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Exam dates at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Make sure you do not register for courses that have examinations and/or excursion on the same day.

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Important information about written exams

Start time for written exams

Exams are held between 09:00 and 19:00 (excl extra time). The start time is either 09:00 or 15:00. Each exam only has one start time.

Please note that up till 14 days prior to each exam, some written exams may be moved from 09:00 to 15:00 or from 15:00 to 09:00. Please check Studentweb or the exam schedule for your faculty.

Exam dates will not be changed barring any unforeseen circumstances.

Exam locations and room assignment

Exam locations are published 14 days prior to each exam.

Your exact exam location is assigned to you approx. 1 week prior to each exam. You need to log on to Studentweb to see your exact location. It is particularly important to check your exam location in Studentweb if the exam is held in multiple locations to make sure you meet at the correct location. This means that you may be assigned a different location than one of your fellow students.

Students who have been granted special arrangements

Students who have been granted special arrangements need to log on to Studentweb to see their exam location. Special arrangements rooms should be assigned no later than 1 week prior to each exam.

Make sure you do not register for courses that have examinations and/or excursion on the same day.

Some courses may arrange oral exams if the number of students attending the course is low. The date of the oral exam may be different from the date of the written exam.

Digital exam

Be aware that written exams might be digital. With digital exams you need to bring your own laptop on the day of the exam.
Find more information here: https://www.uib.no/en/education/87471/digital-examination

Examination support materials

Permitted examination support materials are listed in the course description.

Use or possession examination support materials that are not permitted will be regarded as cheating. Random checking of examination support materials during the exam may occur.


Please see this website for information regarding which calculators are permitted if calculator is listed as an examination support material: Examinations at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Withdrawal deadline

14 days before the exam date.

On the day of the exam

You must meet at the exam location by 08:45 AM, for digital exams by 08:30 AM.

More information regarding exams at the faculty. The exam location is published at the Studentweb at least 7 days ahead of the examination day.


Autumn semester 2024

Spring semester 2025