Sven Gudmund Hinderaker



Tuberculosis, maternal health, perinatal health, Operational research


Master students in global health: coordinating courses and teaching tuberculosis, reproductive health, paper-writing, general global health.

Medical students: compulsory course (5th year) in global health (1w)

Medical students: elective semester (after 3 years) in global health with 3 weeks field visit to a hospital in India, SriLanka, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania.

PhD candidates: TB course online


INTE-Africa: Improving management of NCD in Africa, led by LSTM, UK. 2019-2023

DATURA: Testing higher dose of anti-TB medications for HIV+ patients with TB, lead by ANRS/INSERM, France. Responsibility: Workpackage 6. Duration: 2019-

SORTIT: Operational research courses for publising scientific papers, led by MSF, IUATLD and WHO, arranged in Kenya, Ethiopia, Paris, Luxembourg, Islamabad and Arkhangelsk in 2011-21

FIDELIS: "Fund for Innovative DOTS Expansion Through Local Initiatives to Stop TB", monitoring TB case finding projects in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Kenya and Tanzania.