Vigdis Vandvik


Professor, Centre Director, CeSAM Centre for Sustainable Area Management


Research groups


I am a community ecologist interested in how natural and human global change drivers affect plants, biodiversity, and ecosystem functions and services at different spatial and temporal scales. My research falls into three broad categories;

  • How do local and regional processes interact to shape the patterns in diversity, abundance and function that we observe in nature?
  • How does environmental changes affect plants, and how do these effects scale across levels of organization from individuals via populations to communities?
  • What are the impacts of human land-use regimes, past and present, on terrestrial ecosystems?

My group - Between The Fjords Lab - use macroecological experiments - replicating field experiments across broad geographical and climatic extents within Norway and across the globe - to disentangle and understand patterns and processes underlying generalities as well as context-dependencies in global change effects and responses. Our research is both methodological and conceptual, and most often conducted in alpine, grassland, or heathland systems. The Vestland Climate Grid is our main experimental playground. We combine field experiments with laboratory experiments and field observational data.

Through my own research projects and collaborations in Norway, Europe, the US, Uganda, Nepal, China, and Peru I get the opportunity to explore these questions in different regions, study systems, and by using different methods.

Field experiments offer opportunities for student-active research, and my research is test-bed for developing effective ways of teaching and learning as integral components of 'real' research projects. I can offer PhD, Msc, and bacherlor's projects in connection to most of my research projects.

I am passionate about research integrity, FAIR open research practice, research quality, and research communication and impact in society. I an active in research communication and dissemination, and have worked with nature management and conservation authorities in Norway,  with IPBES, and the UNESCO-recognised Heathland Centre at Lygra to explore science-policy links relating to my research.


I am actively communicating popular science and in the science-policy interface in Norway and internationally over topics related to the nature crisis and climate crisis, global change ecology and all things related to mountain biodiversity, equity in science and especially in the natural sciences, open and reproducible science, students in research, and other topics. 

Key current roles and responsibilities in th escience-policy interface: 

2022 –     Member on the COUNCIL ON ETHICS for the NORWEGIAN GOVERNMENT PENSION FUND GLOBAL, appointed by the Norwegian Ministry of Finance. 

2022 – 2023    Member of NATURRISIKOUTVALGET, appointed by the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and the Environment, Norway, to deliver a white paper on nature risks for Norway.  

2019 – 2023    Coordinating Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Panel for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES; thematic assessment of invasive alien species and their control (deliverable 3 (b)) 



I teach the following courses:

BIO 299 - Research practice in biology. In this course, students conduct a small research project under the supervision of a staff member or advanced student at BIO. I am responsible for coordinating and interacting with the student group through the semester, to ensure that they ahcieve 'metascience' skills in ethics, communication, and collaboration.  

Field experiments offer opportunities for student-active research, and my research is test-bed for developing effective ways of teaching and learning as integral components of 'real' research projects. I am passionate about research integrity, FAIR open research practice, research quality, and impact in society. I lead research and education projects that further reproducible research practices, share data, and train students in reproducible practices. 

I can offer PhD, Msc, and bacherlor's projects (BIO299) in connection to most of my research projects.

PhD Supervisory committees (*main supervisor)

2025–          TBD*: Actionable climate and nature budgets ECOBUDGETS

2024–          Peter G. Farsund*: Plant and climate impacts on grassland mycorrhiza FUNDER

2023–          Mika Kirkhus*: Ericoid mycorrhiza in climate responses and feedbacks DURIN

2023–           Nadine Artz*: Range-expander impacts in alpine ecosystems RangeX

2023–           Kristine Birkeli*: Dwarf-shrub roles in climate responses and feedbacks DURIN

2020–           Joseph Gaudard: Global change effects on C fluxes INCLINE and ThreeD

2017–            Lorah Patterson: TransPlant experiments at RMBL, Colorado

2019–2023   Anja M Jacobsen: Developing and testing methods for team learning bioCEED

2018–2022   Ragnhild Gya*: I Indirect effects of climate change INCLINE

2016–2022   Siri Vatsø Haugum*: Drought impacts on heathland ecosystems LandPress

2015–2019    Francesca Jaroszynska* Funksjonelle grupper og biodiversitet FunCaB

2015–2018    Inge Altuizen* Funksjonelle grupper og karbon FunCaB

2013–2017    John Guittar: Klima, planter og mikrober SEEDCLIM

2013–2017    Mari Jokerud*: Effekter av UvB-stråling på planter PARASOL

2011–2016    Tessa Bargmann: Effekter av brann i lynghei Heathland

2011–2014    Siri Lie Olsen: Klima og økologiske interaksjoner SEEDCLIM

2009–2012    Heidi Saure: Introduserte trær og mangfold INVALIENS       

2008–2014    Collins Bulafu: Skogfragmenter i Uganda MATRIX         

2008–2016     Perpetra Akite: Insektmengfold i Uganda MATRIX

2008–2012    Eric Meineri*: Klima og planters 'adferd' SEEDCLIM

2008–2016    Joachim Töpper*: Klima og populasjonsdynamikk SEEDCLIM

2008–2019    Jan Håkon Vikane: Intorduserte treslag i lynghei INVALIENS  

2007–2013    Krishna Shestra*:    Tregrenser i Himalaya

2007–2012    Liv Guri Velle*: Klima og suksesjon etter brann Heathland

2003–2009    Inger Måren*: Frøbanker i lyngheier Heathland


MSc students (*main supervisor)

