Academic article
Kremenetskaia, Antonina; Alvestad, Tom; Penney, Heather D.
et al. (2024). A new species of holothuroid from the Labrador Sea (eastern Canada): Pseudothyone labradorensis sp. nov. (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea, Dendrochirotida, Sclerodactylidae). (external link)
Meca Jimenez, Miguel Angel; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Kongshavn, Katrine
et al. (2024). Diversity of Orbiniella (Orbiniidae, Annelida) in the North Atlantic and the Arctic. (external link)
Eilertsen, Mari Heggernes; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Tandberg, Anne Helene S.
et al. (2024). Diversity, habitat endemicity and trophic ecology of the fauna of Loki’s Castle vent field on the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge. (external link)
Gunton, Laetitia M; Kupriyanova, Elena K.; Alvestad, Tom
et al. (2021). Annelids of the eastern Australian abyss collected by the 2017 RV ‘Investigator’ voyage. (external link)
Gunton, Laetitia M; Kupriyanova, Elena K.; Alvestad, Tom
(2020). Two new deep-water species of Ampharetidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the eastern Australian continental margin. (external link)
O'Hara, Timothy D.; Williams, Alan; Ahyong, Shane T.
et al. (2020). The lower bathyal and abyssal seafloor fauna of eastern Australia. (external link)
Eilertsen, Mari Heggernes; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Alvestad, Tom
et al. (2017). Do ampharetids take sedimented steps between vents and seeps? Phylogeny and habitat-use of Ampharetidae (Annelida, Terebelliformia) in chemosynthesis-based ecosystems. (external link)
Parapar, Julio; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Kongshavn, Katrine
et al. (2017). A new species of Ampharete (Annelida: Ampharetidae) from the NW Iberian Peninsula, with a synoptic table comparing NE Atlantic species of the genus. (external link)
Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Eilertsen, Mari Heggernes; Alvestad, Tom
et al. (2016). New species of Ampharetidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Arctic Loki Castle vent field. (external link)
Oug, Eivind; Bakken, Torkild; Kongsrud, Jon Anders
et al. (2016). Polychaetous annelids in the deep Nordic Seas: Strong bathymetric gradients, low diversity and underdeveloped taxonomy. (external link)
Alvestad, Tom; Budaeva, Nataliya
(2015). Neosabellides lizae, a new species of Ampharetidae (Annelida) from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. (external link)
Alvestad, Tom; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Kongshavn, Katrine
(2014). Ampharete undecima, a new deep-sea ampharetid (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the Norwegian Sea. (external link)
Djursvoll, Per; Solevåg, Per Kristian; Alvestad, Tom
(2006). Myriapod records along the Sognefjord, Western Norway. (external link)
Alvestad, Tom; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Budaeva, Nataliya
(2023). High diversity in the genera Anobothrus and Amythasides (Annelida, Ampharetidae) in the North Atlantic Ocean. (external link)
Budaeva, Nataliya; Kongshavn, Katrine; Alvestad, Tom
(2019). Leddormer fra dyphavet. (external link)
Budaeva, Nataliya; Alvestad, Tom; Bakken, Torkild
et al. (2019). DNA barcoding reveals cryptic diversity and genetic connectivity in the deep-sea annelids across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. (external link)
Borisova, Polina B.; Budaeva, Nataliya; Alvestad, Tom
(2019). Phylogeography of Aglaophamus malmgreni (Nephtyidae) in the Arctic and northeastern Atlantic. (external link)
Alvestad, Tom; Budaeva, Nataliya; Kongshavn, Katrine
et al. (2019). Ampharetidae (Annelida) from deep Nordic Seas. (external link)
Willassen, Endre; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Kongshavn, Katrine
et al. (2017). Investigating the marine invertebrate fauna of the West African continental shelf with DNA barcodes. (external link)
Alvestad, Tom; Kongshavn, Katrine; Kongsrud, Jon Anders
et al. (2017). Building a comprehensive barcode reference library of the Norwegian Echinodermata through NorBOL - an ongoing effort. (external link)
Kongshavn, Katrine; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Alvestad, Tom
et al. (2017). Barcoding of marine invertebrates from Norway through NorBOL. (external link)
Allotey, Lloyd; Alvestad, Tom; Kongsrud, Jon Anders
et al. (2017). Diversity and species distributions of Glyceriformia (Annelida, Polychaeta) in shelf areas off western Africa. (external link)
Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Bakken, Torkild; Oug, Eivind
et al. (2017). Assessing species diversity in marine bristle worms (Annelida, Polychaeta): integrating barcoding with traditional morphology-based taxonomy. (external link)
Alvestad, Tom; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Kongshavn, Katrine
(2016). Eclysippe Eliason, 1955 (Annelida, Ampharetidae) from the North Atlantic with the description of a new species from Norwegian waters. (external link)
Eilertsen, Mari Heggernes; Alvestad, Tom; Rapp, Hans Tore
et al. (2016). Phylogeny of Ampharetidae. (external link)
Allotey, Lloyd; Williams, Akanbi Bamikole; Kongsrud, Jon Anders
et al. (2016). Diversity and species distributions of Glyceriformia in shelf areas off western Africa. (external link)
Kongshavn, Katrine; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Tandberg, Anne Helene S.
