Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

On Monday December 6, Professor Anne Lise Fimreite and Professor Jacob Aars met commentator in Bergens Tidende, Morten Myksvoll, for an academic conversation on forms of governance in Norwegian municipalities.
“We must equip ourselves to understand how people react and take in information when something new, unknown, and dangerous hits us”, says professor Brita Ytre-Arne, head of the Norwegian-Danish interdisciplinary project Media Use in Crisis Situations (MUCS).
This semester the Media Use Research Group has had its first visiting scholar since the start of the pandemic.
Brita Ytre-Arne and Hallvard Moe paper Doomscrolling, Monitoring and Avoiding: News Use in COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown published in Journalism Studies
On 25-26 November, the annual conference of the Norwegian Anthropological Society was held in Bergen. See pictures from the conference here!
New PhD course dedicated to an investigation of the imaginary projects of technoscience. Candidates of social anthropology and related disciplines are welcome to apply!
In january the Pandemic Centre will offer a two-weeks course for students to learn from the Covid-19 pandemic. The course is open to both PhD-students and Master students from all diciplines at the university.
HCI got it's application for funding granted and will be awarded 3,5 million NOK. The money will go to the project Enabling equipment for research excellence in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
"Now we have lots of new ideas about how we can work on fundamentally applicable research to create innovative insights", says work package co-leader Hallvard Moe.
On Thursday November 11th the Collaboratory was awared the Uglepris, UiB's award for excellence in higher education. – It is important that we dare to think about our role as educator in new ways, says Jakob Olof Grandin, leader of The Collaboratory.
A three year position as postdoc at CET is available. Deadline 1 February 2022.
Are you a student and want to work with a student-led conference or course in Sustainable Innovation at UiB? Apply before 07.11.2021 and join our team at UiB Collaboratory!
Per Lægreid and Tom Christensen write about "The Logic of Appropriateness" in new book celebrating the work of James G. March
Professor Jens E. Kjeldsen writes in this autumn's issue of the American journal Design Issues about "The Rhetoric of Digital Presentation Tools in Politics: The Case of Visual Knowledge in President Obama's Enhanced State Of the Union"
The new project “Media Use in Crisis Situations: Resolving Information Paradoxes, Comparing Climate Change and the COVID-19 Pandemic” has started.