2023–            Morten Hoel Mikkelsen: Bryophyte water holding capacity DURIN

2023 – 2024  Akounani Phiri: Dwarf-shrub leaf traits in response to drought DURIN

2023–2024    Ingrid Espeland: Seed germination of lowland plants in the alpine  RangeX

2023–2024    Ragnhild Stokka: rait responses to warming and interactions INCLINE

2023–2024    Ingeborg Rønning:The role of data in the deep sea mining debate

2021–2023    Camilla Zernicow: Community responses to warming and interactions  INCLINE

2021–2022    Ruben Tormodssæter*: Dark diversity in the Norwegian mountains   FUNDER

2020–2022   Helene Sandsten: ThreeD: Global change and carbon flux in grasslands  ThreeD

2018–2022   Kristine Birkeli*: Drought effects on seed mass and growth LandPress

2019–2021   Ingrid J Dahle: Seed recruitment and range expansion INCLINE

2019–2020   Lasse SF Søgaard*: Resource allocation INCLINE

2019–2020   Gunvor Skjelstad*: Floral traits along climate gradients INCLINE 

2018–2020   Alexander Vågenes*: Drought effects on carbon flux in heathlands LandPress 

2018–2018   Joris Schwitter*: Seed predation along climate gradients SeedClim

2017–2019   Linn VassvikE: Phenology and pollinator mismatch FINSE

2017–2018   Elisabeth N. Hauge*: Traits during ontogeny LandPress 

2017–2018   William Garcia*: Microbial response to graminoid removal FunCaB 

2017–2018  Victoria GrapeE: Bryophyte traits in response to drought   LandPress 

2017–2018   Silje Östmann*:Phenology and pollinator mismatch FINSE 

2015 – 2018   Jesslyn Tjendra*: Microbial response to graminoid removal  FunCaB 

2015 – 2017   Ragnhild Gya *: Trait and ecosystem services in alpine grasslands FunCaB

2014–2016    Sigrid S. Bruvoll*: Røyk som spirestimulator Heathland

2012–2014    Ynghild G. Storhaug*: Pollinering som økosystemtjeneste     

2011–2013    Berhe Luel* : Brannhistorikk i norske fjell Heathland

2011–2012    Martha Ramirez*: Frøspredning og klima SEEDCLIM          

2009–2012    Mari Jokerud*: Nitrogen og plantemangfold               

2009–2010    Sumal Aryal: Mennesker og mangfold i Himalaya

2009–2010    Astrid Berge*: Spredning og biologisk mangfold SEEDCLIM   

2009–2010    Kristoffer Hauge: Møll i Ugandas skoger MATRIX

2009–2010    Christine Pötch: Klima og ressursallokering SEEDCLIM          

2008–2010    Therese Kronstad: Sommerfugler i Ugandas skoger MATRIX

2008–2009     Øystein Langaker: Strender på Karmøy      

2006–2008     Kathrin Bochmühl: Høydegradienter på Svalbard          

2006–2008     Eva Kittelsen*: Villsau, mat og vekst Heathland

2005–2007     Jan Håkon Vikane*: Solblom på Vestlandet Heathland   

2005–2006     Håvard Nilsen*: biologisk mangfold på øyer Heathland              

2001–2002     Jarngerdur Gretarsdottir: Revegetasjon på Island

Reader opinion piece
Popular scientific lecture
Programme participation
Feature article
Academic lecture
Academic article
Letter to the editor
Popular scientific chapter/article
Website (informational material)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic literature review
Short communication
Interview Journal
Popular scientific article

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


My current research projects (follow links ot web pages): 

INTEREST: INTegrating Ecological Research and Education to fill Societal knowledge needs on the naTure crisis. Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills NORPART project 10096. kNOK 5.000. Role: PI (2024 – 2028) 

NaturASustainable use of Natural Resources in Alpine and mountain grassland ecosystems under global change. NORWEGIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL KSPSAMARBEID24 project 353032. kNOK 6.254. Role: Project participant (2024 – 2028)  

ECOBUDGETSActionable budgets for sustainable climate and nature governance. NORWEGIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL KSPSAMARBEID24 project 352847. kNOK 12.000. Role: Partner (2024 – 2028)  

DURIN: The underappreciated roles of dwarf-shrubs in responding to and influencing global climate change. NORWEGIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL FRIMEDBIO project 325645 (2022 – 2026).     

FUNDER: Direct and indirect climate impacts on the biodiversity and FUNctioning of the UNDERground ecosystem. NORWEGIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL KLIMAFORSK project 315249 (2021 – 2025)

ECoMAP: Modelling Ecological state and Condition Maps to support knowledge-based decision-making in Area management and spatial Planning (ECoMAP). NORWEGIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL KSPSAMARBEID20 project 320602 (2021 – 2024).

RangeX: Mechanisms underlying the success and impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of range-expanding species under climate change. BiodivERsA project 578 (2021 – 2023).   

DYNAMIC: Reducing fire disaster risk through dynamic risk assessment and management. NORWEGIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL BRANNSIKKERHET project 298993 (2019 – 2022). 

ExperTS: Experiments, Traits, Synthesis: Using knowledge from global ecological experiments to validate, assess, and improve trait-based theory. NORWEGIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL INTPART project 287784 (2019–2021).

INCLINE: Indirect climate change impacts on alpine plant communities. NORWEGIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL FRIMEDBIO project 274712 (2018–2021).  

RECITE: Research and Education Partnership in Climate Change Impacts on Terrestrial Ecosystems. NORWEGIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL INTPART project 274831 (2018–2021).