Sissel Undheim
Professor, Study of Religion
Research groups
- Research Group Literature & Religion
- Forskning og undervisning om kontroversielle tema
- The Ancient World
- Antikkens virkningshistorie
Short info
(The links direct to some selected examples of publications. For full list, see below or
· Textbook-religion
· Multimodality and teaching religion
· Images, materiality and art in religious education
· Children, popular culture and religion
· Rituals and ritualizations in school
Religions in antiquity
· Roman religion
· Church Fathers
· Sacred virgins, virgin martyrs, male virgins
· Gender, sexuality, asceticism and sanctity
· Reception and ancient religions in new media
Religion and popular culture
· Lego
· Marvel
· Beyoncé
· Percy Jackson
· Kaos
Magical Bricks: Religion, Spirituality and Modern Magic in the Toy Box - Religion Going Public (2018)
AHKR215/210 Ancient Rome (at the Norwegian Institute in Rome)
DIDAREL 1 Didactics of the Study of Religion 1 (Upper Secondary School)
DIDAREL2 Didactics of the Study of Religion 2 (Lower Secondary School)
RELDI 111 Didactics of the Study of Religion 1 (Upper Secondary School) integrated teacher education
RELDI112 Didactics of the Study of Religion 2 (Lower Secondary School) integrated teacher education
RELV100 Religion, culture and society
RELV 105 The Older Religions of the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Areas, Old Norse and Sami Religions
RELV221 New Religious Movements
RELV222 Religions in Antiquity
RELVI250 Bachelor's Assignment in the Systematic Study of Religion
RELVI250L Bachelor's Assignment in the Systematic Study of Religion – teacher education
AHKR201 Supervised Work Placement
RELVI301 (2016, 2022) Theoretical Perspectives in the Study of Religions (MA-level)
Course coordinator: RELV100, RELVI250, RELVI250L, RELV222, DIDAREL 1, DIDAREL2, RELDI111, RELDI112
PhD: supervisor (40%) Solveig Moldrheim, The power of prejudice: Students' stories about othering – use, practice, and experiences
MA: Master theses supervised
Hildegunn Lone Eriksen: Populærkultur i Religion og etikk. En kvantitativ undersøkelse av læreres bruk av populærkultur i undervisningen i Religion og etikk på offentlige videregående skoler. (2017)
Jan Marius Bjørnebo Ringstad: By the old Gods and the New. A study of magic and religion in Game of Thrones. (2018)
Barbro Franciska Svela: Artemis Brauronia-kulten: Menstruasjon og religion i det antikke Hellas. (2020).
Eva Elana Saltvedt Appleton: An Inquiry into How Some Muslims and Hindus in Indonesia Relate to Death. (co-supervisor, UiA) 2020
Marlene Johansen: MANNSpodden – Jakten på den forsvunne maskulinitet. En kritisk diskursanalyse av maskulinitetsforestillinger og konstruksjonen av maskulinitet i MANNSpodden (2021)
Maja Marcella Sanaker Kjærstad: Populærkultur i KRLE og fagfornyelsen. En kvalitativ studie (2021)
Jenny Alnes Bakkerud: Utenfra innenfraperspektivet: En diskursanalyse av perspektiv i norsk religionsdidaktisk faglitteratur mellom 2008-2021 (2022)
Sophie Krüger Dagsland: Religion og Film: Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) og Agatha Harkness i WandaVision (2021). En utforskning av den moderne heksen i populærkulturen (2022)
Trym Stranda Eilertsen: Menn, myter og arketyper. En kvalitativ studie av initieringsorganisasjoner for menn. (2022)
Ida Marie Brandmo: La Santa Muerte På TikTok: Religion i Sosiale Media. (2023)
Marie Gjøsæter: Den Heilage LK20: Ein kvalitativ studie av tre kristne privatskular i Nord-Noreg. (2023)
Andrine Granstad: Folkehelse og livsmestring i KRLE: En kvalitativ analyse av et utvalg KRLE-lærere sin forståelse av det tverrfaglige temaet Folkehelse og livsmestring i KRLE-faget på ungdomsskolen. (2023)
Ada Våge Jagedal: Sensitive Kontroverser - å Navigere i et Spenningsfelt. En kvalitativ undersøkelse av hvordan et utvalg religionslærere reflekterer rundt sin undervisning i sensitive temaer – Med utgangspunkt i skytingen i Oslo 25. Juni 2022. (2024)
Emma Karlsen Åvitsland. LK20s Kompetansemål i Religion og etikk-faget. (2024).
