Natural Resources Management
Do you want to learn more about how to manage natural resources such as water reservoirs, fisheries, forests and animal herds, and how to operate in product and quota markets? Sign up for the free MOOC in Natural Resources Management.
Main content
While there exists much relevant knowledge about natural resources, they are frequently mismanaged, often with dramatic consequences for those involved.
This course helps you build solid intuitive understanding of the theories and principles underlying natural resources. You develop the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed for proper management of for instance climate, water reservoirs, fisheries, forests and animal herds. You also learn how product and quota markets for natural resources work.
Course content
The MOOC is 100 % online course via the course platform Canvas. The course is taught in English, however you can activate automatic translations to other languages.
The course has three chapters concerning resources management and two dealing with markets and policies to deal with commons problems. It utilizes a variety of online teaching tools including animations, videos, quizzes and interactive learning environments with simulators. Immediate feedback to quizzes helps students correct their understanding. Thus, the assignments make up an important part of the teaching material.
- The course is open for everyone and you can study at your own speed.
- There is no tuition fee.
- You can register and start learning immediately at any time within the spring or fall semesters.
- In the spring semester, the course is open from 10 January until 10 June.
- In the fall semester, the course is open from 1 July until 20 December.
- If you are not able to finish the course within one semester, you can sign up again the next semester and start over again.
- There is an upper limit to the number of students. When the limit is reached, self-enrollment shuts down.
NOTE: In the spring term 2024 the course is offered as a MOOC for self-study only. There is no exam and you will not earn any course credits. However, on the last page of the course, there is a certificate that you may print out and use for what it is worth. To reach the last page you have to go through the entire course, page by page, and assignment by assignment.
How to get access?
To self-enroll to the course, there are two different paths:
- If you are a member of the System Dynamics Society (SDS), you may enroll the course here. Use your email address and your SDS password to enroll.
- If you are NOT a member of the SDS, you must first register here. Fill in your name, email address, and create a password. That is all you need to fill in. You do not become a member of the SDS, and it will not cost you anything. Once you are registered, you may enroll the course here
Important: Before you start working, create a bookmark to the home page of the course to make it easy to connect when you later return to the course.
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