Digital kultur
Lunsjseminar på Media City Bergen

Å forstå influencere: antropologen Crystal Abidin og NRK-produsenten Natasha Sayer

Crystal Abidin er en antropolog som har forsket på influencere i Asia og Skandinavia. Natasha Sayer er produsent hos NRK med ansvar for NRKs satsning på unge i sosiale medier. De deler erfaringer og kunnskap om hvordan unge i dag bruker sosiale media.

Bilder av Crystal Abidin og Natasha Sayer
Crystal Abidin og Natasha Sayer


Dette lunsjseminaret er et samarbeid mellom Forskergruppen for digital kultur på UiB og Media City Bergen, og er åpent for UiB-ansatte og studenter som medlemmer av Media City Bergen. Påmelding er nødvendig. 

Om foredragene:

Many young people are now vocationally pursuing celebrity on the internet as commercial, cross-platform, and highly relatable Influencers. Influencers are raking in millions of dollars, working with blue chip companies, establishing their own brands, and even effecting change in legal, economic, and social regulation in various societies. In fact, the communication formats of Influencers are so innovative that ailing legacy media formats are learning to brandjack their vernacular participatory cultures to appeal to young audiences. But how did they get here, and how can businesses meaningfully engage with the Influencer industry?

In her talk Crystal Abidin will give a brief history of internet celebrities to understand how Influencers have emerged in the last decade. We will explore how attention and money are generated and circulated in the Influencer ecologies, and learn about the highly creative strategies encultured by Influencers to capture viewer attention in the increasingly saturated market.

About Crystal Abidin: Dr Crystal Abidin is a digital anthropologist and ethnographer of vernacular internet cultures. She researches young people’s relationships with internet celebrity, self-curation, and vulnerability. Her books include Internet Celebrity: Understanding Fame Online (2018), and Microcelebrity Around the Globe: Approaches to Cultures to Cultures of Internet Fame (2019), and her forthcoming books investigate Instagram cultures, Influencer cultures, and the Blogshop industry. She is listed on Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia (2018) and Pacific Standard 30 Top Thinkers Under 30 (2016). Crystal is DECRA Fellow/Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Internet Studies at Curtin University, Affiliate Researcher with the Media Management and Transformation Centre (MMTC) at Jönköping University, and Research Fellow with the Centre for Culture and Technology (CCAT) at Curtin University. Reach her at wishcrys.com

Natasha Sayer is a journalist and producer with more than twenty years’ experience from radio, tv and web productions in NRK. Since 2015 she has worked with the development of NRKs first native YouTube offering «NRK FlippKlipp». The channel has today more than 100000 subscribers and has reached the «lost generation»; digital natives indifferent to traditional TV. Natasha will share her insight in global trends and how they influence Norwegian YouTubers, and give some examples from her last project “NRK 4ETG”.

How to get here:

Media City Bergen has two entrances - Lars Hilles gate 30 and Odd Frantzens plass 5.When entering From Lars Hilles Gate 30, go down the stairs on your right when entering MCB. Veer right and walk towards and through the restaurant area until you reach Tower 3. Event staff will guide you to the Media Lab.If you're entering From Odd Frantzens Plass, turn left after entering MCB and walk towards and through the restaurant area until you reach Tower 3. Tower 3 will be on your left, where event staff will guide you to the Media Lab.

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