Labour migration and the welfare state

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is Professor in Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen, Norway.  His research and teaching has focused on media and politics, electoral behaviour, and quantitative methodology.  His recent publications include: "Explaining Media Attention for Norwegian MPs: A New Modelling Approach,   Scandinavian Political Studies, 2011, "Do Mediated Political Scandals Affect Party Popularity in Norway?”, in Sigurd Allern & Ester Pollack (eds), Scandalous, Göteborg: Nordicom, 2012; with Stefaan Walgrave, Peter Van Aelst, and Dag Arne Christensen: “ Do the Media Set the Agenda of Parliament or is it the Other Way Around? Agenda Interactions Between MPs and Mass Media”, in Representing the People (eds.) Kris Deschouwer and Sam Depauw .  With Stefaan Walgrave, Peter Van Aelst, and Dag Arne Christensen, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.