Student Pages
Information on exams

Preparing for exams

In addition to preparing yourself academically, you must also remember to check that the computer and login are ready to use at the examination. This is your responsibility as a student.

Main content

For a step-by-step overview of what you must prepare before you sit for an exam:
Use the checklist in UiBtreet

With school examinations, you bring your own computer to the examination. You must prepare your computer prior to the day of the exam.

Before all examinations and submissions you must

Check Studentweb to see that you are enrolled in the courses in which you are going to take the examination (examination registration). If there are problems with your examination registration, please contact the information centre at your faculty as soon as possible.

Please note the following from Studentweb

  • Your candidate number (new for each examination)
  • Your room location (3 days before the examination)
  • Start time of examination (the start time can be changed up to 14 days before the examination)
  • Special arrangements (if you have been granted)

Check your user account at UiB

At the examination, log on to vurdering.uib.no using your username and password. In the days before the examination you must therefore check to see that:

  • Your user account at UiB is active, for example by checking that you can log on to start.uib.no.
  • You remember the username and password of your UiB account. If you have forgotten your password you can change it here at change password. Remember to change your password if you are notified.

It is your responsibility to ensure that this is in order in advance. You will not be able to extend the time of your exam if you get started late because you do not remember your login, or your user account must be activated before you can start the exam.

Check that your computer meets the system requirements

Examination at Home

During an examination at home or to hand in various exercises you can use your privat PC, Mac, IPad or Chromebook. We recommend that you always update to the latest version of the operating system. Please remember to install the update, not just download it.

Your computer must:

  • be online during the exam and for uploading a thesis.
  • Have a browser installed. One of the last two stable versions of the following browsers is recommended: Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari (for Mac)). 

For an examination without Safe Exam Browser, you dan also use one of the large and known distributions of Linus, like Ubuntu, for your exam. We do not recommend experimental Linux distributions and rexperimental browsers.

Be aware of information that might be shared on the course page on Mitt UiB regarding specific progammes to be used during your exam.

School Examination

For written on-campus examinations a lockdown browser (Safe Exam Browser) is used to lock your access to resources on your machine and online. You bring your laptop computer (PC or MAC) on the day of the exam. UiB does not permit tablets, mobile phones or equivalent. 

Your computer must:

  • Have an operating system equal to or newer than Windows 10 or MacOS 10.15. We recommend that you always upgrade to the latest version of the operating system. Please remember to install the update, not just download it.
  • Have a browser installed (one of the last two stable versions of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Edge or Safari (for Mac)).
  • Support wireless network. Log on to Eduroam before the day of the exam. This is the network used in most exam locations. Where necessary, you will be given information about the network in the venue.
  • Have a valid version of the lockdown browser installed (see item "3. Check to see that your computer is ready for the examination"). The lockdown browser is not needed for examiniations at home.
  • In order to install the lockdown browser, you must have administrative privileges on the computer you will use for the exam. It can therefore be challenging to use a work computer for the exam. UiB staff can install the lockdown browser (Safe Exam Browser) for windows from Software Center.

Borrowing a computer?
If you have a computer that does not support the above requirements or you do not have a computer, you can borrow a computer from UiB for the examination (see information under item “Do you need to borrow a computer?").

Check to see that your computer is ready for the examination

School examinations are conducted in a lockdown browser, a simple browser that closes access to resources on your computer and the Web during exams. You are responsible for installing the lockdown browser on the computer you bring to the examination BEFORE the day of the exam. Before each new examination, you must ensure that you have the correct version of the lockdown browser installed on your computer. The lockdown browser used on vurdering.uib.no is called Safe Exam Browser (SEB).

Download and install the lockdown browser as follows

  • Log on to vurdering.uib.no.
  • Go to the tab "Demo tests", find the test "DEMO Skriftlig eksamen på campus / Written Exam on Campus", select "Click here to get ready".
  • Please read the text of the test, go to the bottom of the page under the heading "I have not installed Safe Exam Browser", select "Download", follow the instructions on the screen.

If you have the Safe Exam Browser installed on your computer, you should choose to replace this with a new version if you are prompted to do so when you download and reinstall the browser.

Make sure you have a valid version of the lockdown browser before EACH exam

  • Log on to vurdering.uib.no.
  • Go to the tab "Demo tests", find the test "DEMO Skriftlig eksamen på campus / Written Exam on Campus", select "Click here to get ready".
  • Please read the text of the test, find the SEB password for the test, go to the heading "I have installed Safe Exam Browser", select "Open test in Safe Exam Browser", follow the on-screen instructions.

If in the week before the examination you can complete and "deliver" the demo test, and then close the Safe Exam Browser without error messages, your computer is ready for the examination.

If you are experiencing any problems with installation, please Check that your computer meets the system requirements. See also Frequently Asked Questions.

Get to know the exam system

The better you know the exam system before the examination, the more you can concentrate on the contents of your answer paper on the day of the exam. Take therefore some time to familiarise yourself with the functionality you find in the demo test(s) at vurdering.uib.no.

Do you need to borrow a computer?

If you do not have a laptop computer (see equipment requirements) to bring to a written on-campus examination, you can apply to borrow a computer from UiB. Loaner machines with a secure browser will be handed out in the exam hall when you meet for your examination.

Application form
You apply for a loaner machine for the examination by logging on to the form below, with your UiB username and password, and choosing the examinations for which you want to borrow a computer. Remember to submit your application by pressing the "Send" button. At the top of the same form you will see the exams for which you have been granted a loaner machine.

Application form for loaner machine

Application deadline
The application deadline is one week (5 business days) before the exam date. Should you need to borrow a computer after the deadline, you must make private arrangements. If this is difficult you must immediately contact user support; remember to enter your course code and exam date.

External equipment

If you prefer to use an external keyboard or mouse, you are free to bring it yourself. The equipment must be connected by cable, NOT wirelessly. You will not receive user support for using such equipment during the examination. Preferably test before the examination that you are able to get the equipment to work in demo mode with a secure browser at vurdering.uib.no.

Do you need user support?

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) will provide answers to many issues related to the examination.


IT assistants at BRITA provide user support for UIB students and can help with the installation of a secure browser in advance of the exam day. While technical support will be available throughout the exam, support for the installation of a secure browser must take place before the examination.

If you need further assistance, you can report your problem on UIBhjelp.

External candidates

If you are going to take an exam as an external candidate, you are required to create a UiB user account to be able to log on to the exam system and get access to the examination. For more information see the letter sent to you by the faculty.

If you participate in external courses organised by UiB, you will be given your login information in connection with the examination.