- E-maillise.bjanesoy@uib.no
- Phone+47 55 58 25 65
- Visitor AddressChristies gate 175007 Bergen
- Postal AddressPostboks 78025020 Bergen
Academic article
- Show author(s) (2023). Public political tolerance of the far right in contemporary Western Europe. West European Politics. 1264-1287.
- Show author(s) (2023). Norwegian citizens’ responses to influxes of asylum seekers: comparing across two refugee crises. Social influence.
- Show author(s) (2023). Negative partisanship and the populist radical right: The case of Norway. Scandinavian Political Studies. 99-120.
- Show author(s) (2021). Political (In)tolerance of the Far-Right: The Importance of Agency. Frontiers in Political Science.
- Show author(s) (2019). Effects of the Refugee Crisis on Perceptions of Asylum Seekers in Recipient Populations. Journal of Refugee Studies. i219-i237.
- Show author(s) (2017). Patterns of Legitimacy on the Far Right. 4. 4. .
Popular scientific lecture
- Show author(s) (2021). The limits of public political tolerance of the far right in contemporary liberal democracies.
Academic lecture
- Show author(s) (2023). Who cares? The acceptability of aggressive behavior in politics.
- Show author(s) (2023). Violence within Parties: Why young men and women react differently .
- Show author(s) (2023). System Support Among Voters, Bureaucrats, and Elected Representatives.
- Show author(s) (2023). Liberal Value Conflicts and Religious Discrimination.
- Show author(s) (2023). Liberal Value Conflicts and Religious Discrimination.
- Show author(s) (2023). Extreme Value Conflicts and Political Backlash. .
- Show author(s) (2023). Extreme Value Conflicts and Minority Exclusion. In panel "Discrimination, Racial Attitudes, and Public Opinion".
- Show author(s) (2022). Scandinavia under magnifier: Populist radical right parties and the end of Nordic exceptionalism?
- Show author(s) (2022). Religion and Extreme Value Conflicts: Islam in Western Europe.
- Show author(s) (2022). Public perceptions of the populist radical right in Norway.
- Show author(s) (2022). Applying the Paradox of Tolerance to the Study of the Populist Radical Right.
Popular scientific article
- Show author(s) (2015). Demokratiske rettigheter og diskriminering. Funn fra tre survey-eksperimenter. Vox publica.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Show author(s) (2019). How and Why the Populist Radical Right Persuades Citizens. 27 pages.
- Show author(s) (2016). What Kind of Challenge? Right-Wing Populism in Contemporary Western Europe. 18 pages.
Website (informational material)
- Show author(s) (2023). Nordmenns holdninger til seksuell trakassering.
- Show author(s) (2023). Nordmenns holdninger til innvandring.
More information in national current research information system (CRIStin)