Simon Armitage
Academic article
- Purcell, Karl Guy Romeo; Simon, Margit Hildegard; Pryor, Ellie Jane et al. (2025). Climate variability off Africa’s southern Cape over the past 260, 000 years. (external link)
- Unhammer, Ole Fredrik; Haaland, Magnus Mathisen; Armitage, Simon James et al. (2024). Reconcilable differences: Using retrospective photogrammetry to bridge the divide between analogue and digital site data collected during long-term excavation projects. (external link)
- Michalec, Grzegorz; Andrieux, Eric; Kim, Ju Yong et al. (2024). A Mismatched Piece in a Cultural Middle Stone Age Puzzle. Traces of Human Activity Dated to 90 kya (MIS 5) at Sites EDAR 134 and 155 in the Eastern Sahara, Sudan. (external link)
- Haghighi, Zahra; Mackie, Meaghan; Ørnhøi, Anne Apalnes et al. (2024). Palaeoproteomic identification of the original binder and modern contaminants in distemper paints from Uvdal stave church, Norway. (external link)
- Streib, Laura C.; Armitage, Simon James; Scholz, Christopher A. (2024). Using luminescence dating to constrain lake sediment records: A new age model for the 1.38 Ma lake Malawi drill core, Eastern Africa. (external link)
- Jha, Deepak Kumar; Patalano, Robert; Ilgner, Jana et al. (2024). Preservation of plant-wax biomarkers in deserts: implications for Quaternary environment and human evolutionary studies. (external link)
- Göktürk, Ozan mert; Simon, Margit Hildegard; Sobolowski, Stefan Pieter et al. (2023). Behaviourally modern humans in coastal southern Africa experienced an increasingly continental climate during the transition from Marine Isotope Stage 5 to 4. (external link)
- Zhang, Shuang; Blockley, Simon; Armitage, Simon James et al. (2023). Distal tephra reveal new MIS 5e Kos eruptions: Implications for the chronology and volcanic evolution histories in the Eastern Mediterranean region. (external link)
- Ehlert, Maciej; Kim, Ju Yong; Sohn, Young Kwan et al. (2022). The Middle Stone Age in the Eastern Desert. EDAR 135 — a buried early MIS 5 horizon from Sudan. (external link)
- Mackay, Alex; Armitage, Simon James; Niespolo, Elizabeth M. et al. (2022). Environmental influences on human innovation and behavioural diversity in southern Africa 92–80 thousand years ago. (external link)
- Drake, N.A.; Candy, I.; Breeze, P. et al. (2022). Sedimentary and geomorphic evidence of Saharan megalakes: A synthesis. (external link)
- Groucutt, Huw S.; White, Tom S.; Scerri, Eleanor M. L. et al. (2021). Multiple hominin dispersals into Southwest Asia over the past 400,000 years. (external link)
- Michalec, Grzegorz; Cendrowska, Marzena; Andrieux, Eric et al. (2021). A Window into the Early–Middle Stone Age Transition in Northeastern Africa—A Marine Isotope Stage 7a/6 Late Acheulean Horizon from the EDAR 135 Site, Eastern Sahara (Sudan). (external link)
- Masojć, Mirosław; Kim, Ju Yong; Krupa-Kurzynowska, Joanna et al. (2021). The oldest Homo erectus buried lithic horizon from the Eastern Saharan Africa. EDAR 7 - an Acheulean assemblage with Kombewa method from the Eastern Desert, Sudan. (external link)
- Martinon-Torres, Maria; d'Errico, Francesco; Santos, Elena et al. (2021). Earliest known human burial in Africa. (external link)
- Stewart, Mathew; Andrieux, Eric; Clark-Wilson, Richard et al. (2021). Taphonomy of an excavated striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) den in Arabia: implications for paleoecology and prehistory. (external link)
- Scerri, Eleanor M. L.; Frouin, Marine; Breeze, Paul S. et al. (2021). The expansion of Acheulean hominins into the Nefud Desert of Arabia. (external link)
- Vyse, Stuart A.; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Andreev, Andrei A. et al. (2020). Geochemical and sedimentological responses of arctic glacial Lake Ilirney, chukotka (far east Russia) to palaeoenvironmental change since ∼51.8 ka BP. (external link)
- Parker, Adrian; Morley, Mike W.; Armitage, Simon James et al. (2020). Palaeoenvironmental and sea level changes during the Holocene in eastern Saudi Arabia and their implications for Neolithic populations. (external link)
