William Shedd Helland-Hansen




Research groups


William Helland-Hansen joined the Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen, in 1997 after 12 years at Norsk Hydro (Research Centre 1985-1995, Production 1995-1997). From 1998 he has been a full professor at University of Bergen and from 2007 an adjunct professor at the University Centre of Svalbard (UNIS).

His research covers a wide range of aspects related to clastic sedimentology. Main research topics are sequence stratigraphy, trajectory analysis, clinoform dynamics, source-to-sink, shallow-marine sedimentation, spatial and temporal structure of basin fills, and coastal change in the 21st century. His research data have been gathered primarily from the Norwegian Shelf and Svalbard. William has participated in many larger projects, as project leader and principal investigator.  Through his career he has been the main supervisor for more than 50 MSc students and 10PhD candidates.  

In addtion to his research, William has a special interest in public outreach connected to  the natural history of his home region. He was the chief editor of the bestseller Naturhistorisk Vegbok, Hordaland ("Natural History Pathfinder for Hordaland") and has been the editor of the follow-up webside grind.no. https://www.grind.no/en. He is currently the editor of a coffee-table book about Norway's 100 finest geological localities, to be published in 2024.


  • Initiator, chief-editor and project leader of the book project Natural History Pathfinder for Hordaland (“Naturhistorisk Vegbok, Hordaland”)(Nord4, 2004) which is a popularised presentation of bedrock geology, quaternary geology, zoology, botany and meteorology, applied to the region of Hordaland, Western Norway. The book contains 568 pages and 1750 illustrations, was published October 2004, and has been a local best-seller (20 000 copies sold).
  • University representative and project participant in the establishment phase for the science centre in Bergen, VILVITE, opened May 31st, 2007. VILVITE is a centre for informal learning with the goal to increase the recruitment to natural sciences. In the project I was in charge of the weather and climate section (one of three focussed themes for the centre), scientific co-editor for all exhibits (about 80) and the editor for all labelling and textual information that went into the centre.
  • Co-editor and from 2013-2020 project leader and editor of the portal of GRIND (http://grind.no/) at the University of Bergen – a new platform and digital gateway to “man and landscape”; a canal to the researchers and the sources of knowledge built on the books Cultural History and Natural History Pathfinders for Hordaland (released December 2016).
  • Co-editor “Ei halvøy i Hardanger” (Nord4, 2013). Stories about nature and culture at Neshalvøya, Hardanger, Western Norway. This book is a close-up look into all aspects of nature at this small peninsula, ranging from plants to animals, geology and cultural history. 150 pages.
  • From 2014 member of editorial board of “Naturen”, Norway’s oldest popular science magazine
  • 2017-2018 Leader of team developing new exhibitions in geology for re-opening of the Natural History Museum, University of Bergen 
  • 2022-2024 Editor of coffee-table book about the 100 finest geological localities in Norway
  • 2021-2023 Main editor of special issue of Norwegian Journal of Geology on the history of the Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen 

GEOV107 (UiB) Introduction to Sedimentology

SDG207 (UiB) Energy transition

GEOV362 (UiB) Integrated tectonics and sedimentology field course

AG323/823 (UNIS) Sequence Stratigraphy - a tool for Basin Analysis

Academic lecture
Popular scientific chapter/article
Popular scientific book
Academic article
Doctoral dissertation
Popular scientific article
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Museum exhibition
Academic literature review
Masters thesis
Popular scientific lecture
Short communication
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Digital learning tools
Thesis at a second degree level

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


Tumushabe, M. W., Helland-Hansen, W., Nagudi, B., Echegu, S., & Aanyu, K. (2022). Quantification of reservoir rock properties (Porosity, Permeability and Vshale) in the reservoir rock units of South Lake Albert Basin, Albertine Rift, Western Uganda. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 185, 104410.

Helland‐Hansen, W., & Grundvåg, S. A. (2021). The Svalbard Eocene‐Oligocene (?) Central Basin succession: Sedimentation patterns and controls. Basin Research, 33, 729-753.

Helland-Hansen, W., & Solem Næsheim, S. (2021). Fra deltasand til sandsteinsklipper: Ny kunnskap fra Svalbards jordhistoriearkiv. Naturen, 145(2-03), 101-111.

Nyberg, B., Helland‐Hansen, W., Gawthorpe, R., Tillmans, F., & Sandbakken, P. (2021). Assessing first‐order BQART estimates for ancient source‐to‐sink mass budget calculations. Basin Research, 33, 2435-2452.

Pellegrini, C., Patruno, S., Helland‐Hansen, W., Steel, R. J., & Trincardi, F. (2020). Clinoforms and clinothems: Fundamental elements of basin infill. Basin Research, 32, 187-205.

Romans, B. W., Fosdick, J. C., Poyatos-Moré, M., & Helland-Hansen, W. (2020). Editorial: Sedimentary System Response to External Forcings: A Process-Based Perspective. Front. Earth Sci, 8, 591420.

