2004). The influence of sexual size dimorphism on the dietary shifts of Capercaillie <i>Tetrao urogallus</i> during spring. (external link)
Finne, Mats Haneborg; Wegge, Per; Eliassen, Sigrunn
et al. (2000). Daytime roosting and habitat preference of capercaillie <i>Tetrao urogallus</i> males in spring - the importance of forest structure in relation to anti-predator behaviour. (external link)
Academic lecture
Bjune, Anne Elisabeth; Bratbak, Gunnar; Eliassen, Sigrunn
et al. (2023). Omlegging fra tradisjonelle forelesninger til studentaktiv læring – eksempel fra et grunnemne i biolog. (external link)
Jeno, Lucas Matias; Vandvik, Vigdis; Eliassen, Sigrunn
et al. (2019). Perceived novelty is not enough: the effect of need-support in m-learning on internalization and achievement. (external link)
Simonelli, Anne-Laure; Soule, Jonathan; Velle, Gaute
et al. (2018). Students Create Video Tutorials for their Peers in Discipline-Oriented Classes: Implementation Guide. (external link)
Fiksen, Øyvind; Eliassen, Sigrunn; Varpe, Øystein
(2018). Building the Research Teaching Nexus in Ecology: Three Courses to Get There. (external link)
Mennerat, Adele; Charmantier, Anne; Jørgensen, Christian
et al. (2016). Reduced brood failure in mixed-paternity blue tit broods. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Jørgensen, Christian
(2016). Extra-pair mating and cooperation in anti-predator behaviours. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn
(2015). Extra‐pair mating and the evolution of cooperative neighbourhoods. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn
(2015). Extra‐pair mating and evolution of cooperative neighbourhoods. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn
(2011). Extra-pair mating in birds facilitates cooperation in local neighbourhoods. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn
(2010). Female promiscuity may trigger male cooperation in predator defence. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Jørgensen, Christian; Mangel, Marc
et al. (2006). Coexistence of mobile and sedentary strategies maintains the advantage of social foraging. (external link)
Finne, Mats H.; Wegge, Per; Eliassen, Sigrunn
et al. (2000). Daytiem roosting habitat habitat preference of capercaillie males in spring - the importance of forest structure in relation to anti-predator behaviour. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn; Wegge, Per; Finne, Mats H.
et al. (2000). Temporal changes in daytime space use by male capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in spring. (external link)
Førland, Oddfrid T. Kårstad; Holtermann, Kristin; Bjune, Anne Elisabeth
et al. (2023). STEM Teachers and Heads of Education as partners in change of teaching and learning. (external link)
Soule, Jonathan; Halbritter, Aud Helen; Telford, Richard James
et al. (2021). bioST@TS - A platform for learning statistical analysis and management of biological data. (external link)
Soule, Jonathan; Solås, Martine Røysted; Egelkraut, Dagmar Dorothea
et al. (2021). bioWRITE - A digital platform for learning scientific writing. (external link)
Soule, Jonathan; Eliassen, Sigrunn; Varpe, Øystein
(2018). bioST@TS, a Learning Platform for Statistical Analysis and Management of Biological Data. (external link)
Eliassen, Sigrunn
(2009). Do female extra-pair mating promote male cooperation?. (external link)
Odden, Morten; Wegge, Per; Eliassen, Sigrunn
et al. (2000). Sexual differences and similarities in foraging behaviour of the capercaillie Terao urogallus during spring. (external link)
Letter to the editor
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