Research Group for European Law

News archive for Research Group for European Law

BERG has now had its Christmas party, and with that, we want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We look forward to 2023!
Postdoctoral fellow and leader of the research group, Ingrid Margrethe Halvorsen Barlund, will be part of a government-appointed committee that will review and assess the Norwegian Act on Financial Supervision
Four distinguished data protection experts will hold guest lectures this semester. Lectures are open to all interested students.
Four distinguished data protection experts will hold guest lectures this semester. Lectures are open to all interested students.
Professor Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen tiltrer som ny redaktør for det juridiske tidsskriftet Lov og Rett fra nyttår. Han tar over etter professor ved Det juridiske fakultet, UiO, Giuditta Cordero-Moss.
in mid October, Malgorzata Cyndecka and Tim Wyndham of BECCLE met with representatives of the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the European Commission and presented their findings regarding the Authority’s state aid decision on zero VAT rate for electronic news services.
We are honoured and proud to congratulate our colleague Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui. Ignacio has been awarded the “2017 Concurrences PhD Award” for the best thesis of the year in competition/regulation law or economics.
On 22 December 2016, The EFTA Court delivered its advisory opinion, clarifying what is understood to by restriction of competition by object and whether joint bidding may restriction competition by object as a type of price fixing. BECCLE’s Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui’s analysis of the advisory opinion is forthcoming in European Competition and Regulatory Law Review
Endorsments from the public officials can contribute to save state-controlled companies from bankruptcy, in situations where private companies would not survive.
Esmeralda Colombo receives second place in the prestigious Professor William R. Ginsberg Memorial Essay Contest 2016 for her essay titled: ““Enforcing International Law in U.S. Courts: The Law of the Sea Convention at Play in Kivalina.”
Postdoctoral fellow Malgorzata Cyndecka won the European State Aid Quarterly’s award for best PhD dissertation since 2012 within the field of state aid law.
In october 2015 the Finance Market Fund granted a scholarship to finance a Post.doc.-project "Towards more stability, competetiveness and predictebility in the financial sector". The leader of the project is Associate Ronny Gjendemsjø, and the project will be carried out by post doctor Malgorzata Agnieszka Cyndecka.
As a part of his PhD project Stipendiat Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui is visiting the University of Wisconsin in the United States to research the legal regulation of buyer power in US Antitrust Law.
Beccle-associates Christian N.K. Franklin, Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen and Ingrid M.H. Barlund have written the Norwegian report on the topic “Private Enforcement and Collective Redress in European Competition Law” for this year’s FIDE Congress.
