Teleconnecting Climate Change
How Arctic Climate Change Impacts Arctic Culture and Impacts Temperate Culture.
Visiting Professor in Archaeology at the University of Bergen, Ezra Zubrow, will hold a series of guest lectures at The Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion between the 12th of April and 3rd of May.
All employees, students and other interested are welcome!
Tuesday, April 26
Teleconnecting Climate Change: How Arctic Climate Change Impacts Arctic Culture and Impacts Temperate Culture
About the Professor
Ezra Zubrow is Professor of Anthropology at the University at Buffalo and the University of Toronto, and is Senior Research Scientist at the National Center for Geographic Information Analysis. He is currently Lady Margaret Beaufort Visiting Professor at Cambridge University.
Prof. Zubrow has written or edited more than 100 scholarly works, and has led over 50 expeditions around the world. He is Director of the International Circumpolar Archaeological Project and in this role has run field programs in Siberia, Northern Canada, and Northern Finland. His research has focused on demographic, ecological, and spatial aspects of extreme environments and climate change.