University Director's Office
Holberg week 2016

The Nils Klim Seminar: Understanding emissions trading

Lecture by the 2016 Nils Klim Laureate Sanja Bogojević, Associate Professor of Environmental Law at Lund University.

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Main content

The environmental crisis is upon us. Global warming and natural resource depletion are some of its many manifestations –each with detrimental consequences for human societies. The need for urgent action is undisputed. The role for environmental law and environmental law scholarship in this regard is the focal point of this talk.

Respondents to Bogojević are Christina Voigt, Professor of International and Public Law, University of Oslo and Liz Fisher, Professor of Environmental Law, University of Oxford.

Moderator: Sigrid Eskeland Schütz, Professor of Law, University of Bergen.

Sanja Bogojević is Associate Professor in environmental law at the Faculty of Law, Lund University, Sweden. Her research investigates the application of market schemes on the regulation of natural resources, such as water, fish, and air.

Her list of publication include: Emissions Trading Schemes: Markets, State and Law (Hart Publishing 2013). She has studied law at leading universities in the United Kingdom, Germany and Belgium, and she received her doctoral degree at University of Oxford. In addition, Bogojević has been an active researcher in Australia and the U.S. She is a member of Sveriges Unga Akademi, an independent, interdisciplinary forum for some of the most outstanding young scholars within all areas of research.

Citations from the Nils Klim Committee