
Digital Culture, Master's, 2 years

Technology has an impact on us every single day, but we can also have an impact on technology. At Digital Culture, we take a closer look at how we control and choose technology that can benefit society.
  • TuitionFor non eu/eea citizens
  • Years2 Years
  • Intake9
  • Grade requirementsMinimum C
  • LanguageEnglish
  • ECTS120
  • StartAutumn and Spring

Main content

Velkommen til studiestart på masterprogrammet i digital kultur på Det humanistiske fakultet!

Frammøte: Programmøtet er 15.august kl. 10.15 på HF-bygget, i rom 265

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Har du spørsmål? Ta kontakt med informasjonssenteret på 55 58 93 70 eller på studieveileder@hf.uib.no

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What do you learn? 

Through the Master’s programme in Digital Culture, you learn to reflect critically on topics such as technology history and technology culture, and you gain practical experience with web design and other creative web projects. Current topics for the Master’s thesis can be e-books, selfies, computer games and learning, and digital poetry. 

Digital culture is a field that is developing rapidly and is characterised by methodological pluralism. The methods include algorithmic methods used in coding, historical methods, text analysis and explanatory methods, statistical methods and qualitative data. 

With a Master’s degree in digital culture 

  • You have in-depth knowledge of a central topic within digital culture 

  • You have knowledge of and experience with professional argumentation, discussion and presentation 

  • You know how to produce academic texts at an advanced level 

  • You can use methods and analysis tools that are necessary to complete an independent research project within the subject area you have chosen 

Student life 

As a Master’s student in digital culture, your base will be at the HF building on the university campus in the centre of Bergen. You will have your own reading room space, and work side by side with other Master’s students at the institute. You will become part of a lively, international environment and get to enjoy informal contact with both students and staff members. 

If you want to influence the programme’s development, you can run as a student representative on the Digital Culture programme board for , or create social and academic events as part of the “fagutvalg” (student committee) for digital culture. 

In a normal week, you attend one to two lectures, and spend the rest of the time on self-study. Usually, all classroom activities and assignments are compulsory. In addition, you have seminars and individual guidance. 

The teaching is research-based. This means that the methods, themes and subjects we teach are selected in accordance with relevant, new research at the institute. 

You will also read and do a lot of research on your own. 

What can you work as? 

Our former students work in diverse fields such as 

  • Technology journalism 

  • Web design, teaching 

  • Administration and development of business information systems 

  • Innovation in the mobile service industry 

  • Art 

  • Culture 

  • Programming 

With the rapid technological changes of our time, we not only need people who can program computers; we also need people who understand how technology affects us and who know how to use digital technology to improve society. The Master’s programme in Digital Culture trains professionals who can use technology in a creative way and who can analyse the effects of technological change. 

Admission requirements and application deadline 

Follow these links to find the general entry requirements and guidelines on how to apply:

You will also have to meet the programme specific entry requirements.

All applicants with citizenship from outside EU/EEA must pay tuition fees. 

Study structure 

Semester 1 

Semester 2 

Semesters 3 and 4 


You can go on an exchange stay for one semester. An exchange stay gives you valuable cultural experience, linguistic training, new professional insights and experiences for life. We particularly recommend a stay at one of our partner universities in the NORDPLUS Nordic Digital Culture Network. You can also study at one of the other recommended partner universities. 

Further study opportunities 

With a Master’s degree, you can qualify for further research work; for example, you can take a PhD in Digital Culture. 

Questions about the course? 

Telephone: +47 55 58 93 70 

E-mail: studierettleiar.lle@uib.no 

Study plan 