- Stewart, Mathew; Clark-Wilson, Richard; Breeze, Paul S et al. (2020). Human footprints provide snapshot of last interglacial ecology in the Arabian interior. (external link)
- Armitage, Simon James; Krishna, A; Parker, Luke E et al. (2019). Optically stimulated luminescence dating of heat retainer hearths from the Sahara: Insights into signal accumulation and measurement. (external link)
- Cunningham, Alastair C; Murray, Andrew S; Armitage, Simon James et al. (2018). High-precision natural dose rate estimates through beta counting. (external link)
- Diaz, N; Armitage, Simon James; Verrecchia, EP et al. (2018). OSL dating of a carbonate island in the Chobe Enclave, NW Botswana. (external link)
- Li, Yajun; Armitage, Simon James; Stevens, Thomas et al. (2018). Alluvial fan aggradation/incision history of the eastern Tibetan plateau margin and implications for debris flow/debris-charged flood hazard. (external link)
- Shipton, Ceri; Roberts, Patrick; Archer, Will et al. (2018). 78,000-year-old record of Middle and Later stone age innovation in an East African tropical forest. (external link)
- Groucutt, Huw S.; Grün, Rainer; Zalmout, Iyad AS et al. (2018). Homo sapiens in Arabia by 85,000 years ago. (external link)
- Drake, Nick A; Lem, Rachael E; Armitage, Simon James et al. (2018). Reconstructing palaeoclimate and hydrological fluctuations in the Fezzan Basin (southern Libya) since 130 ka: A catchment-based approach. (external link)
- Scerri, Eleanor ML; Guagnin, Maria; Groucutt, Huw S. et al. (2018). Neolithic pastoralism in marginal environments during the Holocene Humid Period, northern Saudi Arabia. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Beller, Jeremy; Niekerk, Karen Loise van; Grabe, Pieter-Jan et al. (2024). Raw material distribution in the southern Cape region and its significance for lithic procurement during the MSA at Blombos Cave, South Africa. (external link)
- Miller, Christopher; Haaland, Magnus Mathisen; Armitage, Simon James et al. (2024). Geoarchaeological investigations of Klipdrift Shelter, de Hoop Nature Reserve, South Africa. (external link)
- Walsh, Ella Victoria; Armitage, Simon James; Miller, Christopher et al. (2024). Palaeolandscape evolution during the period of Middle Stone Age occupation of Blombos Cave, South Africa. (external link)
- Simon, Margit Hildegard; Göktürk, Ozan mert; van der Bilt, Willem Godert Maria et al. (2024). Investigation of biomarkers from Blombos Cave, South Africa and from Rabat-Temara Caves in Morocco: Insights into Middle Stone Age sites Palaeoclimate. . (external link)
- Muller, Antoine; Armitage, Simon James; d'Errico, francesco et al. (2024). Many ways to get to the point: Experimental insights into the behavioural complexity involved in Middle Stone Age point-making. (external link)
- Unhammer, Ole Fredrik; Armitage, Simon James (2021). 4-Dimensional Recording of Fire related Experiments. (external link)
- Unhammer, Ole Fredrik; Haaland, Magnus Mathisen; Armitage, Simon James (2020). Comprehensive 3D reconstruction of an archaeological site based on archive images . (external link)
- Armitage, Simon James; Van Niekerk, Karen Loise; Henshilwood, Christopher (2019). A reassessment of the luminescence chronology for Blombos Cave, South Africa. (external link)
- Niespolo, Elizabeth; Sharp, Warren; Tryon, Christian A et al. (2019). Evaluating the temporal range of 230Th/U burial dating of ostrich eggshell, a new chronometer for Pleistocene terrestrial strata . (external link)
- Groucutt, Huw S.; White, Tom S.; Scerri, Eleanor M. L. et al. (2022). Author Correction: Multiple hominin dispersals into Southwest Asia over the past 400,000 years (Nature, (2021), 597, 7876, (376-380), 10.1038/s41586-021-03863-y). (external link)
- Shipton, Ceri; Roberts, Patrick; Archer, Will et al. (2018). Publisher Correction: 78,000-year-old record of middle and later stone age innovation in an East African tropical forest. (external link)