
Meteorology and Oceanography, Master's, 2 years

Now, more than ever before, knowledge about Earth’s climate is crucial.
  • TuitionFor non eu/eea citizens
  • Years2 Years
  • Intake13
  • Grade requirementsMinimum C
  • LanguageEnglish
  • ECTS120
  • StartAutumn and Spring

Main content

Welcome to master’s programme in Meteorology and Oceanography and  a study at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences!   

Start-up meeting:  The start-up meeting in autumn 2024 will be on Monday 12 August, 10:15-11:30, at Foredragssalen 200 Geophysical department (Allégaten 70) 2nd floor 

Attendance is mandatory. At the meeting, important information will be given. If compelling reasons make it impossible for you to attend the meeting, send an email to studierettleiar@gfi.uib.no

What to bring with you: Nothing special, but you can bring something to write on if you want to take notes 

Checklist: Follow the steps in our checklist to make sure you’re on track: uib.no/en/checklist . Please also read the supervision agreement for master's studies at the Faculty of Mathematics and natural sciences.

Students with special needs: If you have a disability and need special arrangements, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can find good solutions for you. 

Queries? Please contact your faculty information centre at 55 58 30 30 or send an email to studie.matnat@uib.no.    


  • How can we reach the UN’s sustainable development goal for climate change?  
  • How much time have we got to turn the current development around? 
  • How can we measure the impact of climate change? 

The Master's Programme in Meteorology and Oceanography deals with both the physical and the mathematical description of central atmospheric and oceanographic phenomena, using measurements, experiments, theory and numerical modelling.  

We study the forces that control the movements of the atmosphere and the ocean, including: 

sea ice, central physical processes in the atmosphere and the ocean, the interaction between sea, sea ice and atmosphere, weather forecast, the cycling of nutrients and carbon in the ocean, regional and global climate change. 

As a master’s student in Meteorology and Oceanography, you will be part of the rich history of the Geophysical Institute. The Bergen school of Meteorology was founded here, which laid the foundation that all modern weather forecasting builds on. Bjerknes and Nansen worked here, and the institute is home to the world-leading Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, one of the largest in Europe.  

In Bergen, you will also experience a very mild coastal climate thanks to the Gulf Stream and warm, southerly air currents, resulting in lots of interesting weather. The Arctic and UNIS at Svalbard are also within easy reach from Bergen. 

Student life

At the Geophysical Institute there are at least 25 nationalities including staff, PhD candidates and master's students. We are proud of our excellent social environment: we practice a flat structure with an open, informal atmosphere—as a student here, you are part of a family.   

Social life 

Student life at the Institute is very active, with a host of different activities, both social and academic. 

In a project we call “Ekte data” (“real data”) our students and staff use the Institute’s many climate measurements and observations to develop math problems for primary and secondary schools, and introductory university classes. Through calculations using real data we show how nature can be understood and explained using mathematics. 

You can also practice your communication skills by making videos about current topics, and write for our newsletter. Want to practice your Norwegian? Do you like cake? Join us every Monday for our language practice “cake meet-up"! 

The programme committee is very active, and works to steadily develop the programme. Master’s students are also welcome to participate in renewable energy forum ENERGY LAB


A combination of teaching and learning methods are used in the various courses, including lectures, seminars, work with practical modelling tasks and solving exercises, data exercises, experiments and field trips. Every semester, the students present their theses. You will receive supervision of your master’s thesis, and the presentation of it. You have two semesters to write your thesis, which is worth 60 ECTS. This gives you an opportunity for in-depth exploration of a topic of your choosing. 


Depending on your specialisation, a typical week might look like this: 

You follow 10 lectures and have two (or more) hours of exercises. In addition, there might be group discussions and presentations. As part of your study you might also go on a cruise to a fjord in Norway for 5-8 days, or you might learn how to prepare a field campaign in meteorology depending on the specialisation you choose. 

You have a lot of options when choosing your master’s project in meteorology and oceanography. It can be based on field activities such as a cruise, or purely theoretical and analytical. The choice is yours. 


Many industries depend on accurate predictions and knowledge of weather, climate and our oceans. 

Our graduates have an education that provides a solid understanding of both the physical and the mathematical description of central atmospheric and oceanographic phenomena. They see the big picture and are versatile—they are often proficient in programming, IT and analysis. With this background they are suitable for work in many different roles and businesses. 

International careers are particularly relevant for research on climate, in meteorology or in oceanography. 

Our graduates work in businesses like: 

Furthermore, a MSc might also give competence to enrol in a pedagogical training to become a teacher at secondary school. 

You can continue in academic research by pursuing a PhD

What will I learn?

With a master’s degree in Meteorology and Oceanography, you 

  • can apply modern field instrumentation, theory, programming and/or advanced analysis on geophysical problems 
  • can critically evaluate and discuss data quality and different information sources in geophysics 
  • can formulate, discuss and implement strategies for data and theoretical analysis 

 Full list of learning outcomes


he programme covers two academic years (four semesters) and starts in the autumn.   

Semesters 1 and 2  

You build specialised knowledge through mandatory and elective courses worth a total of 60 ECTS. See the full list of courses below.  


Semesters 3 and 4  

You write your master’s thesis with close supervision and guidance from your supervisor. To find a master’s project, you can choose from available projects, or you can develop your own idea in cooperation with your supervisor. 

See full list of courses

Study period abroad

It is possible to follow courses abroad, but finding courses that fit the structure of this programme is difficult. However, following courses at UNIS at Svalbard is an option for some. 

Admission requirements

Specific admission requirements for the specializations 

The Master Programme in Meteorology and Oceanography has four specializations with specific admission requirements. Read more:


How to apply

Follow these links to find the general entry requirements and guidelines on how to apply:

You will also have to meet the programme specific entry requirements.

All applicants with citizenship from outside the EU/EEA must pay tuition fees. 

The programme has main admission in fall and supplementary admission in spring (application deadline 1 November), if not all spots have been filled in the fall admission. The spring admission does not apply for applicants from outside the European Union/EEA/EFTA.