Academic article
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2021). Heraclitus’ Cosmology: Eugen Fink’s Interpretation in Dialogue with Martin Heidegger. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2020). The Goddess and Diotima: Their Role in Parmenides’ Poem and Plato’s Symposium. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2017). Socrates’ Irony: A Voice from Nowhere? On Voice (Phônê),
Topos, and Atopos in Plato’s Protagoras. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2014). Socrates, the Stranger and Parmenides in Plato's Sophist: Two Troubled Relationships. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2010). Antigone and the Deadly Desire for Sameness: Reflections on Origins and Death. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2009). "With what kind of body will they come?" Metamorphoses and the concept of change: From Platonic thinking to Paul's notion of the resurrection of the dead. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2008). Fornuft og dialog. Filosofiens opphav i antikkens Hellas. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2008). Metamorphosis and the Concept of Change - From Ancient Greek Philosophy to the Apostle Paul´s Notions of the Resurrection of the Body. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2006). Matter, Gender and Death in Aristotle. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2003). Introduction. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2001). Materia, genere e morte in Aristotele. (external link)
De Cuzzani, Paola Maria; Marsonet, Michele; Rossi, Paolo Aldo
et al. (2001). "Essere donna" e cittadinanza: la differenza sessuale nella filosofia di Spinoza. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2000). Platon og Atlantis-myten. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(1999). De første filosofene. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(1997). Luce Irigaray rakkaudesta ja ihmetyksest#"a (Luce Irigaray om kjærlighet og undring). (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(1997). Overtalelse og overbevisning. Noen refleksjoner omkring Skjervheims lesning av Platons Gorgias. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(1995). Antikken i norsk filosofi i 50- og 60-årene. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(1993). "The Road of Being and the Exclusion of the Feminine. An analysis of the Poem of Parmenides.". (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(1992). "Barnet: fraværende eller potensiell voksen". (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Book review
Non-fiction book
Academic lecture
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2008). Memory and Mourning: a threat to Plato´s philosophy?. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2007). Birth, Death and Community: Sophocles’ Antigone in the Light of Ancent Greek Philosophy. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2007). Fødsel, død og fellesskap: Sofokles´ Antigone i lys av antikkens filosofi. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2007). Filosofi og tragediediktning: to ulike stemmer i antikkens Hellas. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2002). Le feminin, la sexualité et la mort dans les présocratiques et la tragédie grecque. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2002). Den greske tragedien: politikkens andre stemme?. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2002). The Question of Gender in the European Philosophical Tradition. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2001). Matter, Gender and Death in Aristotle. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2001). Simone de Beauvoir - a Feminist for our century?. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2001). Love as a concept in Ancient Greek philosophy. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2001). Feministisk filosofi: Simone de Beauvoir og Lucy Irigaray. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(2001). Fra mythos til logos: en filosofisk trensvestisme? Om de første filosofene maskuline fruktbarhetstenkning. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(1996). From Unveiling Truth to Metaphysical Being. Heidegger's Reading of Heraclitus and Plato. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(1995). Fra tragisk konflikt til platonsk harmoni. (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(1994). "Sexual Metaphors in Early Greek Philosophy". (external link)
Songe-Møller, Vigdis
(1991). Barnet: fraværende eller potensiell voksen? (I konferanserapport "Menneske på godt og vondt", s. 141-152, Norsk Lærerakademis årsskrift 1991/92, NLA-forlaget, Bergen). (external link)
Feature article
Popular scientific lecture
Reader opinion piece
Academic monograph
Programme participation
Thesis at a second degree level
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