Jelby, M. E., Grundvåg, S. A., Helland‐Hansen, W., Olaussen, S., & Stemmerik, L. (2020) Tempestite facies variability and storm‐depositional processes across a wide ramp: Towards a polygenetic model for hummocky cross‐stratification. Sedimentology 67, 742–781

Helland-Hansen, W. (2019) Den store fjellkjededebatten. Naturen, 143(04), 142-147.

Patruno, S., Scisciani, V., Helland‐Hansen, W., D'Intino, N., Reid, W., & Pellegrini, C. (2019). Upslope‐climbing shelf‐edge clinoforms and the stepwise evolution of the northern European glaciation (lower Pleistocene Eridanos Delta system, UK North Sea): When sediment supply overwhelms accommodation. Basin Research.

Klausen, T. G., Nyberg, B., & Helland-Hansen, W. (2019). The largest delta plain in Earth’s history. Geology, 47(5), 470-474.

Aadland, T., & Helland‐Hansen, W. (2019). Progradation Rates Measured at Modern River Outlets: A First‐Order Constraint on the Pace of Deltaic Deposition. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124(2), 347-364.

Klausen, T. G., & Helland-Hansen, W. (2019). Methods for Restoring and Describing Ancient Clinoform Surfaces. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 89(10), 918-918.

Rossi, V. M., Paterson, N. W., Helland‐Hansen, W., Klausen, T. G., & Eide, C. H. (2019). Mud‐rich delta‐scale compound clinoforms in the Triassic shelf of northern Pangea (Havert Formation, south‐western Barents Sea). Sedimentology, 66(6), 2234-2267.

Olaussen, S., Larssen, G. B., Helland-Hansen, W., Johannessen, E. P., Nøttvedt, A., Riis, F., ... & Worsley, D. (2019). Mesozoic strata of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, Norway; a link to the northern Barents Sea basins and platforms. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 98(4).

Aadland, T., Sadler, P.M., and Helland-Hansen, W. (2018). Geometric interpretation of time-scale dependent sedimentation rates. Sedimentary    Geology, 371.32-40.

Klausen, T.G., Helland-Hansen, W., 2018. Methods for restoring and describing ancient clinoform surfaces. J. Sediment. Res. 88 (2), 241–259.

Nyberg, B.B., Gawthorpe, R., and Helland-Hansen, W. (2018). The distribution of rivers to terrestrial sinks: Implications for sediment routing systems. Geomorphology, 316, 1-23.

Nyberg, B.B., Helland-Hansen, W., Gawthorpe, R., Sandbakken, P., Eide, C.H., Sømme, T., Hadler-Jacobsen, F., and Leiknes, S. (2018). Revisiting morphological relationships of modern source-to-sink segments as a first-order approach to scale ancient sedimentary systems. Sedimentary Geology, 373, 111-133.

Eide, C.H., Muller, R., and Helland-Hansen, W. (2018). Using climate to relate water-discharge and area in modern and ancient catchments. Sedimentology, 65 (4), 1378-1389.

Patruno, S. and Helland-Hansen, W. (2018). Clinoforms and Clinoform systems: Review and dynamic classification scheme for shorelines, subaqueous deltas, shelf edges and continental margins. Earth-Science Reviews, 185, 202-233.

Henstra, G.A., Gawthorpe, R., Helland-Hansen, W., Ravnås, R., and Rotevatn, A. (2017). Depositional systems in multiphase rifts: seismic case study from the Lofoten margin, Norway. Basin Research, 29 (4), 447-469.

Klausen, T.G., Muller, R., Slama, J., Olaussen, S., Rismyhr, B., and Helland-Hansen, W. (2017). Depositional history of a condensed shallow marine reservoir succession: stratigraphy and detrital zircon geochronology of the Jurassic Stø Formation, Barents Sea. Journal of the Geological Society, 175 (1), 130-145.

Eide, C.H., Klausen, T.G., Katkov, D., Suslova, A., and Helland-Hansen, W. (2017). Linking an Early Triassic delta to antecedent topography: Source-to-sink study of the southwestern Barents Sea margin. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 130, 263-283.

Helland-Hansen, W., Sømme, T.O., Martinsen, O.J., Lunt, I., and Thurmond, J. (2016). Deciphering Earth’s natural  hourglasses: Perspectives on source-to-sink analysis. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 86, 1008-1033.

Klausen, T.G., Ryseth, A., Helland-Hansen, W., and Gjelberg, H.K. (2016). Progradational and backstepping shoreface deposits in the Ladinian to Early Norian Snadd Formation of the Barents Sea. Sedimentology, 63, 893-916.

Klausen, T.G., Ryseth, A.E., Helland-Hansen, W., Gawthorpe, R., and Lausen, I. (2015).  Regional development and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle to Late Triassic Snadd Formation, Norwegian Barents Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 62, 102-122.

