SDG Bergen

News archive for SDG Bergen

Earlier this autumn Peter M. Haugan was appointed member of the expert group for the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy. He is now preparing to attend the first meeting - in his hometown Bergen.
The University of Bergen has been announced as part of the International Association of Universities SDG Cluster, with special responsibility and leadership for SDG14, Life Below Water.
At the end of the Norwegian delegation visit to South Africa, Rector Dag Rune Olsen chaired a panel discussing the future of education for global sustainable development.
South African university leader Adam Habib believes that research and innovation must be linked to equality if the goal of a sustainable world is to be reached. In February 2019 he is the opening keynote at Norway's National SDG Conference Bergen.
The University of Bergen has taken on a leadership role on SDG 14, Life below water, for United Nations Academic Impact, and will act to inspire and motivate partners worldwide to create greater knowledge towards a sustainable ocean.
Norway's national Long-term plan for research and higher education has been revised to create a stronger connection between knowledge for sustainable development and scientific advice. SDG Bergen and UiB's leading role is highlighted in the plan.
The Bergen Offshore Wind Centre officially opened on 13 September. For the University of Bergen this is an important part of our contribution to society, according to Energy Director Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa.
How can the university sector engage constructively and critically with the Sustainable Development Goals? This was at the heart of a speech Rector Dag Rune Olsen gave at Maastricht University.
The four serious challenges the Pacific island states face as a result of climate change are sea level rise, drought, food security and ocean acidity levels.
In 2021, Norwegian tall ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl plans to perform its first ever circumnavigation of the world. UiB became the first partner to sign a statement of intent to participate in the circumnavigation and to provide the scientific content.
UiB-researchers Siddharth Sareen and Jakob Grandin were among the speakers at events during the 2018 UN High-level Political Forum in New York.
Director for Energy Kristin Guldbrandsen Frøysa is satisfied that the University of Bergen has been able to present its innovative energy research at the United Nations High-level Political Forum.
At the annual High-level Political Forum at the United Nations, the University of Bergen will participate in workshops and side events. This to make sure that research and knowledge is heard as part of the 2030 Agenda.
How can research and higher education help accelerate the transformation to sustainable and just societies?
Different aspects and paradigms of European asylum policy were presented when the University of Bergen held a one-day migration conference in Brussels.
Small fish have huge potential to alleviate malnutrition and safeguard food security in Sub-Saharan Africa and across the globe. An interdisciplinary project headed by the University of Bergen has been awarded 1 million Euros.
Social anthropologist Edvard Hviding is one of three University of Bergen researchers to receive five years of major funding from the prestigious Toppforsk programme, awarded by the Research Council of Norway, for his project Mare Nullius.
UiB's new Vice-Rector for Global Relations, Annelin Eriksen, chose New York as the destination for her first international trip after being appointed. In New York she met with diplomats and United Nations officials.