Silje Olin Eimhjellen Yksnøy. Religion på arbeidsplassen. (2024)
- Undheim, Sissel (2024). Virgin/Virginity. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2024). Myter og metamorfoser i Kaos.. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2024). Velatio. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2024). Velatio. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2024). Virgin/Virginity. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2024). The Demigods Amongst Us: Rick Riordan’s Heroes of Olympus and Contemporary Religious Change.. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2024). Om hymen, hinner og hellighet – et utkast til jomfruhinnens religionshistorie. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2024). Populærkultur og religion i gamle dager. Historiske og komparative innfallsvinkler til medier, mangfold og levd religion. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2022). Vestal Virgins Revived. Some Reflections on Dead Religions, Reception and Afterlives. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2022). Book review: Anne P. Alwis' Narrating Martyrdom. Rewriting Late-Antique Virgin Martyrs in Byzantium.. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2022). Double Martyrdom, Double Crown: Virgin Martyrs and Fourth-Century Ascetic Hierarchies. (external link)
- Ivanovici, Vladimir; Undheim, Sissel (2019). Consecrated Virgins as Living Reliquaries in Late Antiquity. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2019). Made Up Prophecies: Metamodern Play with Religion, Spirituality and Monomyth in the LEGO Universe. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2019). Med tente lys inn i varmen. Lucia-tog i norske skoler og barnehager. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2018). Lego religion in the classroom. (external link)
- Anker, Trine; Lippe, von der, Marie; Undheim, Sissel (2018). Ungdom og religion : tradisjon, nyskaping og individuelle valg. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2018). Magical Bricks: Religion, Spirituality and Modern Magic in the Toy Box. (external link)
- Lippe, von der, Marie; Undheim, Sissel (2017). Hva skal vi med et felles religionsfag i skolen?. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2017). The wise and the foolish virgins: Representations of Vestal virginity and pagan Chastity by Christian writers in late antiquity. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2017). Kan populærkultur og døde religioner vekke liv i religionsfaget?. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2017). Aniconism and images in Norwegian RE textbooks: Representations and historical change. (external link)
- Lippe, von der, Marie; Undheim, Sissel (2017). Hva skal vi med et felles religionsfag i skolen?. (external link)
- Lippe, von der, Marie; Undheim, Sissel (2017). Religion i skolen : didaktiske perspektiver på religions- og livssynsfaget. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2017). Borderline Virginities. Sacred and Secular Virgins in Late Antiquity. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2016). Anne Stensvold: A history of pregnancy in Christianity. From original sin to contemporary abortion debates.. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2016). The sacred power of Lego-Chi: mediatized spirituality in Lego, legends of Chima. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2016). Jomfruhinnen finnes ikke. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2016). Spiritual Lego. Temples, rituals and new age in Ninjago and Chima. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2015). Veiled visibility: Morality, Movement and Sacred Virginity in Late Antiquity. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2015). Bilder og bildeforbud i skolens religionsfag. En analyse av lærebøker for KRL og RLE. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2015). Jörg Rüpke. Religion in Republican Rome: Rationalization and Ritual Change. (Empire and After). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012. vi + 321 pp. ISBN 9780812243943 (hbk.). (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2013). Religionene i RLE - Multimodal religion (og ikke-religion) i RLE-læreverkene for småskoletrinnet. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2013). Approaches to the Visual in Religion. Edited by Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati and Christopher Rowland. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2013). RLE-religion. Religionsbegrepet i RLE-læreverkene for småskoletrinnet. (external link)
- Undheim, Sissel (2013). 2000 år på 300 sider. Bokomtale, Christine Amadou: Vestens idéhistorie, bind 1. Antikken og Middelalderen ca.750 Cappelen Damm Akademisk, Oslo 2012. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Borderline Virginities. Sacred and Secular Virgins in Late Antiquity. Routledge 2017
Religion i skolen. Didaktiske perspektiver på religions- og livssynsfaget. Marie von der Lippe og Sissel Undheim (red.), Universitetsforlaget 2017
Romersk religion. Verdens hellige skrifter. Sissel Undheim (red.) Bokklubben 2010
Ongoing projects
Apocalypses and pixie dust. Religion and popular culture.
Religion and popular culture in the ancient world: Media, materiality and market.
Processions of light. Celebrating Saint Lucy in Norwegian schools and society.