Academic article
Elabdeen, Hager Rahmatalla Zein; Berggreen, Ellen; Jensen, Knut Helge
et al. (2025). Prevalence of Periodontitis in a 70-Year-Old Population in Western Norway According to the ACES 2018 Classification Framework: A Cross-Sectional Study. (external link)
Kvalheim, Siri Flagestad; Strand, Gunhild Vesterhus
(2022). A Narrative of Oral Care in Palliative Patients. (external link)
Strand, Gunhild V; Kvalheim, Siri Flagestad
(2020). Risiko for og forebyggelse af oral sygdom blandt ældre. (external link)
Kvalheim, Siri Flagestad; Cuida Marthinussen, Ileana Mihaela; Haugen, Dagny Faksvåg
et al. (2019). Randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of three different oral moisturizers in palliative care patients. (external link)
Kvalheim, Siri Flagestad; Xenaki, Victoria; Kvalheim, Arild
et al. (2018). Effect of glycerol on reconstructed human oral mucosa. (external link)
Kvalheim, Siri Flagestad; Strand, Gunhild V; Husebø, Bettina
et al. (2016). End-of-life palliative oral care in Norwegian health institutions. An exploratory study. (external link)
Strand, Gunhild V; Kvalheim, Siri Flagestad; Cuida Marthinussen, Ileana Mihaela
(2015). Munnstell hos døende pasienter – hva vet vi om det? Omsorg.. (external link)
Kvalheim, Siri Flagestad; Øilo, Marit
(2014). Shade determination using camouflaged visual shade guides and an eklectronic spectrophotometer. (external link)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Popular scientific article
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lecture
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.