Grundvåg, S.-A., Johannessen, E. P., Helland-Hansen, W. and Plink-Björklund, P. (2014). Depositional architecture and evolution of progradationally stacked lobe complexes in the Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen. Sedimentology, 61, 535-569

Grundvåg, S.-A., Helland-Hansen, W., Johannessen, E.P., Olsen, A.H., and Stene, S.A.K. (2014). The depositional architecture and facies variability of shelf deltas in the Eocene Battfjellet Formation, Nathorst Land, Spitsbergen. Sedimentology, 2172-2204

Sømme, T.O., Helland-Hansen, W., Martinsen, O.J. (2014). Quantitative aspects of stratigraphic onshore-offshore relationships along the western margin of southern Norway: implications for Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic topographic evolution. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 93, 261-276.

Klausen, T.G., Ryseth, A.E., Helland-Hansen, W., Gawthorpe, R., and Laursen, I. (2014). Spatial and Temporal Changes In Geometries of Fluvial Channel Bodies From the Triassic Snadd Formation of Offshore Norway. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 84, 567-585.

Sømme, T.O., Helland-Hansen, W & Martinsen, O.J., 2013, Quantitative aspects of stratigraphic onshore-offshore relationships along the western margin of southern Norway: implications for Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic topographic evolution. Norwegian Journal of Geology, Thematic issue: Onshore-offshore relationships on the North Atlantic Margin; Volume 93, 261-276.

Helland-Hansen, W., Steel, R.J. & Sømme, T.O. (2012) Shelf Genesis revisited. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 82 (3), s. 133-148

Henriksen, S., Helland-Hansen, W. & Bullimore, S. (2011): Relationships between shelf edge trajectories and sediment dispersal along depositional dip and strike; a different approach to sequence stratigraphy. Basin Research 23,3-21

Sømme, T.O.; Piper, D. J. W; Deptuck, M. E; Helland-Hansen, W. (2011). Linking Onshore–Offshore Sediment Dispersal in the Golo Source-to-Sink System (Corsica, France) During the Late Quaternary. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 81.(2) s. 118-137

Sømme, T.O.; Helland-Hansen, W.; Granjeon, D. (2010) Impact of eustatic amplitude variations on shelf morphology, sediment dispersal, and sequence stratigraphic interpretation: Icehouse versus greenhouse systems: REPLY. Geology 2010 ;Volum 38.(6) s. E209-E209

Helland-Hansen, W. (2010): Facies and stacking patterns of shelf-deltas within the Palaeogene Battfjellet Formation, Nordenskiöld Land, Svalbard: Implications For Subsurface Reservoir Prediction. Sedimentology, 57, 190-208

Martinsen, O.J.; Sømme, T.O; Thurmond, J.B.; Helland-Hansen, W. Lunt, I. (2010)Source-to-sink systems on passive margins: theory and practice with an example from the Norwegian continental margin. I: Petroleum Geology: From Mature Basins to New Frontiers—Proceedings of the 7th Petroleum Geology Conference. London: Geological Society, London 2010 ISBN 978-1-86239-298-4. s. 913-920

Helland-Hansen, W. (2009): Towards the standardization of sequence stratigraphy – Discussion. Earth Science Reviews, 94, 95-97.

Henriksen, S., Hampson, G.J., Helland-Hansen, W., Johannessen, E.P. and Steel, R.J. (eds.) (2009): Trajectory analysis in stratigraphy. Basin Research 21 (special issue)

Helland-Hansen, W.  and Hampson, G.J. (2009): Trajectory analysis – Concepts and applications. Basin Research, 21, 454-483

Bullimore, S.A. & Helland-Hansen, W. (2009). Trajectory analysis of the Brent Group (Jurassic), Northern North Sea: Contrasting depositional patterns during the advance of a major deltaic system. Basin Research, 21, 559-572

Helle, K. & Helland-Hansen, W. (2009): Genesis of an overthickened shoreface sandstone tongue: The Rannoch-Etive formations (Mid Jurassic Brent delta), North Sea. Basin Research, 21, 620-643

Henriksen, S., Hampson, G.J., Helland-Hansen, W., Johannessen, E.P. & Steel, R.J. (2009): Shelf edge and shoreline trajectories, a dynamic approach to stratigraphic analysis. Basin Research, 21, 445-453

Ryan, M.C., Helland-Hansen, W., Johannessen E.P. & Steel, R.J. (2009): Erosional vs Progradational margins: the influence of basin physiography on deepwater sedimentation – an example from the Porcupine Basin, offshore western Ireland. Basin Research, 21, 676-703

Sømme, T.O., Helland-Hansen, W., Granjeon, D. (2009). Impact of eustatic amplitude variations on shelf morphology, sediment dispersal, and sequence stratigraphic interpretation: Icehouse versus greenhouse systems. Geology, 37, 7, 587-590.

Sømme, T.O., Helland-Hansen, W., Martinsen, O. & Thurmond, J. (2009) Relationships between morphological and sedimentological parameters in source-to-sink systems: a basis for predicting semi-quantitative characteristics in subsurface systems. Basin Research, 21, 361-387