Faculty of Social Sciences

News archive for Faculty of Social Sciences

Professor Deborah Brautigam is moving on to Johns Hopkins University.
The first semester of the new exchange program at Fudan University in Shanghai is well underway. The semester course give students insights into Chinese politics and development in a global perspective.
"Transitions to parenthood in Europe - A comparative life course perspective" edited by Ann Nilsen, Julia Brannen and Suzan Lewis.
Victor Kaptelinin has, together with Bonnie Nardi, just published a new book on Activity theory in HCI with Morgan & Claypool publishers
Professor Barbara Wasson, Interaction Research Group, has been awarded the contract for the Enabling Technology for Europe 2020 Educational Cluster by Johns Hopkins University, funded by Microsoft Europe. Barbara Wasson is the Education Cluster Research Lead and Øystein Johannessen from Cerpus AS is the Education Cluster Lead.
Professor Victor Kaptelinin has published a chapter on Activity Theory in the Encyclopedia of interaction design
The annual REPLA workshop for phd candidates – call for papers! Deadline for submission of abstracts: 22nd of february.
Professor Lise Widding Isaksen has published the article "Transnational Spaces of Care: Migrant Nurses in Norway" in Social Politics.
Harvard Kennedy School Invites you to an information session to learn about our degree programs, admissions procedures & financial aid opportunities
A PhD course and a conference -- both co-organized by the Department of Geography at the University of Bergen -- will take place between 9 and 11 November.
Having started in August 2010, Bjørn Enge Bertelsen joins the research programme Poverty Politics.
The competition is presented by Academy for International Conflict Management and Peace building of the United States Institute of Peace, the Korbel School at the University of Denver and the Kroc Center at Notre Dame University, Georgia State University
Professor Elise Widding Isaksen and Helle Stenum have contributed with a chapter in the new book: "Politics of Care".
The Norwegian Research Council is funding a student scholarship of 20 000 NOK for the project “Women's fight against violence and for justice in northern Sudan”. The project is based at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI). The application deadline is September 23. 2011.
New this year is the "Sampol Cinema", film viewings for students and staff at Department of Comparative Politics.
Professor II Deborah Braütigam has published an article in the rescent issue of Journal of International Development
Tore Eikeland, the leader of AUF Hordaland and student at the Department of Comparative Politics, died in the tragedy at Utøya on July 22nd.
