Terje Knutsen


Associate Professor


  • Nationalism and national identity in Europe
  • Democracy and democratisation in Eastern Europe
  • Election observation
  • Human Rights observation

Courses in election observation, human rights observation, democracy assistance, corruption investigation and field methodology.

Feature article
Popular scientific article
Popular scientific lecture
Academic lecture
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Programme participation
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Reader opinion piece
Doctoral dissertation
Academic monograph
Masters thesis

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Den nasjonale identiteten i Norge. Endringer i perioden 1988-1995. Hovedoppgave levert ved Institutt for sammenliknende politikk, Universitetet i Bergen, (1996).
• "Nasjonal stolthet i Norge 1988- 1994. En analyse av tre undersøkelser", i Replikk Nr. 2, Vol. 2 (1996).
Holdninger til rovdyr i Norge. SMU- Rapport nr 4/98, Norges Teknisk- Naturvitenskapelige universitet (1998).
• (med Sten Berglund, Joakim Ekman, Frank Aarebrot, og Jan-Olav Haukaas) "The Conditions of European Democracy", i ZA-Eurolab TMR-LSF Research Abstracts 1996-1999, Köln: Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung, 1999.
• (med Frank Aarebrot) "Introduction", i Frank Aarebrot and Terje Knutsen (red.) Politics and Citizenship on the Eastern Baltic Seaboard: The Structuring of Democratic Politics from North-West Russia to Poland, Høyskoleforlaget, Kristiansand, 2000.
• (med Natalja Altermark og Frode Overland Andersen) "Theories of Transition and a Definition of Consolidation", i Frank Aarebrot og Terje Knutsen (red.) Politics and Citizenship on the Eastern Baltic Seaboard: The Structuring of Democratic Politics from North-West Russia to Poland, Høyskoleforlaget, Kristiansand, 2000.
• (med Frank Aarebrot) "Comparative Perspectives", i Frank Aarebrot and Terje Knutsen (eds.) Politics and Citizenship on the Eastern Baltic Seaboard: The Structuring of Democratic Politics from North-West Russia to Poland, Høyskoleforlaget, Kristiansand, 2000.
Democracy and the Politics of Nationalism in Eastern Europe 1990-2000. Paper presentert ved arbeidssesjonen "The Conditions of European Democracy" i Kaunas, 15-16. oktober 2000.
Eastern Europe 10 years after the fall of Communism. Paper presentert ved arbeidssesjonen "Conditions of European Democracy" i Greifswald, 10-12. mai 2001.
Eastern Europe. A Macro Overview. Paper presentert ved nasjonal statsvitenskapelig fagkonferanse, Solstrand, 7-9. januar 2002.
Democracy and Nationalism. Paper presentert ved konferansen "Conditions of European Democracy" i Berlin, 2-3. juni 2002.
The Applicant Countries to the European Union. Status and Future Challenges. Paper presentert ved konferansen "The Future of the European Union" ved Universitetet i Fudan, Shanghai, 15-16. november 2002.
Of Things to Come. Paper presentert ved konferansen, "Conditions of European Democracy" i Bergen, 1-2. februar 2003.
Democracy and the Market. A closer look at five East European countries. Paper presentert ved nasjonal statsvitenskapelig fagkonferanse, Bergen, 4-6. januar 2006.
The Democratisation of Eastern Europe, 1989-2004. Doktoravhandling, UiB, 2009.

The Democratisation of Eastern Europe, 1989-2004. From Communism to EU Membership. VDM Verlag, 2009.

• God og dårlig - eller bare sosial kapital?. Stat og styring 2009 ;Volum 19.(4)

• The Handbook of Political Change in Eastern Europe, third edition (with Sten Berglund, Joakim Ekman og Kevin Deegan-Krause). Edward Elgar, 2013.

• Berglund, Sten, Joakim Ekman, Terje Knutsen, and Frank Aarebrot. 2013b. "The Resilience of History." In The Handbook of Political Change in Eastern Europe, ed. S. Berglund, J. Ekman, K. Deegan-Krause and T. Knutsen. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

• "A re-emergence of nationalism as a political force in Europe?" 2016. In Yvette Peters and Michael Tatham (eds.) Democratic Transformations in Europe, Oxon, Routledge.