et al. (2015). Integrating DNA-barcoding and morphology to study marine invertebrates. Exploring biodiversity and biogeography of deep-sea polychaetes in the Norwegian Sea.. (external link)
Alvestad, Tom; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Kongshavn, Katrine
(2013). A new deep-sea species of Ampharete from the Norwegian Sea. (external link)
Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Alvestad, Tom; Oug, Eivind
et al. (2013). The Polychaete fauna associated with the Arctic Loki’s Castle vent field. (external link)
Academic lecture
Eilertsen, Mari Heggernes; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Tandberg, Anne Helene S.
et al. (2021). The fauna of the Loki’s Castle vent field on the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge. (external link)
Gunton, Laetitia M; Kupriyanova, Elena K.; Alvestad, Tom
et al. (2019). Worms from the abyss: annelid diversity and species distribution from Australia’s eastern lower bathyal and abyssal environments. (external link)
Bakken, Torkild; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Oug, Eivind
et al. (2019). Integrating DNA barcoding with traditional morphology-based taxonomy: assessment of species diversity in marine bristle
worms (Annelida). (external link)
Budaeva, Nataliya; Capa, Maria; Nygren, Arne
et al. (2019). Cryptic diversity and genetic connectivity in the deep-sea annelids across the Greenland-Iceland-Scotland Ridge. (external link)
Eilertsen, Mari Heggernes; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Alvestad, Tom
et al. (2017). Do ampharetids take sedimented steps between vents and seeps? Phylogeny and habitat-use of Ampharetidae (Annelida, Terebelliformia) in chemosynthesis-based ecosystems. (external link)
Bakken, Torkild; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Kongshavn, Katrine
et al. (2016). DNA barcoding contributing to new knowledge on diversity and distribution of Polychaeta (Annelida) in Norwegian and adjacent waters. (external link)
Kongshavn, Katrine; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Bakken, Torkild
et al. (2016). Experiences after three years of automated DNA barcoding of Polychaeta. (external link)
Bakken, Torkild; Oug, Eivind; Kongsrud, Jon Anders
et al. (2015). Polychaetous annelids in the deep Nordic Seas: strong bathymetric gradients, low deep-sea diversity and underdeveloped taxonomy. (external link)
Kongshavn, Katrine; Oug, Eivind; Kongsrud, Jon Anders
et al. (2013). Polychaete diversity in the Nordic Seas: new insight based on extensive seabed sampling and mapping by the University of Bergen and the MAREANO project. (external link)
Website (informational material)
Bakken, Torkild; Kongshavn, Katrine; Martell Hernández, Luis Felipe
et al. (2020). Feltarbeid i Saltstraumen marine verneområde. Utfordringer og metodikk for observasjon og skånsom innsamling av marin fauna i en av verdens sterkeste tidevannsstrømmer. (external link)
Torvanger, Ragni; Bye-Ingebrigtsen, Einar; Alme, Øydis
et al. (2015). Marin overvåkning Rogaland - Statusrapport april 2015. (external link)
Vassdal, Tone; Johansen, Per-Otto; Torvanger, Ragni
et al. (2013). Marinbiologisk undersøkelse ved AS Sævareid Fiskeanlegg i Fusa kommune, 2012. (external link)
Hadler-Jacobsen, Silje H.; Vassdal, Tone; Alvestad, Tom
et al. (2013). Resipientundersøkelse av fjorden ved Festningsdalen avfallsplass i 2012. (external link)
Husa, Vivian; Heggøy, Erling; Agnalt, Ann-Lisbeth
et al. (2012). Kartlegging av fremmede marine arter i Rogaland. (external link)
Ensrud, Tor Magne; Alvestad, Tom; Hatlen, Kristin
et al. (2010). Resipientundersøkelse i Kjøkkelvik. SAM e-Rapport nr 7, 2010. (external link)
Willassen, Endre; Alvestad, Tom; Kongshavn, Katrine
et al. (2019). DNA barcoding marine fauna with NorBOL — current status. (external link)
Bakken, Torkild; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Oug, Eivind
et al. (2019). DNA barcoding assessment of species diversity in marine
bristle worms (Annelida), integrating barcoding with
traditional morphology-based taxonomy. (external link)
Kongshavn, Katrine; Alvestad, Tom; Kongsrud, Jon Anders
et al. (2019). DNA barcodes of Nordic Echinodermata. (external link)
Budaeva, Nataliya; Alvestad, Tom; Bakken, Torkild
et al. (2019). DNA barcoding reveals cryptic diversity and genetic connectivity in the deep-sea annelids across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. (external link)
Allotey, Lloyd; Alvestad, Tom; Kongsrud, Jon Anders
et al. (2017). Diversity and species distributions of Glyceriformia (Annelida, Polychaeta) in shelf areas off western Africa. (external link)
Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Bakken, Torkild; Oug, Eivind
et al. (2017). Assessing species diversity in marine bristle worms (Annelida,
Polychaeta): integrating barcoding with traditional morphology-based taxonomy. (external link)
Willassen, Endre; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Kongshavn, Katrine
et al. (2017). Investigating the marine invertebrate fauna of the West African continental shelf with DNA barcodes
. (external link)
Alvestad, Tom; Kongshavn, Katrine; Kongsrud, Jon Anders
et al. (2017). Building a comprehensive barcode reference library of the
Norwegian Echinodermata through NorBOL: an ongoing effort. (external link)
Kongshavn, Katrine; Kongsrud, Jon Anders; Alvestad, Tom
et al. (2017). Barcoding of marine invertebrates from Norway through NorBOL. (external link)
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