Course of study

Structure of Statistics and Data Science, Bachelor's, 3 years

Bachelor i statistikk og data science (krav 180 SP)
Innføringsemne EXPHIL i 4 semester (krav 10 SP)
Choose minimum one of the courses
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
EXPHIL-MNEKSExamen Philosophicum104–64
EXPHIL-MNSEMExamen Philosophicum104–64
Spesialisering i statistikk og data science (krav 100 SP)
Mandatory course
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
INF100Introduction to programming101–61
MAT111Calculus I101–61
MAT112Calculus II101–62
MAT121Linear Algebra101–62
MAT131Differential Equations101–64
STAT110Basic Course in Statistics101–63
STAT111Statistical Methods101–64
STAT292Project in Statistics101–66
Choose minimum one of the courses
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
STAT210Theory of Statistical Inference101–66
STAT220Stochastic Processes101–65
Spesialisering i statistikk og data science (krav 100 SP)
Mandatory course
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
INF100Introduction to programming101–61
INF161Introduction to Data Science101–63
MAT111Calculus I101–61
MAT112Calculus II101–62
MAT121Linear Algebra101–62
MAT131Differential Equations101–64
STAT110Basic Course in Statistics101–61
STAT111Statistical Methods101–62
STAT292Project in Statistics101–66
Choose two
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
STAT200Applied Statistics101–64
STAT210Theory of Statistical Inference101–66
STAT220Stochastic Processes101–65
Valgfrie emner (krav 70 SP)
Velg fritt emner som til sammen utgjør 70 studiepoeng
Elective course
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
MAT211Real Analysis101–62
STAT200Applied Statistics101–62
STAT201Generalised Linear Models101–62
STAT211Time Series101–62
STAT250Monte Carlo Methods and Bayesian Statistics101–62
Student exchange
Elective course
Study abroad
Study abroad
SP = ECTS credits, S = Semester, R = Recommended semester